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Sit & Go Math Sit & Go Math

09-14-2015 , 04:11 AM
I watched Jason last night on twitch and he were giving some advice to some guy about what should he play, and he said if you are math guy you should play S&G to win at S&G it's simply math...

So I know part poker in every aspect of the game not just s&g.

Can someone told me what did he mean by that and what kind of math is that?
Sit & Go Math Quote
09-14-2015 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by alm1ghty11
I watched Jason last night on twitch and he were giving some advice to some guy about what should he play, and he said if you are math guy you should play S&G to win at S&G it's simply math...

So I know part poker in every aspect of the game not just s&g.

Can someone told me what did he mean by that and what kind of math is that?
icm and push/fold strategy can get one well away into sng. GL!
Sit & Go Math Quote
09-14-2015 , 07:51 AM
An understanding of ICM is basically what he meant. ICM is pretty complicated (which is why SnG grinders study their game with ICM solvers), but I found a picture of the Independent Chip Model that might help with the decision-making process:

Sit & Go Math Quote
09-14-2015 , 08:58 AM
S&G success comes from knowing the math behind push / call / fold ranges, as well as icm calculations (ex/ not busting a big stack when 3 people are super small stacks & there are pay jumps to consider on a final table)

A site that most people use is
Sit & Go Math Quote
09-14-2015 , 11:19 AM
The math part of sit&go sometimes gives you answers you weren't expecting.

Like if you have AA and I go all in, you expect to make a profitable call there. The surprising part is that in sit&go that is not always the case, however impossible that seems. Especially in satellites this can get extreme.

That was an extreme example but in a way all the hands you play in a tournament are effected by that kind of math, chips gained aren't always as valuable as chips lost. This is totally different than cash games where your $1 won will be $1 and $1 lost will be $1.
Sit & Go Math Quote
09-14-2015 , 05:05 PM
Who is this Jason that is so well known that he's simply known by his first name?
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09-14-2015 , 06:10 PM
in a cash game, a fold has EV=0 for your stack size does not change as a result of the fold decision. However, for a tournament, a fold always has +EV since your chips always command a share of the prize pool. For a 9 or 10 man sit'n'go, being near the bubble, the EV math uses the ICM model as others have noted.
Sit & Go Math Quote
09-14-2015 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by sixfour
Who is this Jason that is so well known that he's simply known by his first name?
Not sure if serious, Jason Somerville on the off chance this was legitimate. No idea why hes so much more popular, Elky is streaming the same content right now and has 1k viewers while "Jason" has 20k. Lot's of loyal run it up followers I guess. Either way it's awesome for the game.
Sit & Go Math Quote
09-14-2015 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Wanders
Not sure if serious, Jason Somerville on the off chance this was legitimate
Was serious. The name rings a vague bell but I have no idea what for, I couldn't tell you if he plays cash, donkaments, live. Honestly in poker terms unless you're referring to Doyle you can't just use one name ever, nobody else is close to that level of obviousness that's not ambiguous
Sit & Go Math Quote
09-14-2015 , 07:02 PM
Thank you guy for the links, I will look them up and try to understand the basics of ICM.

sixfour- It's Jason Somerville I thought that most of guy here will know which Jason so I didn't mentioned his last name...

Kelvis- Is that the same for STT S&G and MTT S&G or it's different math?

statmanhal- So is it necessary to use ICM for most of your decisions-moves, or just close to bubble or in the ending of tournament?

Wanders-I didn't watch Elky but for the Jason's stream I can say that is very good, he share some interesting things and you can learn something by watching him. And he play one table which is very important because he can talk about strategy and stuffs, while for examples James Staples play multi table and don't talk to much about strategy and why he made that move...
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