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Should micro's be this hard? Should micro's be this hard?

09-02-2010 , 03:18 PM
Hey, I've been out of the whole poker scene for about 8 months maybe I got bored or couldn't handle the downswings Idk, whatever it was I decided to pick it up again and rather than deposit I'm playing through an affiliate on Everest. Never been on the site before but I got $50 and started grinding the .1/.2c games, anyway I'm starting to see stats pop up more and more frequently like 18/20, 23/23 one guy even had 0/0 on a 6 max game! (32 hands)

Is this right? I remember when I first started playing on pstars I'd see stats like 80/50 as the standard. Maybe It's the site? It takes almost zero traffic which is super tilting as I love sng's and they're always dead.

can anyone tell me if this is the norm on the bigger sites like FT, Stars?

I just can't figure out why my 1c 2c games are full of TAG's and nits!
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 03:20 PM
It must be the site. Pokerstars 1c2c is not nitty, its loose as hell, even at full ring most players will have at least a 30% vpip, its like play money.

Go to pokerstars, its a much better site then everest in a million different ways.
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 03:23 PM
Yeah I know I love Pstars but I'm playing through an affiliate site, they give me the money on the condition that I play and earn FPP's on a specific site (everest)

Sucks but I have no bankroll to speak off atm so I have to make do.
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 03:27 PM
Much lunacy at Party Poker 2nl too.
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by TypicalProtest
I just can't figure out why my 1c 2c games are full of TAG's and nits!
Do they suck playing the later rounds? If so they can preflop how they want
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by sputum
Do they suck playing the later rounds? If so they can preflop how they want
Yes but so do I :P
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by TypicalProtest
Yes but so do I :P
well all you have to do is suck somewhat less than them. If all it took was playing well preflop it wouldn't be much of a game
If you don't think you can beat them already, work out how. What do they do wrong? That kind of thing.
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 04:48 PM
No money in Poker, everyone's solid.
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 04:49 PM
I've played over 100k hands at Everest 6max 25NL-50NL in the last 3 months. The average 25NL table I was sittin at was something like 2 tag guys (19/16), some looser guys (28/16) and on average one big fish, (for example 40/8), that is a standard table at 25NL and I can't imagine how 2NL could possibly be harder.
I checked the lobby and i saw like 15 6max 2NL going on with 40%+ players to the flop. You should just table select a little better I think.
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by sputum
Do they suck playing the later rounds? If so they can preflop how they want

Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 05:02 PM
I dropped down to 2NL cash games recently (at Full Tilt) after playing tournaments only for the last two years. The players, on average, are definitely tighter. Are there rakeback pros 16-tabling at 2NL? It really looks that way. Maybe they live in Thailand where you can survive on 80 cents a day.

You should invest the $55 for Hold'em Manager, even at 2NL. It sucks big time to stack off with AK or QQ against a 6/5/1 nit. Enough 70/40 players still pop up so that 2NL is profitable, though. You just have to spot them early, and gamble with them.

Playing at night (US time) makes a big difference too. Afternoon players are fairly nitty, and early morning players are absolute rocks. It's just like the live games in my area.

But at least in live games you can go into the casino, look at all the gray-haired old farts sitting there, and just leave. Online, you need your HUD to spot the nits. Buy it if you haven't already.
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 05:07 PM
I had to move back down to 2nl on stars lately and the tables are full of tight nits. I just did a quick look at my PT player stats on the first 75 players on my ist for 2nl. only 8 of those 75 had vpip over 50 and 52 of them had vpip less than 25.

From what I noticed it seems to me a lot of shortstackers, buying in fur the min, doubling up and leaving. It's rare to find a table at 2 nl with more than 3-4 full stacks and/or 3-4 loose players.
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 06:12 PM
Being good or bad at poker is of course all relative but micros stakes still look terrible to me. Taught friends at 0.10 0.20 and the games were just awful ( on stars). Plenty of fishes still around you may just have to look a bit harder
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 06:21 PM
Change sites, maybe fewer nits
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Aabelno
But at least in live games you can go into the casino, look at all the gray-haired old farts sitting there, and just leave. Online, you need your HUD to spot the nits. Buy it if you haven't already.
Some of the most exploitable people, live and online, are bad nits and gray-haired old farts.

Less second-guessing yourself, more play. Cold day in hell that 2nl is a difficult game. Profit is not a goal when you're just learning. It will come naturally through good play. You don't need a HUD, you need to play fewer tables and play well. Great chance to learn how to counter almost any kind of opponent.
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by DamienT
No money in Poker, everyone's solid.
true, get used to it
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 07:06 PM
Less second-guessing yourself, more play. Cold day in hell that 2nl is a difficult game. Profit is not a goal when you're just learning. It will come naturally through good play. You don't need a HUD, you need to play fewer tables and play well. Great chance to learn how to counter almost any kind of opponent.

Observe how people play, figure out the best way to exploit their mistakes, build a bank roll, and then move up. The important thing is: don't fool yourself into thinking the higher limits are easier.
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
09-02-2010 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by sweeng8
Being good or bad at poker is of course all relative but micros stakes still look terrible to me. Taught friends at 0.10 0.20 and the games were just awful ( on stars). Plenty of fishes still around you may just have to look a bit harder
wanna know how i know your lying?

there is no 20nl stars game
Should micro's be this hard? Quote
