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Should I take a shot? Should I take a shot?

09-09-2011 , 02:27 PM
Okay, so all this wcoop talk has made me seriously consider taking part in this $109 event tomorrow. I usually play anything between $2 - $10 so this would be a major step up for me. My results have been pretty solid at these limits with about $5k won over the last couple of months since switching from full tilt but I never really move up. I need this cash to live aswell so I never leave anymore than $300 in my account.

So I've been thinking about doing this tomorrow because I think I can get my sister to stake me half of fees and I planned on splitting 60/40 my favour(is this fair?)

$109 wcoop event 19
$22 big 22 (have a ticket from the store)
$5.50 big 5.50
$3.30 sat micro

I only play 4 tables at a time so this is plenty for the day. Do you think I should take a shot at it?

Also does anyone think I will be out of my depth?
Any thoughts on the 60/40 split?
Should I take a shot? Quote
09-09-2011 , 02:37 PM
Your sister is foolish to take any less than a 70% cut and if I were her I wouldn't take less than 85%. One time staking deals are hard to profit from, even moreso when you're dealing with a 20,000+ person field and a crapshooty structure.

If you don't really care about the money then it's fine to take a shot but from looking at things in terms of expectation you'd be doing yourself a lot more good by loading up some $2.50/180 man sng's and learning about those/learning to play more than four tables at once.
Should I take a shot? Quote
09-09-2011 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by CBorders
Your sister is foolish to take any less than a 70% cut and if I were her I wouldn't take less than 85%. One time staking deals are hard to profit from, even moreso when you're dealing with a 20,000+ person field and a crapshooty structure.

If you don't really care about the money then it's fine to take a shot but from looking at things in terms of expectation you'd be doing yourself a lot more good by loading up some $2.50/180 man sng's and learning about those/learning to play more than four tables at once.
We are splitting fees 50/50 so should I not take a slight commission if I was to cash over the 4 tourneys?
As regarding playing more than 4 tables at once, I'm comfortable playing 4 at once and my results are good.
Should I take a shot? Quote
09-09-2011 , 03:15 PM
Oops, for some reason I thought your sister was paying the entire buy-in. The 60/40 cut for 50% of the entry is fine.

What does "my results are good" mean? Playing only four tournaments at a time you'd need to play every day for a few years before your sample would be statistically significant.
Should I take a shot? Quote
09-09-2011 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by CBorders
Oops, for some reason I thought your sister was paying the entire buy-in. The 60/40 cut for 50% of the entry is fine.

What does "my results are good" mean? Playing only four tournaments at a time you'd need to play every day for a few years before your sample would be statistically significant.
Got a sample of about 600 games in last 2 months on stars with over $5k in profit. I know it's not a large sample but have made a few big cashes in there along with a few 180's too. Obviously will increase volume as time goes by but just thought this might be worth a shot as it only comes around once a year.

whoknows00 on sharkscope, there's a sample of about 600 hu hypers there aswell with very little profit.

Will this event attract non reg's for that buy in like myself?
Should I take a shot? Quote
09-09-2011 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by paulok
Will this event attract non reg's for that buy in like myself?
For sure.

Don't know if you're +EV in the tourney, but take a shot if you fell like it... Just don't be mad at yourself if you don't cash.
Should I take a shot? Quote
09-09-2011 , 05:15 PM
Think I will now that I think about it, only covering half of buy ins for the day. Talked to my sister so it's not gonna cripple my roll and even decided we'd split 55/45 cos it's my first shot.

A bit of experience with some staking/backing and it will take some of the weight off so I can play my best game. I'll let you's know how I get on.
Should I take a shot? Quote
09-09-2011 , 05:36 PM
honestly i don't mind the shot at the big 22. but i really don't think playing in a $109 tournament with a huge field and a $300 BR is very smart considering you need the money to live. the variance in a tournament with that many runners is insane. not to mention it's a possibility you might play with scared money, as you're not used to the buyin -- and the competition will be tougher than your used too.

you seem like you're a winner at the smaller MTTs so i'd be grinding if i were you until i have a sufficient BR to take such shots. if you were doing this for fun, and had money to blow, i'd say go for it.
Should I take a shot? Quote
09-09-2011 , 05:47 PM
When you fail to cash, how many days will it take to recoup the $109?
Should I take a shot? Quote
09-09-2011 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
When you fail to cash, how many days will it take to recoup the $109?
It's not a problem tbh. My sister is staking half for the day so my roll is only down $70 from the $300. I'm playin mainly $2 - $5 buyins with a few between $5 - $10 and I will be comfortable enough I think. As I said with some of the pressure off I think it'll be good for me. Wish me luck.
Should I take a shot? Quote
09-09-2011 , 08:07 PM
I would say no... but im a bankroll nit.

I would say you should look to satellite in... you seem to have a large edge at $10 tourneys so why not use that edge?
Should I take a shot? Quote
