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Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888?? Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888??

10-25-2011 , 09:56 AM
Hi i play NL FR and basically I played slightly winning poker at stars (2nl) 4.5BB/100 over ~9k hands. Then I switched to 888 over summer because i heard the games were so so much softer and i would be able to move up faster. This seems to be true ive played 4.5k hands and im winning 18BB/100 at 2nl and at 6nl, 6BB/100 over 10k hands (including the first 2k hands where i was getting used to a higher limit and loosing).

Now however I am taking shots at 10nl (not doing great but hopefully improving) and have the goal to get to 25nl by summer/the end of summer.

My question is although there are plenty of 10nl games running at 888 they arent that loose and players/flop seems to be about the same as back on stars. Also i have been checking out the VIP calculator on the stars site and it says that i would get (playing 9 hours/week, 6 tables of 10nl FR) $625 in bonuses in 2011 and $3k!!! in 2012 now this seems unbelievable as the bonuses on 888 arnt great. Finally the 20nl games at 888 seem pretty tough and there arnt that many.

So since the reason i moved to 888 was because of the bad players at 2nl and 6nl, and im now playing 10nl so that doesnt matter and because of the great bonuses at stars and because im going to have to move back at 25nl anyway, should i move back to stars now, or wait for 25nl? or will the level of player at stars 10nl be a lot higher than a 888 10nl player?

Thanks, I know it might have been hard to understand!
Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888?? Quote
10-25-2011 , 12:33 PM
calc is wrong
Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888?? Quote
10-25-2011 , 01:26 PM
The calculation isn't wrong, the results are just a little bit skewed by the value what you can spend your FPP points on.

At the bottom of the graph on "Step 3" by default I think it's set to "Tournament Tickets & FPP Sats". In very basic terms your FPPs are monopoly money because they are simply based on the value of a buy in. Yes its the highest value of FPPs, doesn't mean its the greatest return. As you drop down the VIP reward bonuses you'll notice that the value of your FPPs drop by about 30%.

It depends on what your planning to use your FPPs on and how good you are at using them if you get my meaning.
Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888?? Quote
10-25-2011 , 01:29 PM
When you're looking fo softer games at2NL, something isn't right...
Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888?? Quote
10-25-2011 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Paul7340
or will the level of player at stars 10nl be a lot higher than a 888 10nl player?
If you mean amount of players on each site playing 10nl, then there's probably going to be alot more players playing 10nl on stars than 888.

On the main questone I would say move back to Pokerstars, Pokerstars might be harder to play on as there's alot of good players. but if you only play against fish/bad players on 888 then how are you going to learn to play against good players?
Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888?? Quote
10-25-2011 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by NovaA
If you mean amount of players on each site playing 10nl, then there's probably going to be alot more players playing 10nl on stars than 888.

On the main questone I would say move back to Pokerstars, Pokerstars might be harder to play on as there's alot of good players. but if you only play against fish/bad players on 888 then how are you going to learn to play against good players?
What makes you more money at the micros playing good against a good player or playing good again a fish?
888 is a betting site, so therefore you will find a higher number of players willing to gamble their money away (see the Push Or Fold tables) compared to PokerStars. IMHO I think you should stay at 888 until you get a roll to play NL25, and only then you should start thinking of moving to stars, since you dont have that many NL20 tables running at 888. But I would come back to play NL50 @ 888 :P
Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888?? Quote
10-25-2011 , 03:47 PM
Yeah stars full ring is dead from 50nl+
Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888?? Quote
10-25-2011 , 03:51 PM
Didn't 888 just up their rake to something ridiculous??? I read 7.5% from 5%. Seems like a joke to me, yeah the playing field is softer but paying 50% more rake is ****.
Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888?? Quote
10-25-2011 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by AntiHer0
Didn't 888 just up their rake to something ridiculous??? I read 7.5% from 5%. Seems like a joke to me, yeah the playing field is softer but paying 50% more rake is ****.
Thats crazy rake if thats true. Go back to stars regardless
Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888?? Quote
10-25-2011 , 07:16 PM
As far as I know the 888 rake has not recently increased (apart from, perhaps, for players in certain European countries where the govt has interfered). It's still higher than Stars' rake, however, and the rewards scheme is pretty stingey.
However, if your bb/100 figure on 888 is considerably higher than it is on Stars, it's gonna be more profitable to play on 888. You need quite a lot of hands before your figures can really be trusted, but mine make it clear that - for me - 888 is much more profitable. (I'm running at -4bb/100 on Stars, but was +13bb/100 on 888. Even with attainable "stellar rewards" on Stars, it's pretty clear that I'm breaking even at best on Stars, but profiting on 888). I'm currently clearing a deposit bonus on Stars (which makes it worthwhile to continue for a few more weeks), but then I'm going back to 888.
Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888?? Quote
10-25-2011 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by MMD
Yeah stars full ring is dead from 50nl+
I'm hoping this was sarcastic. As I type there are >100 full NL50, >100 full NL100 and >50 full NL200 FR tables on stars.

When you're looking fo softer games at2NL, something isn't right...
Very true
Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888?? Quote
10-25-2011 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by denks
I'm hoping this was sarcastic. As I type there are >100 full NL50, >100 full NL100 and >50 full NL200 FR tables on stars.
I am not talking about quantity of games. I am talking about quality.
Should I move back to Pokerstars from 888?? Quote
