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12-06-2012 , 06:39 PM


Points standings are posted here:

Link to SHENANIGANS scoreboard

Mike's High Hand Jackpot is NOT in effect, due to Merge P2P transfer restrictions. The total stands at $43. I will consider different means of reassigning the funds.

Thursday SHENANIGANS - $0 Rake!!
Limit Badugi
21:15 EST
RPM Tournaments ---> Special ---> Stud, Draw & Mixed ---> Badugi
Password is: supbro


Sunday SHENANIGANS - $0 Rake!!
21:15 EST
RPM Tournaments ---> Special ---> Stud, Draw & Mixed ---> Mixed Games
Password is: supbro
Winner of this game names the game for the next Thursday SHENANIGANS


Watch for Bumblebee's upcoming post about SHANOOBIGANS


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12-07-2012 , 11:03 AM
Thursday Limit Badugi Results:

1. Mike
2. Doc

Bubble: Brent
12-10-2012 , 04:35 PM
Sunday HORSE Results:

1. Bona
2. Mike

Bubble: Doc

Bona has chosen LHE for Thursday. Idk what more we need to do to get moar of you guys in the game. Although turnout was decentish at 6 players. It was only 4, but then 2 more guys saw how soft the field was and late regged.
