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Shallow/Deep stack strategy training Shallow/Deep stack strategy training

01-06-2012 , 10:46 PM
Hey, does anyone have any good resources on how to play effectively according to your and your opponent's stack sizes? I'm looking to learn how stack sizes change the dynamics of the game because as of right now I don't really have a good understanding of the differences in stack sizes. Looking for an online video or some good articles. I found a couple things searching on google but didn't find anything in depth really.

Btw, I play 6max cash games.

Shallow/Deep stack strategy training Quote
01-07-2012 , 01:19 AM
To get an idea of opponent's ranges when they are playing short stacked (20bb) or medium stacked (40bb), see the articles on SSS and MSS here:

You'll note that a very nitty style is recommended, basically consisting of pairs and big aces.
What you should note when colour-coding or taking notes on players at your table is whether they are good short stackers (following the "unexploitable" strategies detailed above) or bad short stackers. Bad short stackers are often just loose players that don't auto-top up when they lose, so they have ridiculous stack sizes like 27bb. They tend to shove with any ace or even complete junk. "Good" short-stackers are much more choosy about which hands/flops they will commit to, auto top up, and immediately rathole after even a small win.
Shallow/Deep stack strategy training Quote
01-07-2012 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
...often just loose players that don't auto-top up when they lose, so they have ridiculous stack sizes like 27bb. They tend to shove with any ace or even complete junk. "Good" short-stackers are much more choosy about which hands/flops they will commit to, auto top up, and immediately rathole after even a small win.
So true about the short stackers. I've been thinking twice about shipping AKs/os from the reading and analyzing I have been doing about the hand, flatting more and not 3/4betting so much, but with what people shove with in the uNL games is crazy, makes it hard not to be +EV shipping AK all in PF against the "average range" some of these guys shove with.

And thanks for the link, will definitely read.
Shallow/Deep stack strategy training Quote
01-07-2012 , 09:11 AM
If the guy has only played 3 hands in two hours, dont ship it with AK - just call IP or 3bet OOP. If they have played a bunch of hands, dont auto top up etc - try and get all in pre. I have seen some shocking calls like J3s, K8o etc etc
Shallow/Deep stack strategy training Quote
01-07-2012 , 02:57 PM
Don't call raises preflop with so called 'good' shortstackers still to act behind you. The squeeze shove with any decent hand against two deep stacks is their gravy train. If one of you folds, they get it all in with usually decent equity and dead money in the pot. If you both fold, they win 7.5-9.5bb for free. If you both call the shove, now you're playing a 60bb pot on the flop with a hand that probably wants to be playing a 10bb pot (or else you would've 3bet, ducy?), so one of you is likely to fold your equity on the flop, giving the shortstacker a free edge.

When you're raising with them behind you can make your raise smaller, ie 2 or 2.5bb instead of 3 or 4, so that a) its less attractive for them to shove over your raise and b) the SPR is bigger on the flop.
Shallow/Deep stack strategy training Quote
01-07-2012 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by chad0x00
If the guy has only played 3 hands in two hours, dont ship it with AK - just call IP or 3bet OOP. If they have played a bunch of hands, dont auto top up etc - try and get all in pre. I have seen some shocking calls like J3s, K8o etc etc
So, you are saying to call a 3bet IP with AK and 3bet AK OOP? Do I flat if i get 4betted or toss the hand to a 4bet? All villain dependent of course.

And against a spewing whale that is pretty noob try to get it all in PF?
Shallow/Deep stack strategy training Quote
01-08-2012 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by DarkBrew
So, you are saying to call a 3bet IP with AK and 3bet AK OOP? Do I flat if i get 4betted or toss the hand to a 4bet? All villain dependent of course.
And against a spewing whale that is pretty noob try to get it all in PF?
Villain dependent, as you pointed out. AK is sometimes a tricky hand to play. In position against an early position open from a reg/nit, it's best to flat, as you're often against QQ + AQs+, but against opens from other positions, you can usually raise for value and to take the initiative on the flop.
Against a complete moron, I'm happy to get it all in pre-flop.
Yesterday, for example, I opened AKs in middle position, and the guy behind me who was playing 56/24/20 3-bet shoved 45bb. I snap-called with a big smile on my face, and started laughing out loud when he flipped over 85s. Naturally, he turned a straight, while I hit 2 pr, and lost half my stack, but I'd make the same play every day of the week, against that villain. If a 10/3/1 shortstack nit had 3-bet me, I'd often fold. Those parasites can take 3 big blinds off me pre-flop once in a while, but I'm not giving them a free double up everytime they have aces.
Shallow/Deep stack strategy training Quote
