Hello all. First off just would like to introduce myself as this is my virgin post, been a lurker for a few months and ready to bring my online game to the next level so figured I'd become active within the 2+2 community.
For starters I have always fared much better playing live than on line (Burkilonious on PokerStars), I generally stick to low stakes because I'm not in a position to be playing with a 4-figure roll.
Generally I play at the Casino near my home (Lac Leamy Hilton is Gatineau Quebec Canada) where I play $1/$2 NLHE . I am more of a recreational player but I seldom have losing sessions when I play, even if I'm just raking in $100 or something.
Looking to play more games online, and looking forward to learning more from the 2+2 community.
But let's get to the point ...
Myself and about 5 other poker friends are making our first trip to Vegas next week to play poker for the most part and just enjoy ourselves.
My main questions:
1. Where's the best poker environment in the city
2. Where can I find .50/1 NLHE (just a preference)
3. Best place to grab inexpensive great food
4. Common mistakes to avoid??
5. Best daily tourny (no RB/AO) thats $125 max buyin
Hope someone can help!