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Is it really worth it? Is it really worth it?

08-23-2009 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by IamPro
lol I think you are confusing Hellmuth with Harrington
@#$%% helmouth!!!!

Which of helmouth's books provide the best laughs?
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-23-2009 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Vortex
you shouldnt be playing poker yet .
The first time I played for real money, I was 17, but forget me, I'm just a random player who can beat nickel/dime limit holdem and is currently working on 10 cent/20 cent limit holdem.

Let's look at some poker superstars. According to Wikipedia, Tom Dwan started his online career at the age of 17. From what I've heard, Phil Ivey was playing in casinos before the age of 17.

I don't see any logic behind your statement.
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-23-2009 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by alex8246
The first time I played for real money, I was 17, but forget me, I'm just a random player who can beat nickel/dime limit holdem and is currently working on 10 cent/20 cent limit holdem.

Let's look at some poker superstars. According to Wikipedia, Tom Dwan started his online career at the age of 17. From what I've heard, Phil Ivey was playing in casinos before the age of 17.

I don't see any logic behind your statement.
yeah im sure phil ivey and tom dawn were posting on the internet if it was really worth it ? some KIDS have a good mind that has maybe matured abit faster .

but if ur 17 and asking this kind of stuff do you really think we are directing him in the rite place? i was just taking the piss out of him to start with and i would just look to keep the united states laws in place. which clearly show you must be 18 to play , and it also states @ poker stars and fulltilt you must be 18 to deposit and play with real money. i just would not like to see illegal happenings happening here in our poker community

but if i was you ild go tell durrr and phil ivey to watch out because this kid who dosnt even know if its worth it is coming to get them .
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-23-2009 , 11:27 PM
I don't think anyone was advocating that the law be broken. Presumably, he is starting in 5 days because that is when he will be 18.

His question may indicate a natural tendency to laziness, or it may indicate a limited bankroll that will be adversely affected by the expenditures required for books and software. The fact that he chose to come to this site and ask the question indicates that he is looking to perform well and learn and that should be encouraged.
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-23-2009 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by BadSquire
I don't think anyone was advocating that the law be broken. Presumably, he is starting in 5 days because that is when he will be 18.

His question may indicate a natural tendency to laziness, or it may indicate a limited bankroll that will be adversely affected by the expenditures required for books and software. The fact that he chose to come to this site and ask the question indicates that he is looking to perform well and learn and that should be encouraged.
beautiful question to be asking is all the stats and tracking really worth it. look carry on im not here looking to flame a argument or anything carry on talking abot to next phil ivey .

(yes it is great when people come to this site and ask questions but not stupid questions like this ) im sure it is just as encouraged as people asking if they should play pro nlh or plo . but hey it sure gives us a laugh?
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-23-2009 , 11:37 PM

Taking the piss out of him, and saying what you said because of The Law... that, I can understand.

However, with all the kids getting drunk, getting high, etc, I think the legality of teenagers playing poker is past the point. Not to mention all the underground games out there, which break the law.

Now I can see where you're coming from, though. The guy's 17, trying to do something extremely hard, and already questioning it. However, he won't be the first person to chase a dream at a young age, and he won't be the last, especially in poker. And a lot of those people who have chased have caught what they were looking for.
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08-24-2009 , 12:24 AM
then all the very best to him -_-.

no harm done . just gets funny after u become a real 2+2 lurker and have nothing better to do but read some of these posts -_- my bad
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-24-2009 , 01:25 AM
I say, yes it is worth it. I sometimes question it myself, especially on days like today when I lost 2 buy ins within 10minutes of playing, after a great couple of days. I am 19, and my goal is to be living off of poker within a year, I currently play at $.05/.10 and putting a lot of hours in as well as studying the game. But my motivation is that i love this game, i would love to be able to live off of playing it and actually do something i like, something not many people can say, and hopefully have a fricking awesome lifestyle once im really good so i say, go for it!
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08-24-2009 , 01:26 AM
winning more money is more fun and depending on you is 'worth it'
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-24-2009 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by BarrySanders
can anyone confirm?

and from just skimming this thread I have a new found dislike for the Steelers...hmmm wonder why???

Could stare at that avy all day...Henderson for prez
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-24-2009 , 06:21 AM
I know a few players who have big winrates playing 10 tables at midstakes without using stats.
Yes, it is possible - but they are exceptions.. as it is tremendously hard and requires a long way of studying the game.
Don't believe you can start out crushing the games without any lecture of theoretical topics and help of stats.
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-24-2009 , 02:41 PM
Okay. I'm sorry for addressing this question. I know it is STUPID to some of you. It's not that I'm questioning poker by any means. I'm going to do it no matter who tells me what. I was just seeing what some people had to say from their past experiences, regrets etc. I'm not completely illiterate either I have read books and I do understand concepts. I was just asking if all of these books seem to be worth it. And I will get harrington's stuff if you all speak this highly of him. I never really took a liking to him but I'll just have to see for myself. Thank you to everyone who TRIED to help and everyone that said "why are you helping people like this". F**K yourselves =)
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-24-2009 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by TonyTilt
Okay I am a 17 year old aspiring player. And I was wondering it this really worth it? By this i mean all of the different ways of calculating EVERYTHING. Back in the day there was NO online poker and NO way of talking about all this. Isn't is possible to learn like the old time greats? Yeah who doesn't own super system and others but is there really a reason to go beyond that? Do I need everything about every stat online?
You know, prior to 1960 or so, hockey players didn't wear masks.

One should look at the tools available, evaluate them and apply which of those tools work best for them. To disregard a tool merely because it was once not available is foolish.

Or, to quote Chris Rock, "You can drive a car with your feet if you want to. That don't make it a good idea."

Is it really worth it? Quote
08-24-2009 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by bodhisoma
You know, prior to 1960 or so, hockey players didn't wear masks.

One should look at the tools available, evaluate them and apply which of those tools work best for them. To disregard a tool merely because it was once not available is foolish.

Or, to quote Chris Rock, "You can drive a car with your feet if you want to. That don't make it a good idea."

I like this
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-25-2009 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by TonyTilt
Okay I am a 17 year old aspiring player. And I was wondering it this really worth it?

By this i mean all of the different ways of calculating EVERYTHING. Back in the day there was NO online poker and NO way of talking about all this. Isn't is possible to learn like the old time greats? Yeah who doesn't own super system and others but is there really a reason to go beyond that? Do I need everything about every stat online?

I think the rest of this threads started to become omfg tl;dr to bother with drama...

The answer is of course, yes, this is a "race to the top" sorta game too...there's some sick graohs out there, brilliant play and hand reading and all the rest of that" hitting a donkament and getting rolled, working your way up through the limits, saying "**** it, i'm not gonna work and just do this for cash" . . . ldo

nobody can get in you to make you do what you have to do to do it, when you have to do it...if you can overcome that, then yes, you can do it, ... knows?

"It's not possible" does not compute with "people have done it"

blah blah blah
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-25-2009 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by bodhisoma
Or, to quote Chris Rock, "You can drive a car with your feet if you want to. That don't make it a good idea."
Originally Posted by TonyTilt
I like this
me too
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-25-2009 , 06:37 PM
I ordered harrington's on holdem part 1 we'll see how it is
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-25-2009 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by TonyTilt
I ordered harrington's on holdem part 1 we'll see how it is
its good, get v2 while your at it
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-26-2009 , 01:58 PM
Will do. And just a quick one. What sites should I play. Fulltilt and stars are a given but any other donkfests?
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-27-2009 , 12:40 AM
Other sites tend to have easier players to beat, but they have less traffic than Tilt or PStars. It depends what game and stakes you want to play, but you usually can get low stakes NLHE games on almost any site. Which sites are available to you also depends on your location, as there are some that don't do business with American players. In any case, if you're looking to make easier low-stakes money, then other sites such as iPoker Network sites (PaddyPowerPoker, etc.) are good. If you're looking to improve your game, while still making some money against those exploitable players you find, then PStars is fine. I like playing a large variety of games, and like the constant availability of tournaments, including sit'n'go tables that fill up fast up to the $50 level all day long, and above $50 during the busier times of day. I think those are good reasons for me to play at Stars.

If you're in the U.S., and you're looking for softer players, maybe you'll find Cake Poker Network sites are a good compromise, in that they are available in your area, have softer players than the majors, offer good first deposit bonuses and rakeback deals, and are not completely dead in terms of traffic, at least in Hold'em games.

Last edited by zadignose; 08-27-2009 at 12:46 AM.
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-29-2009 , 12:20 AM
Tilt has been a real donkfest so far. It was so hard to find a goddamned all access visa though
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-29-2009 , 02:29 AM
If you don't like stats, try heads-up. It's easier to pick up on tendencies because you're focusing on one opponent and its not as useful as in 6max or fullring. You dont really have to be a math genius either in the lower stakes.
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08-29-2009 , 10:19 PM
Does anyone use rakebrain and are their stats delayed
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-30-2009 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by TonyTilt
Tilt has been a real donkfest so far. It was so hard to find a goddamned all access visa though
You shouldn't be on FTP. Read up, study the game, play with your mom fine but hold off till you're of age. You shouldn't be playing cash games online till you're of age. You will not be able to cash out.

Pretty irresponsible for those advising a 17 year old on how to make money off gambling.
Is it really worth it? Quote
08-30-2009 , 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by TonyTilt
Okay I am a 17 year old aspiring player. And I was wondering it this really worth it?

By this i mean all of the different ways of calculating EVERYTHING. Back in the day there was NO online poker and NO way of talking about all this. Isn't is possible to learn like the old time greats? Yeah who doesn't own super system and others but is there really a reason to go beyond that? Do I need everything about every stat online?

I'm gonna say no here. Poker has evolved so far, if you aren't taking advantage of all the information out there, someone else will be. Take advantage of any help you can get.
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