Live poker? Yes, it's a waste of time to work on range-vs-range play, precisely because
no matter how good you are, they will not be able to correctly put you on a range, and you will not be able to tell what range they put you on.
But! If there are strong regulars in your games, it could still be of value, to improve your winrate against them. In practice, most regs at small stakes aim to break even against the regs and work on maximising profit against the fish, and you'll be in good company if that's what you do too. On the other hand, the fact that the regs largely ignore the other regs means that they are very exploitable, and if you do start exploiting them they will not adjust well to it!
tl;dr: Yes, focus on the fish for now.
Edit: and when you do decide you need range vs range training, you might like to try the software I'm writing. It's not finished yet, but when it is, you'll find it on Please forgive the incomplete version currently hosted there. I'm currently rewriting it as a web application, from an earlier complete version that ran as an desktop application.
Last edited by guyupstairs; 02-25-2014 at 07:49 AM.
Reason: shameless plug (for the future)