Is Rake and Buy in the same?
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 95
First up, Am I right with these two definitions?
Buy in: usually an 'entry fee' for a tournament which is money you pay to the house for running the tournament and does not go the prize pool.
Rake:Money charged by house for poker games.
So why there two terms appear same to me? Please clarify the difference.
Help with Numbers would be great.
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 3,696
buy in is the buy in of the tournament + the rake
or a buy in in cash games stands for how much you sit down with
IE a NL100 table the max you could BUY IN for is 100 and the min. is usually 10 (online)
rake = the second number that the host charges you when talking tournaments / stt.
So a 10+1 tournament, the +1 part would be wat you are paying the host (FTP, pokerstars, or in the case of live play the casino) to put on the tournament for the players, and provide them a place to play.
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 2,316
I'm suppose to be a franchise player and we are here talkin bout practice??