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Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers.

12-05-2008 , 01:59 PM
Poker Stars $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: $1.87
BTN: $2.63
Hero (SB): $5.49
BB: $1.33
UTG: $2.66
UTG+1: $0.98
UTG+2: $4.05
MP1: $5.16
MP2: $1.03

Pre Flop: ($0.03) Hero is SB with 4 4
UTG calls $0.02, 3 folds, MP2 calls $0.02, CO calls $0.02, BTN calls $0.02, Hero calls $0.01, BB checks

Flop: ($0.12) 3 4 9 (6 players)
Hero checks, BB checks, UTG bets $0.12, MP2 folds, CO folds, BTN folds, Hero calls $0.12, BB folds

Turn: ($0.36) 8 (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $0.12, Hero calls $0.12

River: ($0.60) Q (2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $0.14, Hero folds

This was my first set after like 20 pocket pairs, so I felt kind of attached to it. Is it ok completing here or should I be raising? I don't like raising pps with lots of limpers, because they almost always all call or just short stacks will call or my set will be beat, like in this case.

I'm pretty sure the implied odds are there.. I have like 7 outs, but is it ok to call the flop and hope for a check on the turn, with him maybe thinking I could have a better flush? Villain bets really small trying to get value on all streets I believe, I don't think check raising would be profitable here, but I do think he would pay me off if I fill up.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 02:10 PM
Pre flop, I probably would raise 5 or 6bb (and be very happy if everyone folded), but there's notihng wrong with completing.
Under the gun on the flop, I would have bet about 3/4 of the pot. You don't want people to chase a flush, and if they call or raise you, that will give you a reason to possibly shut it down depending on the turn card.
however slowplaying your set with a three flush on the flop is being much too passive in my oppinion.
Since you called his bet on the turn, I don't know why you would fold it on the river, the card most likely didn't help him, I wouldn't put him on 10J.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 02:14 PM
I would just call pre-flop. I often just complete 22-66 when I'm in the sb.

I would lead the flop. And if that'd been done the hand would play out so different that there's not much use in commenting on the rest of it.

But definitely don't fold the river. As you played it folding the river is just terrible. Especially given his bet size. You only have to be good like 16% of the time for a call to be +ev here.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
Pre flop, you should raise 5 or 6bb (and be very happy if everyone folded).
Under the gun on the flop, bet about 3/4 of the pot. You don't want people to chase a flush, and if they call you, that will give you a reason to possible shut it down depending on the turn card.
however slowplaying your set with a three flush on the flop is being much too passive.
Since you called his bet on the turn, I don't know why you would fold it on the river, the card most likely didn't help him.
Because I'm 99% sure he had a flush on the flop, I was only continuing for a chance to draw a full house and stack him. I don't think the min betting on the turn and river is a sign of weakness at this limit, they just have no concept of bet sizing, everytime I've gone to showdown against a similar line or tried to raise, I've been beaten.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 02:21 PM
Yes, i am raising pf 4BB +1BB per limper. Often times you can take it down right there. If you get callers and hit your set, BET OUT on flop from SB.

As played pre- flop, Bet flop close to pot size

As played on flop, check- raise flop.

As played on river, raise river and perhaps find a fold if villain shoves over the top???(someone with more experience might chime in on that scenario).

I think you played this too passive. When villain bets so small he is showing weakness and quite possibly is just on a draw or is just donking around with some kind of TP or 2P hand. I see villains do this on montone boards because they have some kind of marginal hand but are scared of the flush.

Yes sometimes they are slowplaying a flopped flush but you don't know that since you played it so passive.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by LittleKid
Because I'm 99% sure he had a flush on the flop, I was only continuing for a chance to draw a full house and stack him. I don't think the min betting on the turn and river is a sign of weakness at this limit, they just have no concept of bet sizing, everytime I've gone to showdown against a similar line or tried to raise, I've been beaten.
he could have also had As8d and was chasing the nut flush draw, but you can never be 99% sure has flopped a flush (maybe 65% sure, which gives you enough odds to call the river).
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 02:29 PM
I just call pre flop its good to get into a multiway pot with small pp for cheap but when you hit your set bet, as played I really cant believe you folded this his betting is so weak just call if he has the flush just recover
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by LittleKid
Because I'm 99% sure he had a flush on the flop

I have a difficult time understanding what made you come to this conclusion given the details of how the hand played out, Unless you had specific reads on this specific villain. (Ex: you've seen him do this multiple times when he's shown down flopped flushes). He could have SO many hands that you beat here. At the very least, as played please call the river. Then you at least have information for playing this villain in later hands.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by MakersMark
I have a difficult time understanding what made you come to this conclusion given the details of how the hand played out, Unless you had specific reads on this specific villain. (Ex: you've seen him do this multiple times when he's shown down flopped flushes). He could have SO many hands that you beat here. At the very least, as played please call the river. Then you at least have information for playing this villain in later hands.
I don't have specific reads on the villain, I've only played 10k or so hands at 2NL, and every time I've faced a line like this, they have the flush. I don't think I'm good 16% of the time, and haven't been good even once in 10k hands, so I don't feel like committing even just 14 cents to have a look.

But I do appreciate the advice everyone has given and would be more aggressive when I move up to 10NL.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 02:44 PM
I just complete pre-flop.
I bet out 10¢ at the 12¢ pot on the flop.
I continue to bet the turn for 25¢ at the 32¢ pot.
I check the river to induce a bluff from a missed spade and to get value when he bets 2pr or the Q (I call a river bet after checking).

The best poker player in the world cannot be 99% sure that his/her opponent has a flush on any street as it was played.

You do not bet out a set on a monotone flop b/c you don't want your opponent to draw to a flush. You bet out a set on the flop b/c you want your opponent to make the incorrect play and call with the draw since he will only make his draw on the turn ~18% of the time but is only getting ~2:1 on his money (with no implied odds since you will easily fold when the spade hits and the board doesn't pair, and sometimes the spade hits, then the board pairs, and you win a big pot).
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 02:45 PM
Limp is fine. Lead flop, as played raise flop, as played raise turn, as played raise river.

Raise somewhere. You have a set on a monotone board, go nuts.

And whatever you do, don't fold river. =/
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Cruzerthebruzer
Limp is fine. Lead flop, as played raise flop, as played raise turn, as played raise river.

Raise somewhere. You have a set on a monotone board, go nuts.

And whatever you do, don't fold river. =/
This. I've played a ton at 2nl and I could probably count the number of times on one hand I've seen people at 2nl lead out with a flopped flush. Go crazy with this hand, and if you were unfortunate and he flopped a flush and you get it in on the flop, you still have 7 outs going into the turn and 10 outs going into the river. If you get coolered there, take note that that person leads out with a flopped flush and move on.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 04:41 PM
Preflop is fine.

Flop, Bet then 3-bet.

If there is still any money left on the turn, shove that.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 04:57 PM
Limping or raising preflop both work fine.

Bet flop, bet turn, dont fold river when he bets 1/6 pot.

With less than a 1% chance to flop a flush you shouldn't ever be 99% sure he has it, especially when you still have outs for the boat. If he does have it then calling the river will be a minimal loss for a Flush>Set scenario, this could've easily ended up losing a buy in.

And don't let his small bets make you think it's a trap, a huge majority of 2nl have no idea how to bet size.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 05:40 PM
I would just call PF.

I don't know how you can be sure he has a flush here, and you can't fold the river to that bet. You are ahead so much of the time.

You need to be aggressive with this hand because you don't want to see another spade.

His actions don't really indicate strength. You checked the turn, so he bet small. You check the river and he bet even smaller. As played you must call.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 08:12 PM
I like just calling pre-.

I would check the flop also. With so many people to act after me I am expecting someone to raise after me, than I'm betting the pot to see if they actually have the flush.

Turn I'm leading out for full pot. Players at this level think a flush is the nuts and will call anything to hit one.

As played, I'm not folding the river, I'm calling that every time. If he did hit the flush on the flop he is betting way bigger on the river.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 08:27 PM
Raise to 14c or 16c preflop. You need to build a pot in case you flop a set, and you can win right here with a bet, or on the flop with a bet. Always raise any pocket pair in any position.

You flop a set on a monochrome flop, interesting situation. You can't give up on the hand. Any person only has a 1/20 chance of having a flush right now or so. You can bet full pot, but likely will get one call on average from somebody with Q/K/A of spades or a piece of the flop. You can't check-raise because it's possible everybody checks the flop, bet out. If you are raised, re-raise to 3x, and reevaluate on turn.

Bet the pot on the turn, if you are raised, re-raise to 3x, and reevaluate on river. On the river you probably are ahead 95% of the time. You don't have to worry about a flush coming anymore. Bet 80% pot this time. If raised, call, in case he had a flush, if your opponent called two pot sized bets maybe they do have a flush. That's a theoretical way to play the hand. Good luck, Yojimgari
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 08:31 PM
You did everything right in this hand except folding the river.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Papi Shasho
You did everything right in this hand except folding the river.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 09:21 PM
But definitely don't fold the river.
How can you fold, ffs...
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Papi Shasho
You did everything right in this hand except folding the river.
haha please dont feed the fish (i like your tactics tho)
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
12-05-2008 , 10:34 PM
you know, the chances of someone hitting a flush on the flop coming to 3 same suited cards is 1%. just a little information to help you make an informed decision.if more same suited cards came on turn or river, i would be the first person running away but don't be too scared.
Raise or call low pp in small blind, lots of limpers. Quote
