Question on a full house situation off the turn
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 1
(Ignition 6-max $0.02/0.05NL)
Hero has pocket 7's, raises pre-flop 3bb, 2 callers. Flop hits, KTK offsuit. Both villains check, hero raises 4bb, 1 fold 1 call. Turn is King (board KTKK). Remaining villain limper raises 8bb, hero re-raises 14bb, villain re-raises 1/3 of their stack, hero calls. River is Jack (board KTKKJ rainbow), villain goes all in.
At this point I'm paralyzed as I've got the K/7 full house but he could have 4 kings or a K/10 full house or a K/J full house. While I was thinking time ran out anyway, I was probably going to call, but in hindsight I feel like that would have been a bad decision. It might have been a bad decision to re-raise on the turn when he suddenly came to life like he personally just hit a big hand. I found it strange that he checked and then called off the flop, which made me think he was bluffing or thought we were playing for high card at that point, but then again this was ignition low stakes and guys on there don't lie as much as they don't understand how to raise when they're ahead (if he had 2 pair KK/TT on the flop and then realized his set later on once I started raising), which throws me off.
Was it the right move to not call on the all-in or do I have to swallow my fear and push through in that situation? There are a lot of hand situations that beat my full house at that point. I have a common issue with overestimating my hand when there's a pair or trey on the table and other people are limping.
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 13,256
You have a full house on the turn, but villain usually has quads or a better full house (with a ten or higher pocket pair). You should never be raising in that spot, since you'd make villain fold all the hands you're beating (including random bluffs) and you'd be giving him loads of money if he has Kx or Tx (or 88+).
You need to understand the concept of relative hand strength. A full house is strong in an absolute sense (it beats flushes, straights, trips etc), but 77 is not a great hand if you're getting a lot of action on KKTK.
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 364
Everything beats you. I would have folded the turn to the limper's action