question about PT4s fold to 3bet%
Join Date: Sep 2019
Posts: 2,995
does it only include hands where you fold to a 3bet After being the original 2 bettor? Or does it count any time you fold if the pot is 3bet before it gets to you? For example UTG 2bets MP 3 Bets and you fold on the button does that count towards your fold to 3bet%?
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 13,256
PT has multiple stats for similar things. I think by default it shows the really pointless one where it counts as a "fold to a 3-bet" if there was a 3-bet before you even put any money in the pot. (So you might have a very high number on the BTN).
I don't use PT, but I think the more useful stat is called something like "2-bet and then fold to 3-bet". This would just count the cases where you opened and someone 3-bet your open, not someone else's.