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question about the forum question about the forum

01-05-2012 , 02:21 PM
I made a post in the "other other" subforum about music and it got deleted. Does anyone know why? It was just a one-sentence post asking if people like the work of a particular musician.

If I'm posing this message in the wrong subforum feel free to move it, but if you delete it please send me a PM letting me know why.
01-05-2012 , 02:34 PM
what did the mod (dids) say was the reason why he deleted the thread? Ask him in a PM.. ?
01-05-2012 , 04:16 PM
There was no reason given, the post just disappeared.

What dd you say the mod's name was, "dids?" I'll PM him if I can get the full name.
01-05-2012 , 04:32 PM
01-05-2012 , 05:14 PM
There is a Dids!, a Dids. and a Dids_ but no plain old dids. All three of the former are blocking private messages. I don't know what to try next. Is there someone else I can contact?
01-05-2012 , 05:33 PM
The one at the top of this list

(can't show any more of the list due to the number of NSFW Dids related gimmicks lol)
01-05-2012 , 05:37 PM

I took the liberty to look in the Please Read This Before Posting in OOT. I think Dids was correct in deleting your post for a few reasons listed below. If you were a regular OOT contributor (in a positive way) over the years, a simple one line new thread "might" fly. But as a noob.........

Welcome to OOT
This forum is ruled by cruel and harsh moderators that don’t like you. Just follow a few rules and we won’t be forced to thrash you.

First s few words about OOT

What OOT is

OOT is for non-poker related discussion that does not fit into any of the other off-topic sub-forums. While the definition of acceptable subject matter is broad, we still require posters to put thought and effort into their posts. Start threads that will be of interest to a wide audience, not just you or a few of your friends. If you have a question to ask, make sure that the answer is not readily available somewhere else (like Google), that the question has the potential to generate interesting discussion, and that it is not better suited to another forum

What OOT isn’t

OOT Isn’t your doctor – if your other nut just dropped and you don’t know what to do about these weird feelings, go seek professional help
OOT Isn’t you personal Google search engine – can’t find it on google? Then your search skills suck and we don’t care
OOT Isn’t your personal blog – OMG Did your dog really sit up and beg that’s soooooo interesting…
OOT Isn't your lawyer - you get caught with a tranny hooker smoking crack rock? Say Hi to Bubba for me and call Johnny Cochran

Rules -
The Basics
Don't violate the twoplustwo T&C
Read it and love it if you violate it (circumventing the profanity filter, posting links to goats making out with your mom while your dad takes pictures, asking where you can download the newest episode of the bachelor or being istewart <aka racisms>) is a violation and you will be dealt with accordingly. There is little wiggle room in them and they are simple enough to follow.

The OOT specific ones
The big list of Don’ts
Don’t Use an overused Meme’s (a funny one may slip but stuff like First, wat, shotgun etc all are overused and you should delete your account for even trying to use these)
Don’t Post Lazy low content no effort posting – post something good or don’t post at all
Don’t post an Ask me threads about a crappy job or situation (listen if you’re going to study moon rocks actually ON THE MOON then yea go ahead but no one cares about your job at Taco Bell)
Don’t ask “what xxx should I get thread?”.. Like what kind of car? What kind of job? What kind of dildo <exception made for females>
Don’t post List threads – what’s your favorite 10000000 things no one cares about?
Don’t be a linktard - Oh, thanks, but we can subscribe to Digg / The Onion / the news / etc on our own. This includes flash games, funny stories or pictures, etc.
Don’t Post in the wrong forum –
There are a wide array of off-topic forums on the Two Plus Two website. Topics that fit into one of these forums are not permitted in OOT. Some of the other forums we have here include:

--About the Forums: Any issues relating to forum rules, moderation, locks, bans, etc. Do not post about these in OOT, you will get banned. Seriously.
--Sporting Events: Anything related to sports, tickets to games, TV coverage, etc.
--Brick and Mortar: Anything about common gambling destinations can go here, including Vegas, AC, etc.
--Travel Forum: Where to go, what to do, where to stay, pricing, thinking of moving to such and such a place, etc.
--Politics: Anything about Politics goes here. No derailing OOT threads with politics please, this is another problem we deal with harshly.
--Student Life: Anything about school, college searches, majors, issues w/ profs, etc.
--Computer Technical Help: Any problems you have with your computer.
--Science, Math & Philosophy: Is there a God, why does he hate me, do you believe in evolution, etc.
--Laughs or Links: Funny stuff, links with no added content, etc.

A note on Trolling:
A troll is defined as someone who purposefully derails threads, adds nothing to the community and is just an outright douche. If you come in here just to make trouble prepare not to stay long. This is especially true in the T.V. Show/Movie threads. Divulging who shot J.R. without using the spoiler tag is a form of trolling. I hate trolls and will hunt you and your alternate accounts down.

Any violation will result in any of the following
Infraction points
Deletion of post
Locking your post
Me making fun of you

If you don’t like , go to complain to no one who cares in ATF
01-05-2012 , 06:19 PM
you can post such things in LC/NC (I think)
01-05-2012 , 06:52 PM
Complaints/Questions about moderation/deletions/bans should be posted in but be aware that you will get torn to shreds if you've not read the relevant FAQs/stickies for particular sub-forums.
01-05-2012 , 07:02 PM
01-05-2012 , 07:05 PM
Given the tone of that lengthy quotation, I don't think I'll be posting ANYTHING in that subforum ever again. Thanks very much for the information.
01-05-2012 , 07:12 PM
OK.... kinda want to drive home the point that you should really read the Stickies for each forum's main page before posting.... each area of 2+2 can have slightly different posting requirements. NVG, OOP 4L are all areas where mods MUST BY NATURE be vigilant. It doesn't mean it's a bad place....just needs tighter grip to control the potential____________.
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