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PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place

03-06-2010 , 08:51 PM
how about "troll shooting" cat
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-06-2010 , 08:55 PM
ozi - you and CMAR do a great job around here and I'm all for reminding people that this should remain the most civilized forum on here. However, I do think that in general it operates just fine. Occasionally things boil over but it is normally when people like Giblet take root in here. I'm sure you PM those that just cause offence for the sake of it but we don't want to completely steralise the BF. Tough love is often the most effective love we can give the beginners without wanting to scare them off.
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03-07-2010 , 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by unlucky4me
Always bugs me when somebodys only reply is, " Why don't you use the search function" I'm usually to dumb to search function and find what I'm looking for and I ain't that new
This is something that drives me crazy as well. Just about every topic imaginable about poker has been posted on 2+2 hundreds of times. Based on this we shouldn't start any new threads. The topic is obvioiusly new to a beginner. Also, a new thread is probably a good idea as people that never saw the old thread may now have something fresh to say about the topic. New threads are the life line of 2+2. I think it's a poor policy to discourage starting a new thread about an old topic.
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03-07-2010 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by RoSeeker
God damnit, I used to be helpful =(
OMG, where you been hiding,I've missed your strat posts,hope your well and still kicking ass.
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03-07-2010 , 11:37 AM
nice post and I def. agree.

I mean, how tough is it to be civil just because you are on the internet.

Also +1 for Icew0lf custom title
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03-07-2010 , 12:09 PM

Unfortunately I doubt that the message will by itself have any effect, and will require moderator enforcement. You can't change somebody else. And poker players tend to be less social.

I do understand what a powerful learning tool this forum is. (Dr. Jeckyll is the one who studies 2+2 books; Mr. Hyde is the one who handles my chips at the tables. This forum is where they meet.) Since the forum is free, I've learned to ignore the smart-a** comments and sarcasm because it's the price for the words of wisdom from occasional seasoned players who put my book-knowledge into perspective. I want this forum "safe" not only for newbies like myself, but also for these seasoned pros who aren't necessarily gifted writers but definitely know poker.
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-07-2010 , 01:14 PM
i very much agree with OZI on this ..and although i have been a lot less involved in the forum and poker in the last few months - i have noticed a slight decline in the quality of replies and an increase in trolls and needless insults

i suggest ice-wolf and diamond dog be given custom titles... their awesomeness as posters in this forum are without equal

EDIToooh and lego05.... he is a goot poaster itf

Last edited by boythinks; 03-07-2010 at 01:27 PM. Reason: legggggggggo
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-07-2010 , 02:33 PM
yea diamond dog is up there with IW. Also didnt lego already get a custom title.

O yeah thats right, he just got special privilege to keep his original name ldo
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03-07-2010 , 03:26 PM
I defo agree with this post, but there is only so many times in a week that i can tolerate seeing questions and threads like 'HEM or PT3?' or 'Im ready to turn pro, advice please? I play 2nl and 3 dollar sngs'. and posts that are showing hands which arents even converted properly that are so hard to read. Sometimes u just gotta tell them to use their head.

But for sure in alot of other circumstances improvements can be made, by everyone involved in the forums to give better advice and be a little bit more tolerable of others, after all this is the beginners forum.

Ice Wolf and Diamond Dog both deserve their custom titles, both have helped me and so many others on 2+2
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-07-2010 , 08:39 PM
Ice Wolf and Diamond Dog both deserve their custom titles, both have helped me and so many others on 2+2
you and the others who have said similiar things ITT are on the money here. duly noted.
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-07-2010 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by OziBattler
you and the others who have said similiar things ITT are on the money here. duly noted.
i nom crazyfool1985, he is awesome, so kind and helpfull. i even recall you using him as an example of how people should post.

Last edited by crazyfool1985; 03-07-2010 at 09:21 PM. Reason: damn forgot to make gimmick and post from it :p
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-07-2010 , 09:21 PM
I don't think there's anything wrong with gently nudging people toward the search function. No one is saying that people shouldn't ever start new threads. But some beginners topics crop up so often (e.g. the ones Schoolboy mentioned) that anyone using the search function should be able to find them well-covered. And in any case, the search function is a valuable tool that should be encouraged. If, before posting a hand, every poster in here and the strat forums did an advanced search looking for where the hand Hero had and the street where the question arises in the title (and maybe IP or OOP) - for example AK +river or 99 +turn +OOP - they would find a ton of interesting discussions - hands similar to theirs and numerous variations based on reads, stack sizes, board textures, etc. Spending 15 minutes reading through these various threads and trying to pull together common themes is often going to be a lot more productive than posting the hand, and if the poster decided to post the hand anyway, he would have a much better sense of what questions to ask.

If I have a complaint about the way that people respond to threads, it's that when the answer is super easy, like "your sample size of 2K hands is too small to tell if you should go pro" or "you should have folded J8o to that preflop raise" people come out of the woodwork to point these things out, but when there is a legitimately tough question, people rarely are willing to stick their necks out. As a result, stupid threads get 50+ responses and often turn into flame wars while potentially interesting threads die out quickly. If more people just ignored the trolls and focused on the more interesting threads, the forums would be a lot better, IMO.
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-07-2010 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
i nom crazyfool1985, he is awesome, so kind and helpfull. i even recall you using him as an example of how people should post.
every time you ask me for a title you move further from the goal (said in a joking voice but with an element of truth none the less)
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-07-2010 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by OziBattler
every time you ask me for a title you move further from the goal (said in a joking voice but with an element of truth none the less)
but.......but..........but.........ok sir [bows head in defeat.]

will blackmail work then. how about i pay BPM to follow you around tha tables
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-07-2010 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by OziBattler
every time you ask me for a title you move further from the goal (said in a joking voice but with an element of truth none the less)
and come on, iv only asked like what 20 times lol

PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-07-2010 , 09:38 PM
bribes work better than blackmail so ship me your bankroll and i'll consider a title

(now now lets not derail this thread pls)
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03-07-2010 , 09:51 PM
$1.47 coming ozis way

end of derail.

i really got stop trolling mods

edit:at least i troll mods and not noobs
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-07-2010 , 10:11 PM
I do agree about the search function as well. I can never find anything when I use it. Props to Ice Wolf and DD they are very good in the beginners forum. I have noticed also in the short time I have been on here the steady decline of civility in general. The flaming and the rudeness definitely has its place just not in the beginners forum.
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-07-2010 , 10:13 PM

Hello xxxxxxx,

We have transferred USD 1.47 to your account as requested by 'xxxxx'.

Good luck to you both.


PokerStars Cashier
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-08-2010 , 11:54 PM
bump so people keep being nicer.
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-09-2010 , 12:04 AM
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-09-2010 , 12:07 AM
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-09-2010 , 12:17 AM
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03-09-2010 , 12:23 AM
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
03-09-2010 , 12:30 AM
PSA: Read me and lets make beginners a better place Quote
