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Pot odds & outs Pot odds & outs

11-02-2009 , 09:31 AM
anyone know of a software i can download [please make it free ;D] that will give me odds and outs im ok working it out in a live game but when i only have seconds to act online i cant do it quick enough, lol. i use holdem manager but i cant access the feature on tilt or stars

anyone help?

Pot odds & outs Quote
11-02-2009 , 09:32 AM
Your brain is free
Pot odds & outs Quote
11-02-2009 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by Bacon
Your brain is free
Pot odds & outs Quote
11-02-2009 , 10:33 AM
There's actually a free program you can use. Here's the url: C:\WINDOWS\system32\calc.exe
Pot odds & outs Quote
11-02-2009 , 12:42 PM
Outs are easy. Just count the number of cards that will improve your hand. For example, if you have an open-ended straight draw (OESD), something like 78 on a K65 board, you'd have 8 outs (four 4's, four 9's) to make your straight.

Once you know that number, multiply by 2 if you've got one street left to come or 4 if there are two streets remaining. So if you're on the flop with this OESD, you'd have 8 outs x 2 streets == a 16% chance of hitting your card on the turn and a 32% chance of hitting your cards if you were willing to call bets to the river.

If you want to be a bit more correct, add 1%.

As for pot odds, that's easy too. Just divide the pot by the amount you'd have to put in to win it.

Example: the pot is 800 and someone bets 400, now it's your turn. You'll have to call an 400 bet to win 1,200 so your odds are 3:1 to call.

So let's put it all together...

You have an OESD on the flop and the pot is 800. A player before you bets their last 400 into this pot, giving you 3:1 pot odds. And since they're now all-in, there will be no more bets. With two streets left to come you've got a 33% chance to hit, which means out of every three times you try, you'll hit once and miss twice (33% hit, 66% miss), giving you 1:2 odds to make your straight.

Since your odds to make your straight are better than your pot odds, call!

PS: 2+2ers, I'm writing this while running out the door to get to the doctor's office so if I've made any errors in my haste, please correct!! Danke.
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