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post your hand range for full ring NLH post your hand range for full ring NLH

08-27-2009 , 07:26 PM
Just curious to what your hand ranges are for full ring NLH. Is there anything wrong with my hand range for 10NL? AM i too tight or just about right?

My hand range

AA-22 all pocket pairs any position

AK-AQ suited off suit any position

JT suited or off suit any position

Suited or off suited connectors and 1 gappers KQ-23 only on the button and in the blinds
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 07:46 PM
I sometimes fold 22-44 in the first few positions, depending on who's behind me (if theres alot of people who punish limpers or 3-bet your raises I will fold small pocket pairs). If theres some tall stacks who like to limp or raise small, I will limp call with my small pocket pairs in order to set mine.

I'd also fold JT suited or not in the first 4 positions. (KQs is my minimum from UTG+1).

I open AJ+ in utg+1, and A10 in middle position (depending on how agressive the table is, I usually do this only if I think I can get the blinds heads up).

I think its really important to consider the people behind you. If theres some guys with a PFR of 15 who are raising 5xBB and 3-betting frequently, you need to be alot tighter in those early positions.

But generally the range you posted seems about right to me...
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08-27-2009 , 07:47 PM
That range sounds way too loose for 10NL.
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Raise4fun
Just curious to what your hand ranges are for full ring NLH. Is there anything wrong with my hand range for 10NL? AM i too tight or just about right?

My hand range

AA-22 all pocket pairs any position

AK-AQ suited off suit any position

JT suited or off suit any position

Suited or off suited connectors and 1 gappers KQ-23 only on the button and in the blinds
This is really bad. You need to adjust for your position a lot more. Also your range from the blinds should be way way way tighter than your BTN range. Infact your SB range should be the tightest of all.
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:01 PM
I only play 6MAX and my range is about 2x as big as this.
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
This is really bad. You need to adjust for your position a lot more. Also your range from the blinds should be way way way tighter than your BTN range. Infact your SB range should be the tightest of all.
I disagree somewhat.

If all fold around, or button limps and SB calls, my BB raising range is like my button range.

If all fold around, my SB range to steal is much larger than my UTG or UTG+1 range.
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by MSmith19
I disagree somewhat.

If all fold around, or button limps and SB calls, my BB raising range is like my button range.

If all fold around, my SB range to steal is much larger than my UTG or UTG+1 range.
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
This is really bad. You need to adjust for your position a lot more. Also your range from the blinds should be way way way tighter than your BTN range. Infact your SB range should be the tightest of all.
I should have mentioned that I will only play connectors in the blinds if its for cheap. IF the raise is to big and theres not alot of callers then ill fold.

The hands i listed were from an adjustment i made 1500 hands ago and i have noticed a steep increase of profits because of it. I studied my hands very well in holdem manager and i saw what hands were making good profits. Before the adjustment my range was alot wider.

You can see my graph below notice that i started making my adjustments after around my 7500 hand. Thats when i started playing the hands i listed in the above hand ranges in the OP and not deviating from it.

post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:20 PM
Correlation does not imply causation.

1500 is far too small a sample to make those conclusions. I could raise my hand range to 45% PFR and end up 4 BI in 1500 hands. Doesn't mean that's a good strategy.
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:28 PM
Just because you hit a heater doesn't mean it's good poker.

I'm not trying to piss on your parade, but you really need to think more about position. If the graph above is your entire poker history I can understand how you came to this conclusion, but 1.5k hands is a drop in the sea. You need much larger sample size in poker.
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:30 PM
1500 is really meaningless

position will become more important as you get better at poker, your hand ranges are not static, they change based on your skill and your table. Raising jto utf in a fr game however will always be a leak.

Last edited by BitchiBee; 08-27-2009 at 09:36 PM.
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by A.Ertbjerg
Just because you hit a heater doesn't mean it's good poker.

I'm not trying to piss on your parade, but you really need to think more about position. If the graph above is your entire poker history I can understand how you came to this conclusion, but 1.5k hands is a drop in the sea. You need much larger sample size in poker.
I just started playing NLH cash games 9K hands ago.
I agree there's room for improvement that's why im asking for opinions here. Im just studying my play in holdem manager a lot, trying to improve my game day by day. I'm pretty sure this style works more at the dirt low micros that i play because of how loose they play.
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
1500 is really meaningless
I agree but do you think it had anything to do by me tightening my hand range?
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:40 PM
maybe, maybe not. 1500 is meaningless

I can show you 1500 hand samples where I won 10bi, and where I lost 10bi; its really just luck in 1500 hands.
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
maybe, maybe not. 1500 is meaningless

I can show you 1500 hand samples where I won 10bi, and where I lost 10bi; its really just luck in 1500 hands.
Damn thats sick. I only use to have those type of swings in PLO.
Do you play a lot of tables at once?
I only single table so i good really good read on my opponents so hopefully i can keep them downswings to a minimum. I read hands extremely well so i guess that helps also.

Show me your graph i would love to see it. PM it to me if you dont want others to see. Thanks

Last edited by Raise4fun; 08-27-2009 at 09:48 PM.
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:51 PM
I don't have my database on my desktop so I can't show you context or my really nasty downswings (these are from the graphs I posted on 2p2)

post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
I don't have my database on my desktop so I can't show you context or my really nasty downswings (these are from the graphs I posted on 2p2)

Dang thats pretty sick. Thanks
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
08-27-2009 , 09:57 PM
as you see, you can't use your results from 1500 hands to justify fundamental changes in play.
post your hand range for full ring NLH Quote
