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poker-edge poker-edge

09-27-2010 , 03:55 AM

this is a poker software that looks unbeleivable. Purchased it for one month reccuring for micro stakes at $9:95 only.

i downloaded the program and its been several days, and the only response i get from the poker-edge team is to join a synergy chat where they access my harddrive so they can "pinpoint the problem", no genuine advice.

what do you think? should i join this "online help"?
poker-edge Quote
09-27-2010 , 04:06 AM
From PokerStars Third Party Tools and Services FAQ

The following are examples of tools and services which are prohibited at all times:
30 Poker Edge
poker-edge Quote
09-27-2010 , 04:12 AM
Originally Posted by Palikari
why is that?
poker-edge Quote
09-27-2010 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by andrew81186
why is that?
I have never used poker edge so I dont know for sure.

- I assume that poker edge uses an online db of hand histories. That means you have more hands on a villain than you have played with him yourself. That is equal to datamining imo. Dataminig is prohibited by the site's T&C.
- On their website they say that poker edge gives you real time hints ("Good steal opportunity" etc.).

That is cheating.

Don't use it. You threw $10 away. Take it as a learning experience!
poker-edge Quote
09-27-2010 , 05:49 AM
Palikari is right.

pokeredge is banned from most/all sites because of the whole collective db thing. it gives you an unfair advantage and its over the 'line in the sand' drawn by the sites

and the only response i get from the poker-edge team is to join a synergy chat where they access my harddrive
dont let them do this. bad things may happen. sounds like a scam.

honestly, you need to remove all traces of PE from your PC before you get caught by the sites. seriously
poker-edge Quote
09-27-2010 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by OziBattler
Palikari is right.

pokeredge is banned from most/all sites because of the whole collective db thing. it gives you an unfair advantage and its over the 'line in the sand' drawn by the sites

dont let them do this. bad things may happen. sounds like a scam.

honestly, you need to remove all traces of PE from your PC before you get caught by the sites. seriously
Yes, and if they actually do look you up for anything, it's very possible that they will. Poker sites, since you have their client downloaded and they essentially have easy viewing access into your system, can and will check what programs you are running in order to sweep for collusion, cheating, etc.
poker-edge Quote
