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Please read and answer my questions/concerns relating to poker. Will pay money to best answer Please read and answer my questions/concerns relating to poker. Will pay money to best answer

10-02-2013 , 12:46 AM
Hi, I'm 19. I play poker. I have had a passion for poker for about 4 years. I see high stakes poker and WSOP on television and feel as if I can be the next "negreanu." I know you will be thinking that I have my head up my ass, but please, I am having many concerns at this moment, and am having trouble articulating them into a well though out paragraph. My first question is if there is a difference between a person who is passionate and loves the game , and a person who kind of fell into the game, and does it as an occupation? I perceive myself as a good player, and sometimes, while I play at the casino, I pick up these small reads, little body movements, which wins me the hand, or saves me from losing chips. I think to myself " perhaps that's an illustration That I am a naturally talented poker player " I could be totally wrong but what I'm trying to get at is that I view myself as someone who does not need to be up until 3am studying poker, while going and losing the next day, and then going back home and analysing hands. Another question is " do all those professional poker players actually spend loads of time studying and getting better? Because I feel as if there is a great Division between those nerds who study the game for hours but don't get anywhere and the professional players who are naturals, and can win based off instinct and a little bit of math. Please, my whole perception could be totally wrong , someone please clarify this all up for me.
10-02-2013 , 01:58 AM
Well I was going to suggest that you read the "should I turn pro?" thread, but I see that one of your posts is already there (maybe moved by a mod?)

You should read that thread, and if you really have any further questions the post them there

And are you sure you are 19 and not a previously banned poster? Forgive me if I'm wrong but you seem familiar.

Edit: oh and how much will you pay me for the best answer ???

10-02-2013 , 02:06 AM
Donno, $10?? But please, make it as long and detailed as possible
10-02-2013 , 02:15 AM
Previous post was the best answer.
10-02-2013 , 02:29 AM
No one succeeds at poker for any significant period of time without putting in effort.

Natural talent will put you ahead of the curve but you will be quickly left behind by all those nerds putting in the hours.

No need to give me the money, keep it for yourself and buy a clue.
10-02-2013 , 02:51 AM
You have a serious ego problem imo. Probably from playing in really weak live cash games. I used to think I was good when I always won home games with friends when I was younger when I was just the best of a really really bad bunch and a lot of the basics came naturally to me.

I'd hazard a guess that there are no profitable pros who are profitable purely at the tables (before sponsors, etc) who don't put in a **** load of work. Even people like Negreanu live the game inside and out. When he stopped putting in the work people caught up and got better than him. That's something he's said himself.
10-02-2013 , 03:15 AM
I am sure that you are natural talent. Just like you describe how you pick up reads, win hands and save chips. Your concept is so brilliant. May be you could write more about your victories in poker. I am sure that a lot of people here could learn a lot from your approach. And to be honest, who needs all the boring hard work, if you have talent. You just go and kill the game. I am totally jelaous. I am sure all others, who try to tell you, that you need to work are also just jealous. Ignore them.
10-02-2013 , 03:37 AM
1. You don't get to recreate moved or locked threads, which this is very close to doing.
2. You don't get to offer / request anything for money on 2+2 outside of the Marketplace or specifically authorised places.
10-02-2013 , 04:03 AM
OP, Bat also left out that trolling in beginners is frowned upon. Maybe u ain't, ddeliberate or not, your post ticks many of the boxes that just put you on our 'watch this space' list. Tread carefully
10-02-2013 , 07:27 AM

Your post was full of lies, as suspected. You are banned, again.

You are a child, and you are a troll.

You are not welcome here where the adults are talking, get back to your schoolwork.
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