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Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice

12-04-2012 , 09:03 PM
How should I proceed I am only familiar with full ring games and tournies but this player is generally terrible have played in home games with him before. I am worried he is going to run over me though with his aggression because I will be used to playing a full ring range of hands.

Could people comment on the differences between full ring and heads up and give some advice? quickly....
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-04-2012 , 09:14 PM
You're about to get crushed.

I'd decline
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-04-2012 , 09:23 PM
thanks for all the help
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-04-2012 , 09:25 PM
lol @ learning heads up play in 2 hrs

play big in position, play tight oop
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-04-2012 , 09:31 PM
He does not know how to play heads up either or poker for that matter very well only reason i am playing him
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-04-2012 , 09:34 PM
- Limp with big hands, and allow him to bluff, then three bet him.
- Don't be afraid to call/shove against big bets/reraises when you hit TP with a good kicker
- Give him the option to let his aggression hang himself, this means checking a monster on the river if you think he'll stick a bet out
- Don't overshove with huge hands preflop. Instead, 3/4/5 bet, and wait for him to shove.
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-04-2012 , 09:38 PM
Do I ever give him credit for sets and two pair on the flop if I have an top or over pair or is there just no getting away from this
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-04-2012 , 09:47 PM
It depends on the flop, the pre-flop aggression, and the aggression of the player.

Flop texture comes more into play with the less players you have in the hand, so being able to read a flop becomes one of the paramount skills in HU play.


You hold AK
Flop comes K73 off

You probably have the best hand here, but your read is going to depend on his action. If he starts going uber-crazy instead of just normally crazy, then he probably has a huge hand. It is all going to depend upon your read on how he's playing, and if he is going nuts with big hands, or being a little more reserved with them.

You can definitely give him credit for it sometimes, but you also have to know that most of the time top pair on a dry board is going to be good HU, especially if you have a high kicker.

The best advice I can give you is, don't be afraid.


I would also be more afraid of A73 flops when holding AK facing a preflop raise as opposed to when holding AK with a K73 flop.

Last edited by peachfuzzle; 12-04-2012 at 09:53 PM.
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-04-2012 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by stepierc
He does not know how to play heads up either

Well in that case, you should just google "quick tips for heads up poker" or some **** like that..

That will probably help u more than here since ur match is coming up too soon and not enough people will get to this thread by then
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-04-2012 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by stepierc
He does not know how to play heads up either or poker for that matter

Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-04-2012 , 11:05 PM

Play a lot of hands in position.
Play a lot of hands out of position, but less than you play in position.
Top pair or better on dry and even semiwet boards is very strong.
Ranges are pretty wide.
Cbet a huge majority of the time unless he takes advantage of this by starting to c/r you a very high percentage. If you cbet half pot you only need him to fold 1/3 to be instantly profitable.
River reshoves don't tend to be super light, but it's villain and situation dependent.
Pay attention to gameflow. Take advantage of his mindset. Figure out his ranges. Adjust.

Hope this helps.
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-05-2012 , 02:44 AM
why do you think you're better than him? take advantage of that.

that's the only concrete thing about heads up. that's why it's so volatile and difficult - because anything goes
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-05-2012 , 02:54 AM
Thank you everyone who posted here we played .50$/1$ heads up for 3 hours with 100$ buy ins. I won 3 times winning 300$ he did not play anything like he does in short handed games we play he was much more passive did not raise preflop very often at all and folded to aggression most of the time. To be fair I ran really good at the same time.

Most Notable hand was probably

Stacks 140$ hero 60$ V

my QQ vs his A4cc

Preflop I raised to 1.50 he had been folding to by 3.50$ bets I did not want to scare him out he raised it to 5 and i made it 10

flop came A Q 6cc

He bet 12 I called still figured I would scare him to much with a raise.

Turn was a K non club

He checked and i checked because I had told him I call river bluffs when he checks on the turn because it means someone is weak trying to get him to think i was weak.

River came a 2 non club and he bet 15$ I shoved he called game over.

He wants to play 200%NL next time cant wait
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-05-2012 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by stepierc
Could people comment on the differences between full ring and heads up and give some advice? quickly....
Loose and spewy work well in HU.

...particularly against opponents who:

Originally Posted by stepierc
I am worried he is going to run over me though with his aggression
The way to combat aggression is not by playing tighter.
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-05-2012 , 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by z4reio
Loose and spewy work well in HU.

...particularly against opponents who:

The way to combat aggression is not by playing tighter.
I understand that he ended up playing really passive anyway and I played pretty much ATC aggro.
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-05-2012 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by stepierc
we played .50$/1$ heads up

Preflop I raised to 1.50
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-05-2012 , 10:06 AM
raise every, single, button.
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-05-2012 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by chad0x001
raise every, single, button.
This. The blinds mean that you're going to have to play much wider hand ranges, and with wider hand ranges, position = the nuts.
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-05-2012 , 10:59 AM
Good win, broheim.
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
12-05-2012 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by SuqAta8

Sorry did not raise too.. raised
Playing Loose spewy player HU in 2 and a half hours advice Quote
