Hiya, just started playing NL cash at low stakes (NL2/NL5), was mainly a SNG/MTT player since I started poker a year ago.
Was wondering how to play deep stacked in NL cash (200/300BB+)? For instance, how does this affect ranges and play style versus other deep stacks/short stacks? And whether it would be ever advantageous to ever reload at a certain point to max buy in again?
Can't seem to find too many resources online on this topic, thanks!
the deeper the stacks are the tighter ppl will stack off (random fish excluded). TPTK is in a headsup pot 100BB deep often good enough to get it in, but not if you play deep.
hands that can flop monsters become more attractive when you can win a few hundred BB in 1 hand.
i have autoreload to max buyin on any table and game i play. there is no reason not to