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Pic: Which HUD is this? Pic: Which HUD is this?

06-03-2008 , 05:19 AM
The HUD from PT3 looks totally different. Which one is this? Thank you.
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 05:49 AM
Either Poker Ace or Real Time, imo. Not sure. In PA, you can move the individual stats around, so it could be that.
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 07:39 AM
I'm pretty sure that's Pokerace HUD...
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 08:15 AM
PA HUD, although posting a picture we could see would help
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 08:41 AM
sorry for the pic
ty for straining your eyes
would you recommend PokerAce HUD?
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by Lamatam
sorry for the pic
ty for straining your eyes
would you recommend PokerAce HUD?
Dont worry about the pic its not too bad.
Ill send you the bill from my optometrist.
I love PA HUD I would defenatly recomend it.
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by jasonfish11
Dont worry about the pic its not too bad.
Yeah, there's been plenty worse than that.

Besides, most of us have magnifying glasses.

Yep, that's PAHUD alright.

(Definitely recommended.)
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 09:46 AM
Someone mentioned above that in PAHUD you can move the stats around, This is also possible in Holdem Manager. I think its possible in PT3 i just haven't checked yet.
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 01:03 PM
Get holdem manager. Pahud is outdated. HM > PT3.
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 01:17 PM
If you're using PT3, you don't need PAHUD. There's already a HUD built in to PT3 and PAHUD won't work with PT3.

PAHUD is only for PokerTracker 2.
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 01:42 PM
I don´t know what it is, but PT3 HUD get on my nerves.
It´s all in a block and in fullring it needs so much space.
I´ve tried to change the layout. But it only gets worse imo. Now i prefer to rather play without HUD.
I like the look of PAHUD.
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by udbrky
Get holdem manager. Pahud is outdated. HM > PT3.
What´s good/better in Holdem Manager?
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 02:20 PM

This is what mine looks like. I only have 3-tables up right now. I need to cut back on my hud. I wanted to see how some of the new stats they offered work out.

As you can see, the hud is transparent. You can overlay and still see. The hud comes in a block and you can move it around. If you hover over the player's stats, you'll get a popup with a lot of stats, if you want to see something that's not on the hud.

It's faster, more stable. The reports and filters are easier to use and more comprehensive. The filters will help you analyze your game better than anything on the market.

The player analysis window is really nice too - it summarizes player tendencies.

Go to and check it out.

The other great thing is, if you click on the recent pots it'll bring up a hand history window. You can click on a button and get a text output which is nice for sharing hands over aim. You can also click the 2+2 and get an output designed for posting on 2+2.

The hand replayer is also very nice and will show you stats for the player up to that point.

Last edited by udbrky; 06-03-2008 at 02:25 PM.
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 02:57 PM
Thanks udbrky
I´m using the free trial version of PT3. Don´t know which one to buy afterwards....(I have ~50 days left to think about it...)
( + The Small Stakes Version of HoldemManager is cheaper)
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 03:24 PM
I have yet to hear about anyone getting HM and being disappointed.

FWIW, I tested PT3 for a while. I did a sweat with someone using HM and bought it immediately and haven't opened PT3 since.
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
06-03-2008 , 04:08 PM
HM is teh nuts, that being said i still use PT2 and PAHud and it's fine for certain uses.
Pic: Which HUD is this? Quote
