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07-10-2015 , 08:56 PM
most people doing it don't know what they're doing and it should just generally be ignored
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07-11-2015 , 03:41 AM
Is there any good links to information on Table Etiquette?

I've never done anything to warrant the question but being a mostly internet player that wants to play more live I'd like to know before I accidentally do something potentially disrespectful
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07-11-2015 , 06:11 AM
Hello everyone, I need some basic help.
1. I have HM2 and understand what numbers mean and how to change them to suit my configuration. However, I do not know any hand charts.., what is the numbers of hands I should have on villian before I can exploit his leaks? Should I first play tight for, let us say 100 hands, and then start opening wider or tighter versus certain players I have read on?

2. How do you deal with sitting 5 hours straight? How much do you drink per hour, take breaks and what do you do in those breaks to get motivated and focused again, when you head out back to tables?

3. What format should I start playing, preferably it is low variance? 6-max SNG, 9-max SNG, 6-max NL?

4. What does it mean TAG, LAG, etc.. player? Where is the dictionary for these kind of players? Or ABC poker,..

5. How bad can variance be? Can I lose every hand when in +EV AI position for like a week straight, even at NL2? Will the variance after bad luck is over come into my favour after 100%? And will I suck out on other players as much as they did, IF I find myself in those positions?

6. What are realistic bb\100 for micros in 2015?

7. What are some other terms I should look into besides pot control, implied odda, fold equity, etc..?

8. Is there a good guide on how to read those extended numbers on HM2 chart that pop up when you hover over stats?

9. Where or how do I get rakeback deal?

I know this is a lot of questions, but sometimes reading stuff on best of beginner threads makes me question the most simple stuff and I am kind of tight with time lately, so if anyone is kind enough..please try to explain some questions or just provide link with answers inside.

Thank you
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07-11-2015 , 09:31 AM
all of those can be answered by reading the stickies and using the search function
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07-11-2015 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by CleanoutKid
Is there any good links to information on Table Etiquette?

I've never done anything to warrant the question but being a mostly internet player that wants to play more live I'd like to know before I accidentally do something potentially disrespectful
I'm not going to answer that directly, but I would encourage you to look up the rules. They vary from place to place. The WSOP has their own rules. Michigan charity rooms have a set of state rules, but there are still variantions from room to room, so it never hurts to check that out.

One thing I would advise you is to maybe go a little overboard about being clear. When you bet, always say "raise" or "call" until they tell you that it's not necessary. You don't want any confusion about your intent. One of the reasons for that is that you might not have the right chips.

If you want to put $400 in the pot and you don't have any $100 chips, don't assume that they will know your intent if you put out a $1,000 chip. Be very sure to say what you're doing until you figure out how things work.
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07-11-2015 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by CleanoutKid
Is there any good links to information on Table Etiquette?
The FAQ sticky at the top of the Live Casino Poker forum has quite a bit of information for people new to live play.
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07-12-2015 , 11:52 PM
I rake 16.5 BBs/100 at HU NL, how much do you pay?

did not find it in the HU NL forum.
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07-13-2015 , 01:44 PM
I have been playing poker on and off for a few years and always seem to do ok but it is mainly just at friends houses etc. I have decided to start playing online and picked up the Moormans book of poker book. However there is so much terminology in there that I don't have a clue about and there isn't a glossary included.

Is there anywhere I can find one? I have searched on the internet but not been able to find one that answers all the queries.

For example;

A-Jo - I presume this is ace and jack in a hand but I don't know what the O is for. Does it mean unsuited??

In one of the sections where the blinds are 30/60 he mentioned he is playing approximately 150 BB against most of the table. What does this mean. I understand raising someone 2.5BB (I.e in this case would be 150) also is this the same as when he refers to playing 45BB deep???

There is also a lot of mentiones about board positions but never really explains it is there a better place for this?

Last note would there be a better book to read that was more clear on terminology and acronyms to read first??
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07-13-2015 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Poker_newbie27
However there is so much terminology in there that I don't have a clue about and there isn't a glossary included.
Beginners Forum Frequently Asked Questions

Most forums also have a sticky/FAQ of their own at the top of the forum's list of threads.

Originally Posted by Poker_newbie27
A-Jo - I presume this is ace and jack in a hand but I don't know what the O is for. Does it mean unsuited??
"off-suit" but yes, you understand the meaning.

Originally Posted by Poker_newbie27
In one of the sections where the blinds are 30/60 he mentioned he is playing approximately 150 BB against most of the table. What does this mean.
It means the average effective stack size of the players at the table is 150BB. Since the big blind T$60 this means the average stack size is T$9000 (150x60).

Originally Posted by Poker_newbie27
There is also a lot of mentiones about board positions but never really explains it is there a better place for this?
Position is extremely important in poker. But I'm not sure what you're asking here. Try reading through the various FAQs and Stickies and use the Search to find old threads.
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07-17-2015 , 08:45 AM
Session fee vs raked games?

I was playing a $5/hand rake game. I started playing a 14/hr session fee game and $1/hand for the BBJ

Whats the adjustment?

Im thinking I should play a few more hands...
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
07-17-2015 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by progress
Session fee vs raked games?

I was playing a $5/hand rake game. I started playing a 14/hr session fee game and $1/hand for the BBJ

Whats the adjustment?

Im thinking I should play a few more hands...
First, you, and the rest of the table should ideally play faster in time games. The rest is just working out effective rake - how many hands do you pay rake on an hour in the $5/hand game?
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07-17-2015 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by progress
Session fee vs raked games?

I was playing a $5/hand rake game. I started playing a 14/hr session fee game and $1/hand for the BBJ

Whats the adjustment?

Im thinking I should play a few more hands...
I definitely LAG it up just a little more in that kind of game.

JC where do you play? Cause I play the 2/5 at Niagara Falls and it's literally the only casino i've ever seen or heard of that has a session fee
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07-18-2015 , 05:19 PM
So If I think my opponent's 3bet range is 99+,AQ+ OTB in FR, AK only has 50% equity against it, but because there could be a lot of fold equity with a 4bet, does it mean I should probably do it against most of opponents with the given range? What is the EV calculation for how much I need them to fold to make this solidly profitable 4 bet? I'm looking for at least a 5% edge.
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07-19-2015 , 12:51 PM
The EV of anything is:

= (%chance something good happens)(value of good thing) - (%chance something bad happens)(value of bad thing)

If some cases there may be multiple good or bad outcomes.

There isn't nearly enough information in your post to even generalize an equation (ie; for any pot size and 4bet size) - How often is villain folding to the 4bet? Are you folding 100% of the time to a 5bet? What happens if you see a flop?

If you're looking for the absolute simplest case. If villain does anything but fold then assume you lose the pot then the equation is:

(Villain Fold %)(Size of pot including 3bet) - (Villain Call or Raise %)(4bet value)

But again, this doesn't account for any postflop value gained by you or postflop mistakes made by you.
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07-20-2015 , 03:56 AM

What do these numbers mean? I understand they are for certain positions, but how do I interperate them? Why is total, and then EP 27 (52). Why is there 52 in () and what does 27 stand for?

Why do I also get other pop ups when hovering over different numbers?
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07-20-2015 , 09:18 AM
The 27 stands for 27% and the 52 is the sample size or the opportunities villains had to put money in the pot UTG. So 0.27*52 = ~14.

I hate the way HM2 does this. In PT4 in would say 27 (14/52) which is so much easier to use in real time at the table.
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07-20-2015 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Zombiefan
The 27 stands for 27% and the 52 is the sample size or the opportunities villains had to put money in the pot UTG. So 0.27*52 = ~14.

I hate the way HM2 does this. In PT4 in would say 27 (14/52) which is so much easier to use in real time at the table.
Wait a second.. What do you mean by the 'sample size or the opportunities villianS had to put money in the pot UTG'. You meant villian?

I really have troubles with your explanation about this, can you put it into some more detailed words.

I have no idea why you did 0.27*52 and what does the income of 14 means?
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07-20-2015 , 10:41 AM
Yeah i mean villain. The S was a typo.

Villain is they guy you have stats on. The 52 is the number of times that he could have put money in the pot (VP$IP) when he was UTG had he wanted, called sample size.

The 27 is the percentage of times he choose to put money in the pot.

27% = 0.27, 0.27*52=14. So villain put money in the pot when UTG 14 out of 52 times or 27%.

In PT4 it would say 27(14/52) which i think makes more simple to understand.

I'm not so good at explaining things.
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07-20-2015 , 11:09 AM
Thank you very much, you explained it good enough this time for me to understand .

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07-20-2015 , 11:10 AM
Should I play NL or L in the casino setting. Here's a little background about me. I usually play 1/3 NL and 5/10 L. I live in both FL. and CT. I play strictly for recreation, chart my wins/losses carefully, maintain an amply bankroll, move up and down stakes when appropriate, am old (67). Here's the problem, I am constantly, and I mean constantly trying to determine if I should play L, Nl, or continue to play both. My hourly win rate calculations show that I win a tad (just a tad) more playing NL than L. My problem is that I'm try to decide if I should choose one game and stick to it. In NL, I hate getting pushed off my straight and flush draws when a bet puts the pot odds against me. However, I love it when I make a large enough bet to push my adversaries off their straight and flush draws. I can grind it out all day playing limit, but love the rush of no limit. I dunno, I guess I'm just nuts. When I play limit, I'm thinking that maybe I should have played no limit that night. The reverse is also true. I think I'd like to pick one and let her rip, but which one? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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07-20-2015 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Nightstalker
Should I play NL or L in the casino setting. Here's a little background about me. I usually play 1/3 NL and 5/10 L. I live in both FL. and CT. I play strictly for recreation, chart my wins/losses carefully, maintain an amply bankroll, move up and down stakes when appropriate, am old (67). Here's the problem, I am constantly, and I mean constantly trying to determine if I should play L, Nl, or continue to play both. My hourly win rate calculations show that I win a tad (just a tad) more playing NL than L. My problem is that I'm try to decide if I should choose one game and stick to it. In NL, I hate getting pushed off my straight and flush draws when a bet puts the pot odds against me. However, I love it when I make a large enough bet to push my adversaries off their straight and flush draws. I can grind it out all day playing limit, but love the rush of no limit. I dunno, I guess I'm just nuts. When I play limit, I'm thinking that maybe I should have played no limit that night. The reverse is also true. I think I'd like to pick one and let her rip, but which one? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Whichever you enjoy more is the obvious answer. Whichever you earn more from would be the alternative, but it sounds as though it's an immaterial difference. Sounds as though you really want to play NL but don't trust yourself. If you can't play NL alone without gambling it up because you've got the itch to chase some draws, then maybe L is for you (presumably you're in a position where you have few, if any, years left in which you intend to earn regular income).

So, ask yourself why you're playing. Then choose accordingly. But frankly it can be a good thing to play more than one game.
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07-20-2015 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by thunderbolts
Whichever you enjoy more is the obvious answer. Whichever you earn more from would be the alternative, but it sounds as though it's an immaterial difference. Sounds as though you really want to play NL but don't trust yourself. If you can't play NL alone without gambling it up because you've got the itch to chase some draws, then maybe L is for you (presumably you're in a position where you have few, if any, years left in which you intend to earn regular income).

So, ask yourself why you're playing. Then choose accordingly. But frankly it can be a good thing to play more than one game.
I think you are right. I'm retired, financially sound, with no need to earn any extra income. Poker is all about enjoyment for me.
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07-20-2015 , 05:58 PM

First off I would like to say this has been an awesome site, and I have been reading a lot of the threads on here for help. I am in Vegas for like 4 weeks not by choice and I wanted to try my skills out here in some live games,(mainly 1-2 NLH). So here's the background: I'm active duty military and i only have been playing Holdem for about 2 years but that has been through tournaments sponsored by the base or a home game here and there. I have done some reading a book by Daniel Negreanu (Hold'em Wisdom for all Players) and the super system 2. About 80% of the time when it come to the tournaments I'm in the top 3, 90 percent i am in the final table. when it comes to the home games in am always ahead at least 200 dollars from where i started which is usually a 40 to 60 dollar buy in .50 1 NLH. So my current situation is i have played one 6 hour session, one 12 hour session, and one 9 hour session, since i have been here in vegas, all at the 1 2 NLH cash games my original buy in was 160, and right now I have won 650 after the three session. but i feel like i am just surviving the game not playing it. i have been TAG, and i have been only playing hand i know i can play like AA AKs, QQ, JJ, KK, and every now and then a suited over pair. i have been reading like i said these forms and trying to understand some of the concepts like EV, Pot odds, and the hand charts. Is there something i need to do or read up on, or is this like a go back to the drawing board situation. i love the game, and i realize that i am a uber noob, and the playing field i am on right now probably is not the best to learn on, but i really can't pass this kind of opportunity to experience and learn the game. any tips? thank you in advance.
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07-21-2015 , 02:39 PM
i envy you for the juiceyest games I've ever heard about. maybe i should go to the military,too
if all you need to do is nitting and getting paid big time keep doing it
that doesn't sound like surviving at all. if you make 10-15BBs per 100 hands in cashgames you're crushing it. just for a general reference

if you want to learn more about cash games and poker in general try playing NL10 online and read fee's 6max guide, sklansky's Theory of Poker and NLHE:Theory and Practice. Then you have the foundation from where the journey just begins

it sounds weird starting to play penny poker online but it's by far the cheapest and easiest way to gain a ton of experience in the fastest way possible about NLHE
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07-21-2015 , 03:26 PM
How can you find out what percentage of the pot you own when calculating EV?
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