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11-21-2014 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by doctor877
Lets assume we 100% know that we are behind OTF and our equity is solely based on the flush making it home, and when it does, we always win. So villain shoves and he gives us the exact pot odds to call the shove.

So calling is +-0 EV, so if we know that villain is never ever bluffing here and we always are behind, isn't calling or folding actually equal EV. When we fold, we only lose the chips already in the pot so folding is a 0 EV choice.

So isn't folding the "better" option here as it makes variance lower?
There are times when pursuing high variance strategy is a good idea. Also, in cashgames there are often rake considerations which mean in this exact scenario a fold is better.
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11-23-2014 , 12:16 PM
Does HM2 count a 2nd barrel even if the cbetter called a raise on the flop?


PF: Player1 raises, Player2 calls
F: Player1 bets, Player2 raises, Player1 calls
T: Player1 bets
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11-23-2014 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Info Shove
Does HM2 count a 2nd barrel even if the cbetter called a raise on the flop?


PF: Player1 raises, Player2 calls
F: Player1 bets, Player2 raises, Player1 calls
T: Player1 bets
no, this is a 'turn donk bet'
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11-24-2014 , 04:30 PM
This is a 2 part beginners question. Thanks for any help in advance:
1) Over the last 2 weeks Ive built my roll from $20 to $270 playing .1/.25 Zone on Bovada. In the past ive always busted so never had this problem haha. How many BBs do you consider enough to keep playing on vs. withdrawing some funds? I dont need the money out at all but im just curious.

2) I understand a lot of math goes into poker(implied, reverse implied, pot odds plus rule of 5/10 etc). Only in the last couple weeks have I started to attempt to include it more in my game. Right now im only using rule of 4 & 2. I primarily play .1/.25 Zone or low limit SnGs once and awhile. I guess my question is how much does math play into online/Zone/SnGs and what part do you use the most and why?

Thanks again for any help in advance. Been lurking in background off and on for awhile.
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11-24-2014 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by EveningMLady
This is a 2 part beginners question. Thanks for any help in advance:
1) Over the last 2 weeks Ive built my roll from $20 to $270 playing .1/.25 Zone on Bovada. In the past ive always busted so never had this problem haha. How many BBs do you consider enough to keep playing on vs. withdrawing some funds? I dont need the money out at all but im just curious.

2) I understand a lot of math goes into poker(implied, reverse implied, pot odds plus rule of 5/10 etc). Only in the last couple weeks have I started to attempt to include it more in my game. Right now im only using rule of 4 & 2. I primarily play .1/.25 Zone or low limit SnGs once and awhile. I guess my question is how much does math play into online/Zone/SnGs and what part do you use the most and why?

Thanks again for any help in advance. Been lurking in background off and on for awhile.
1) I'd want at least $500 to play 10c/25c games.
2) There's a lot of maths but fortunately most of it's really simple. Read DiamondDog's Mathenoobics of Poker then Poker Math That Matters and that'll be all you need for ages...
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11-25-2014 , 04:37 PM
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11-25-2014 , 05:49 PM
What are interesting threads to read at this moment? So not: "read pg&c" or "check out the psychology section", but concrete threads. Might be the most helpfull ones or the most exciting ones etc. (NLHE)
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11-26-2014 , 12:19 PM
I've been doing some research about playing poker part time for fun and profit. The brick and mortar that's close spreads $3/$6 with a kill and 1/2 NL. I used to play limit online quite a bit and have read some good books such as the theory of poker, small stakes hold 'em by Miller. Since black Friday, the choices for limit games that American's can play online is abysmal or non existent. I enjoy playing brick and mortar but the $3/$6 is almost unbeatable and the larger games are rarely spread.

So, I'm going to learn to play no limit. My goal is to be able to play profitably part time playing the 1/2 NL game that is spread at the local casino. What is the best book or two that would be best to learn the basics such as betting, range of hands, etc. pertaining to NL? I've done some searching on 2 + 2 but their seems to be a wide range. Just curious best approach to start my learning of small NL live games.

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11-27-2014 , 07:25 AM
whats your play?? 14 left of 16 paying 4 spots. start with 15k, 15 min levels. blinds at 300-600 and next level is 400-800 then 500-1k no antes. im on DB 8 handed. UTG flolds then limp, limp, limp, tight player and table chip leader raises to 4k. i have 9,200 left and A K off. i put the raiser on exactly 1 of 2 hands and believed if i shipped all in i would isolate and he would call and i would be flipping for a pot of 21,100. since i hadnt seen a real hand since the start and wanted to take advantage of these odds, i shoved..what would you have done?
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11-27-2014 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by drago619
i put the raiser on exactly 1 of 2 hands and believed if i shipped all in i ... he would call and i would be flipping
This statement makes absolutely no sense but otherwise, super-standard shove. Sorry it didn't work out for you.
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11-27-2014 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Cry Me A River
This statement makes absolutely no sense but otherwise, super-standard shove. Sorry it didn't work out for you.
I'm glad you're here to make these posts for the rest of us.
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11-29-2014 , 04:32 AM
My question is how do you prevent giving away tells by your bet sizing?

For example if I want to value bet a pair on a wet board I usually bet the flop big to give bad odds to potential callers who are on a draw. Pretty standard. But if I always do it like that, won't my hand be revealed (/ become a very narrow range) to villains who watch carefully?

In another example, if I want to semi bluff a wet flop should I use the same bet sizing as in the 1st example? Because after watching me for a while, if I don't bet the wet flop big it will be obvious that I'm just bluffing or on a draw?
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11-29-2014 , 04:41 AM
Use the same bets sizing for bluffs and value on the same board types vs villains who are paying attention (very few at the nano stakes) Use exploitative bet sizing vs ppl who are not paying attention. Also bet wet flops with air a smaller % of the time bc they will connect with villains range a lot more, therefore u get less folds.

E.g. u have 22 and flop comes T9Att u can just x/f that flop.
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11-29-2014 , 08:32 AM
Hey guys,

I recently won a £880 seat to the GPS Main event in Sheffield and was trying to sell it. I was wondering which part of the forums I can do that because the marketplace seems to be exclusively for staking?
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11-30-2014 , 11:35 AM
is there a number for pokerstars support customers?
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11-30-2014 , 11:40 AM
PS don't do phone support.

At one point, Party had 300+ people doing phone support while PS was bigger and had 100 total support staff. It's just more efficient to only do email.
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11-30-2014 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by CantWinAFlip
Hey guys,

I recently won a £880 seat to the GPS Main event in Sheffield and was trying to sell it. I was wondering which part of the forums I can do that because the marketplace seems to be exclusively for staking?
Read this:
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12-01-2014 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Cry Me A River
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12-03-2014 , 05:13 PM
When faced with a flop bet with a draw and anticipating a turn bet, is it correct to estimate the turn bet amount as (frequency x amount) or just amount? If your opponents range includes some hands he'd pot control with and some hands he'd continue with, is this the correct math?

Also any advice on anticipating bets on later street or what factors to consider in general is appreciated.
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12-04-2014 , 02:43 AM
Consider what effect your opponent betting the turn will have on your EV when that happens, and use that as part of an overall evaluation.

Probably easier just to guess at R in general but this will improve the accuracy of said guesses.
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12-04-2014 , 07:55 AM
Is there any way to increase the time limit for a Zoom hand on PS? Twice yesterday, I had a premium hand, was considering 3bet sizing, and my hand got folded in like 3 seconds. Very annoying.
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12-04-2014 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by Charlie Yu
Is there any way to increase the time limit for a Zoom hand on PS? Twice yesterday, I had a premium hand, was considering 3bet sizing, and my hand got folded in like 3 seconds. Very annoying.
Click the time bank. Also, if you're at the stage where you need to think for more than about a second to decide 3bet sizing, probably don't play more than 1 zoom table and definitely not more than 2.
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12-04-2014 , 08:10 AM
.02/.05 NL. UTG raised to 15c. 3 cold callers and I had AKo on the Button. So I had to check UTG's VPIP/PFR to decide whether to 3b or not, then calculate 45c+15c*3=90c if I do. Definitely takes more than 1sec
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12-04-2014 , 09:16 AM
You should calculate it as the hand goes on. It helps a LOT with thought processes too - if you think "what do I do here if he 3 bets?" etc.

But the answer to your original question is always "play fewer tables".
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12-05-2014 , 12:55 PM
Has there ever been a post about kind of the sociology of poker playing style, cultural background of NLHE in different countries, etc? I'm asking here because I wouldn't even know in which sub to look for it.

What I mean is we all know the generalized population reads for American regs versus Spanish regs, and how they both play differently from Asian regs, etc. I'm not looking for your regular, old, practically-minded post that's like, "Let's break it down for ya: Spaniards are spewtards, and you exploit them by ... and Asians are FPS-y and Americans are nitty, yadda yadda," but something that more-so focuses on the history of poker in those cultures and how it got to be that way.

I got interested thinking about this because if you think about the English speaking world, how us TAGs got to be the way we are seems like such a straight-forward story, that it practically tells itself. You start with the poker boom from ESPN WSOP ME reruns, and look at Phil Helmouth and Harrington on Hold 'em strategies that are like, "Don't go broke in a tournament with TPGK"; and trace that to the PartyPoker money grab where it was so easy, even a nit could do it; and then that became the standard internet TAG, where just so long as you played a strong range preflop, everything else would work out; and then so on down the line, and you have your foundational makeup of a "competent," less-than-40-year-old, white, english-speaking player.

I'm sure you could trace it even further back to stud and draw games being how us Americans grew up playing poker and probably relate how that taught us how to play poker, but I'm not old enough to know why Doyle and Harrington are the way *they* are, so to speak.

Anyhow, I think it'd be interesting to get that same sort of story for Asian (though I realize "Asian" covers a whole helluva lot of cultures and languages) regs. What do strategic approaches look like in chinese poker games? How did NLHE get popular in those cultures? Or for Spanish players, did the pinnacle-like naipes deck affect their acclimation to NLHE strategy? Is there some spanish-speaking equivalent of twoplustwo with some big poker coach or poster or hero or the like (maybe an analog to our Hellmouth or Harrington or Sklansky ... sorry Sklansky to mention you in the same breath as that first name) have a certain approach to the game that established the ABCs of poker as being so different from our ABCs of play strong hands preflop, vbet, and fold when faced with aggression?

I think now a decade after the poker boom, as more and more gets written about the game and it gets closer to solved, we're all probably meeting somewhere in the middle, but that only makes it all-the-more fascinating to me: that in the end, we were all trying to chase the same EV carrot at the end of the stick and probably each had our own merits for our approaches, but that we started in such different places in our approach to NLHE (or cards in general) that we played so differently for so long.
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