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03-15-2012 , 05:38 PM
Thanks King and Arty I had to go look up Fold Equity but now it makes sense.
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03-15-2012 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by BONDMI5
Assume you are playing a 6 MAX game and you are UTG with AK preflop. You do a pot raise and a NIT 3bets on the BTN. Do you 4bet, fold, or shove all-in?
Assuming villain 3x your open, you need 31.1% equity to break even if you get stacks in.
A nit should only really be 3-betting KK and AA if you opened utg. I'd actually be flatting those on the button, because there's more value in keeping you in the pot if I have you dominated, but whatever.
AKo vs KK+ has 18.4% equity, so it's an easy fold vs that range.
AKo vs QQ+ has 31% equity, so if villain has QQ in his range, you're breaking even.
If AKo/AKs is also in villain's range (along with queens), you have 38% equity, so can get it in. Likewise if villain shoves JJ.
Generally, I think it's best to just fold until you've got a better idea of villain's stack off range. Unless you know for sure he'd play AQ this way, reluctantly folding AK is fine.
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03-15-2012 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
Assuming villain 3x your open, you need 31.1% equity to break even if you get stacks in.
A nit should only really be 3-betting KK and AA if you opened utg. I'd actually be flatting those on the button, because there's more value in keeping you in the pot if I have you dominated, but whatever.
AKo vs KK+ has 18.4% equity, so it's an easy fold vs that range.
AKo vs QQ+ has 31% equity, so if villain has QQ in his range, you're breaking even.
If AKo/AKs is also in villain's range (along with queens), you have 38% equity, so can get it in. Likewise if villain shoves JJ.
Generally, I think it's best to just fold until you've got a better idea of villain's stack off range. Unless you know for sure he'd play AQ this way, reluctantly folding AK is fine.
1) If you suspect the villain's range is AKo/AKs and QQ+, would it be alright to call the villain's 3bet?

2) When would hero want to 4bet villain's 3bet?

3) And when would a shove all-in be appropiate?
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03-15-2012 , 08:49 PM
Those are tricky questions. I really don't like calling with AK out of position in a 3-bet pot, but might do it if villain has a low c-bet %, because if he checks an ace or king-high flop, you can put him on jacks or queens. Most flops are gonna be really hard to play though, so I prefer to make my decision early on and either commit myself to getting it in by raising/shoving or (more often) folding and waiting for a better spot.
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03-15-2012 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by BONDMI5
1) If you suspect the villain's range is AKo/AKs and QQ+, would it be alright to call the villain's 3bet?

2) When would hero want to 4bet villain's 3bet?
I wrote some stuff on this the other day you might find useful.


3) And when would a shove all-in be appropiate?
Mostly when villain is the type who flats 4bets or when stacks are shallow.
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03-16-2012 , 07:04 AM
Originally Posted by ArtySmokes
Those are tricky questions. I really don't like calling with AK out of position in a 3-bet pot, but might do it if villain has a low c-bet %, because if he checks an ace or king-high flop, you can put him on jacks or queens. Most flops are gonna be really hard to play though, so I prefer to make my decision early on and either commit myself to getting it in by raising/shoving or (more often) folding and waiting for a better spot.
I like your observation about making the decision early on and waiting for a better position.

Lets assume the position changes as in the following example. Hero is playing a 6 MAX game and hero is on the BTN with AK preflop. Hero does a pot raise and a NIT 3bets from UTG. Would hero be more likely to call the villain's 3bet to see the flop and try to dominate the villain from late position?

In which cases should hero call, 4bet, fold, or shove all-in?
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03-16-2012 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by BONDMI5
I like your observation about making the decision early on and waiting for a better position.

Lets assume the position changes as in the following example. Hero is playing a 6 MAX game and hero is on the BTN with AK preflop. Hero does a pot raise and a NIT 3bets from SB or BB. Would hero be more likely to call the villain's 3bet to see the flop and try to dominate the villain from late position?

In which cases should hero call, 4bet, fold, or shove all-in?

this is a pretty good exercise for Poker Stove. Plug in a range for villain and report back about how AK stands up to that range. NITs are wonderful animals to play against because they are so predictable.
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03-16-2012 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew

this is a pretty good exercise for Poker Stove. Plug in a range for villain and report back about how AK stands up to that range. NITs are wonderful animals to play against because they are so predictable.
Thanks King Spew for the advice....

I am asking for opinions when the hero's position changes to BTN....

If the equity decision is borderline, does the hero's position determine the correct decision to call, 4bet, fold, or shove all-in?
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03-16-2012 , 01:47 PM
sure....but is the decision actually borderline? How close is it according to pokerstove?
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03-16-2012 , 02:39 PM
ArtySmokes, I would like your opinion when you have a chance....Thanks in advance.....
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03-16-2012 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by BONDMI5
I am asking for opinions when the hero's position changes to BTN....
If the equity decision is borderline, does the hero's position determine the correct decision to call, 4bet, fold, or shove all-in?
What was the action prior to hero's options popping up? If a nit open-raised UTG, I'm usually flatting AK on the button. If I 3-bet, think about the nit's continuance range. If he has aces or kings, he'll 4-bet. We are then making a mistake by calling/shoving, as he has us crushed.
If he has AQ, queens, jacks, or tens, he might think "Jeez! That guy just 3-bet my UTG raise. He must have aces or kings. I should fold".
If villain folds to our 3-bet, we just win the 3bb he opened with. If he 4-bets, we can fold and lose the 9 or 10bb we put in as a 3-bet, or we can get it in and lose our whole stack.

What we actually want to happen is for hands we beat (or have a good chance to beat) to see a flop. We call on the button and have the benefit of position. Flop comes K72, so we have TPTK. Villain makes a c-bet with his entire range, some of which we are beating. We call his bet. If he checks the turn (he had TT, JJ, QQ, AQ), we bet and take the pot and win much more than if we'd 3-bet pre.
So the short answer is... if a nit opens UTG, then we should flat AK on the button, because raising AK means we win a tiny pot or lose a big one.
The concept is probably explained better (and actually hilariously) in this video by Nikachu:
As Nikachu says, "3-betting an UTG nit's raise is RET@RDED!"
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03-17-2012 , 06:54 AM
What does Pooh-bah mean?
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03-17-2012 , 08:31 AM
pooh bah is someone with 3500 posts.
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03-17-2012 , 09:50 AM
How do i upload graphs/stats?
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03-17-2012 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by LRMFJ
What does Pooh-bah mean?
'(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a pompous self-important official holding several offices at once and fulfilling none of them'. so a jokey title for someone with so many 2+2 posts

Originally Posted by LC14
How do i upload graphs/stats?
get a free screenshot grabbing utility like hyperdesktop, u can selectively part of your screen (i.e. your graphs), then paste the image URL it makes, into your forum post with the button
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03-17-2012 , 11:54 PM
I just played a session of cash games and it felt like I maybe played the best I've ever played. However my winnings werent the biggest. I'm trying to learn to understand to read EV stat as right now it's just a meaningless number to me. All I look at is how much I've won or lost and then how my VPIP/PFR/3bet stats are.

So to my question. Below you can see I've circled my best winning session ever as white 32$ and I've also circled today's session where I won 11$. They both have about 18$ EV. Now on the center I've circled 2 different sessions where my winnings are about same as today 10-12$, but their EV's are COMPLETELY different. Other one has -0.17$ EV and +7.19$ EV compared to today's 18$.

So is EV a way to see if I've actually played good and doesn't it take the luck factor/bad beats away? Was I just lucky I won that much in the middle sessions where my EV was lower and still had over +10$ won? Also if EV is a measurement of how good I've played then what is better measuring stick for having played good bb/100 or EV?

(Right click and "View Image" to see the stats bigger)

Last edited by Kala; 03-18-2012 at 12:00 AM.
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03-18-2012 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by Kala
So is EV the best way to see if I've actually played good
No. And your post is a prime example why beginner players should just ignore all-in EV completely. It is a difficult stat to use productively and instead is often completely misused.

CoTW: Why all-in-EV is a horrible measure of overall luck
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03-18-2012 , 12:07 AM
Isn't it better stat to look at though than only looking at how much I've won or lost right, because that's all I've done so far. If I've won a lot I've thought I've played good regardless of how lucky I've been on flips etc.

Ty for the link btw.
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03-18-2012 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Kala
Isn't it better stat
Which is a better stat to determine how good a hockey player is: Game Winning Goals or Salary?

Last edited by Cry Me A River; 03-18-2012 at 12:24 AM. Reason: improved analogy
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03-18-2012 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by Cry Me A River
Which is a better stat to determine how good a hockey goaltender is: Assists or Salary?
Ehehe okay. I saw that edit .
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03-18-2012 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Kala
So is EV a way to see if I've actually played good and doesn't it take the luck factor/bad beats away? Was I just lucky I won that much in the middle sessions where my EV was lower and still had over +10$ won? Also if EV is a measurement of how good I've played then what is better measuring stick for having played good bb/100 or EV?
EV is not a particularly good measure of luck (it only counts called all ins), and a very bad measure of how well you play, especially over a small sample.
But you can certainly take comfort in the results of your latest session. You won some money, but would have won even more if you'd secured a fair share of your equity in all in situations. In the earlier sessions, you won more than you "deserved". In samples of 2000 hands or so, though, the EV figure is largely meaningless. You might only be all in a couple of times and win both as a huge favourite, or lose both as a slight underdog.
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03-18-2012 , 02:13 PM
Ok thanks Arty. Yeah I thought so about earlier sessions and as you can see, then it normalized so I started loosing by not changing anything in my game thinking i'm playing correctly. Then for the latest session I had made some big changes to my strategy, because I didn't want to loose money again and it worked.
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03-19-2012 , 07:11 AM

I cannot make a new thread. Why not?
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03-19-2012 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by geppityu
I cannot make a new thread. Why not?
Yes you can. However, some forums require special permission to create threads. Read the FAQ/Sticky rules at the top of that forum
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03-19-2012 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Cry Me A River
Yes you can. However, some forums require special permission to create threads. Read the FAQ/Sticky rules at the top of that forum
OK, thank you.
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