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12-05-2009 , 05:07 AM
BTW, for bankroll strategy, I have been following Chris Fergusons advice about no more than 5% buy in, move tables if you get up to 10%. No more than 2% for tournament buy ins.
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12-05-2009 , 05:20 AM
I'll get my profile up to speed in my downtime, but to add to the above list.. when you say you need 20 BB or 100BB for a certain level.. that's total bankroll, right? So then, how much do you buy in with? Min? Max? the max up to 5% of your bankroll? This seems to make a little bit of a difference.
I hate small ball, but can play it effectively and have often joined table with close to min buy in, and made money quickly and easily and moved on. But there are other tables where if you have under a certain amount, you are just going to get pushed around until you get it in on a race, leave, or buy in with enough to have some fold equity.
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12-05-2009 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by ZomBParadox
So NL50 is actually $0.25/$0.50 ... correct? yes, essentially just think of the games as 2nl, 5nl, 10nl, 25nl, 50nl and so on.

I'm smart enough to program my database/tracker, etc... but all the dam abbreviations when I don't know what they mean, and feel like I'll be Rip Van Winkle and Blind before I find the answer..... if you hover over a stat it should tell you what it is, you'll soon get used to it

Which of the trackers is easiest to use? all much of a muchness
I used to PT3, but it had extra programs running form POSTGRES etc, so I deleted it. I don't like rogue programs running on my machine. you have to have postgres running for PT3 and, i believe, HEM. i'm not a techie but i think this program is essentially what looks after the database. i wouldn't call it a rogue program, and pt and hem are both very trusted pieces of software

What is the best program to use if you play on multiple computers? Work, home, visiting family, etc... laptop while traveling... Don't see any info on this. again, pt3 or hem. i believe you can use it on more than one computer. their websites/forums will confirm this

Why is there so much variance on information regarding BR management? I have read books, posts, talked to pros, etc... All I need is a general ballpark Hi and Lo and I"ll figure out what works for me. But I don't want to be like the guys who learned the hard way that they started with 1/3 of what they should should have or were at twice the limit they should have been at for their bankroll size. lots of people operate different bankrolls depending on what game they play. some people are just generally more conservative than others
Originally Posted by ZomBParadox
BTW, for bankroll strategy, I have been following Chris Fergusons advice about no more than 5% buy in, move tables if you get up to 10%. No more than 2% for tournament buy ins.
i use this method too as you get plenty of play for your roll. but i am flexible on the 10% rule if the situation calls for it.
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12-05-2009 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by ZomBParadox
I'll get my profile up to speed in my downtime, but to add to the above list.. when you say you need 20 BB or 100BB for a certain level.. that's total bankroll, right? So then, how much do you buy in with? Min? Max? the max up to 5% of your bankroll? This seems to make a little bit of a difference.
I hate small ball, but can play it effectively and have often joined table with close to min buy in, and made money quickly and easily and moved on. But there are other tables where if you have under a certain amount, you are just going to get pushed around until you get it in on a race, leave, or buy in with enough to have some fold equity.
i think you're confusing BB (big blind/big bets) with BI (buy-in) here. i think limit players usually talk in terms of bb's, whereas no limit players use buy-ins. ( i may be wrong here). but generally if someone says you need 20 buy-ins for a level, then yes that's your whole roll.

buying for a small amount is called short-stacking, and can be profitable if you do it right. word of warning, most people hate short stackers and will tell you to buy in full to maximise value. when you stack someone you want to take 100bb's rather than 50bb's wouldn't you? most shortstackers at the micros, imo, aren't very good anyway.

anyway, each to their own. i prefer to buy-in full, and look for tables where most of the players have similar sized stacks.
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12-05-2009 , 07:16 AM
why can't I change my image on stars?

there is an option to select/change image but for some reason I can't change it to another picture?

I go to change it and it says that can only change my image once? whats the deal?
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12-05-2009 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by iiinvision
why can't I change my image on stars?

there is an option to select/change image but for some reason I can't change it to another picture?

I go to change it and it says that can only change my image once? whats the deal?
yes stars will only let you change it once. so you must've already had 2 avatars.

howeverrrrrr, if you send them a very nice e-mail they may do it for you.
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12-05-2009 , 07:21 AM
so what is a buy in amount for a given level, let's say a 0.5/.10 game?
does 20BB = 5%, ie the same thing?
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12-05-2009 , 07:42 AM
if you email and ask nicely, they will probably let you change it 1 more time

Tell them TheWookieWay sent you
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12-05-2009 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by ZomBParadox
so what is a buy in amount for a given level, let's say a 0.5/.10 game?
does 20BB = 5%, ie the same thing?
typically a full buy-in is usually 100 big blinds, so at 10nl that would be $10 with blinds at 5c/10c.
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-05-2009 , 01:58 PM
"anyway, each to their own. i prefer to buy-in full, and look for tables where most of the players have similar sized stacks. "
"typically a full buy-in is usually 100 big blinds, so at 10nl that would be $10 with blinds at 5c/10c. "

So you buy into a 10nl table (5c/10c) with $10 and you want to be able to do this 20 times, so your bankroll is $200 to fit this level, at minimum?
And if you are playing 5nl (2c/5c) you buy in with $5 and you only need $100 for your bankroll?
If you are shortstackin, you play same table and limits but buy in for less, so you have more buy ins? OR .. you buy in for 5% with your stack still (so still 20 buy ins) but you do it at a higher limit? Or both??

Just making sure I got the bases covered and we'll go from there. I HATE all the abbreviations in all the posts.. NLHE too me long enough to get used to but what is uNL?
And then someone's name is smoething like CMAS .. is that a name or an abbreviation? Just say NO to abbreviations in beginner forums!
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-05-2009 , 02:08 PM
yes, you have the full buy-ins part down correct. $200 for 20 full bi's at 10nl, and $100 for 20 full bi's at $5nl.

i do not know what a suitable bank roll is for short-stacking, but i would guess you still want to have a good number of bi's, like 20.

uNL is just an abbreviation for micro nl. so anything from 50nl down. it comes from the greek letter or something. if you search hard enough on the forums you'll find the proper answer

i don't know what you mean by CMAS?

you'll get the hang of it and be spouting out abbreviations like the rest of us in no time at all
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-05-2009 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by bumblebee99

i don't know what you mean by CMAS?
He probably means me.


You should really spend some time with this:

Beginners Forum Frequently Asked Questions

Especially the dictionary at the end.

PostgresSQL is not a "rogue program". It's database software:

This is sort of like saying, "I gave away my car because it had rogue parts called an 'engine' and 'brakes'. I don't like rogue parts in my cars!"
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-06-2009 , 07:28 AM
in the stars tourneys that you enter with fpps, such as the 210 fpp satellite to the 1/4 mil, it says the total prize pool is XXXXfpp's.

so if you finish in the 'money', do you get fpps?
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-06-2009 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by bumblebee99
in the stars tourneys that you enter with fpps, such as the 210 fpp satellite to the 1/4 mil, it says the total prize pool is XXXXfpp's.

so if you finish in the 'money', do you get fpps?
"Top 6 finishers advance to the Sunday 1/4 Million."

"One entry to tournament #23401003 for every 700 FPP in the prize pool."

"Total prize pool: 4,200 FPP
6 entries to tournament #23401003."
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-06-2009 , 04:14 PM
Can anybody tell me, if HEM distinguishes between € currency and $ currency and how i can edit it so that i can see my results in both currencies?
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12-06-2009 , 04:18 PM
every time i download fulltiltpoker the download stops, sometimes at the beginning other near the end... i have tried it in 3 different pcs with the same problem. Any other place i can download the ftp soft?
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-06-2009 , 05:08 PM
Hi , i was watching some 25/50$ blinds on pokerstars right now ,and i see many people ,like the same one's sitting with 5,000$ at tables and all are sitting out , why is that ?
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-06-2009 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by nlsg
Hi , i was watching some 25/50$ blinds on pokerstars right now ,and i see many people ,like the same one's sitting with 5,000$ at tables and all are sitting out , why is that ?
They're waiting for you to sit down...
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-06-2009 , 05:21 PM
that is not nice , i was just curious .
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-06-2009 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by nlsg
that is not nice , i was just curious .
I'm not kidding...

Obv "you" means "you or someone like you"...
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-06-2009 , 05:33 PM
i'm just a wow player ,don't know poker that good right now and realy don't have that kind of money to deposit ! ok,sorry for asking ,ty.
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-06-2009 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by nlsg
i'm just a wow player ,don't know poker that good right now and realy don't have that kind of money to deposit ! ok,sorry for asking ,ty.

You asked a question and I gave you the answer. What do you want me to do, just make something up?
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-06-2009 , 06:58 PM
Is there a part I through VII for "Rumnchess's Guide to Live Poker"? I can't seem to find it or get an answer.
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-06-2009 , 10:44 PM
I can't get Hold'em Manager's Table Scanner to work... I've upped the "5" default to 99, and still no good. I think it's trying to scan too quick for this machine .
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
12-07-2009 , 01:57 AM
A couple dumb questions relating to limit holdem terminology. What does the "!" come from in the abbreviation 3! And what exactly is an open-fold if it's occurring on the river?
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