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** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** ** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread **

11-27-2010 , 08:34 PM
dan233: Some more words, not stats related this time.
I have experienced downswings like this A LOT. In my case, they are usually a combination of bad luck and bad play. Or, more precisely, I'll be running very bad, and my natural aggressive nature (at poker) will show its bad side. When I get 3-bet for the 5 th time in 10 raises, I'll think they can't have it AGAIN, and 4-bet. Not noticing it's actually the only the 2nd time this specific villain did it. And he'll have aces, everytime.

It's tough really, to continue to play normally, when youve been getting shafted by the deck for 700 hands and counting. But you should, as should I. Just hinting that your downswing could be yourself enhancing your bad luck. I know it's cost me thousands of dollars.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
11-27-2010 , 08:46 PM
dan... your vpip/pfr ratio is kind of small.. meaning u have 7% more vpip than pfr which tells me you are cold calling too often, and looking at your stats it seems like that is happening mainly in the blinds seeing as u only fold your bb about 60% of the time. I would say to work on tightening your cold calling range in the blinds since you are always at a disadvantage(OOP, unless its against the sb).. also another thing i noticed is that you are cbetting 85% of flops.. this tells me that you are cbetting pretty much any flop without much thought of why it would be a good board to cbet and i think you are leaking a bit of money there.

edit: i also noticed that your CC% from the button is 23% which also seems too high. i would filter in HEM for hands that you cold called and try to find spots where it would have been better to fold.. cold calling gives u the disadvantage of letting your opponent has initiative. my CC% is around 8 while yours is about 18

Last edited by Jakeeck; 11-27-2010 at 08:58 PM.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
11-27-2010 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Jakeeck
dan... your vpip/pfr ratio is kind of small.. meaning u have 7% more vpip than pfr which tells me you are cold calling too often, and looking at your stats it seems like that is happening mainly in the blinds seeing as u only fold your bb about 60% of the time. I would say to work on tightening your cold calling range in the blinds since you are always at a disadvantage(OOP, unless its against the sb).. also another thing i noticed is that you are cbetting 85% of flops.. this tells me that you are cbetting pretty much any flop without much thought of why it would be a good board to cbet and i think you are leaking a bit of money there.

edit: i also noticed that your CC% from the button is 23% which also seems too high. i would filter in HEM for hands that you cold called and try to find spots where it would have been better to fold.. cold calling gives u the disadvantage of letting your opponent has initiative. my CC% is around 8 while yours is about 18
Very important info. I appreciate this.I actually suspected this. Thanks for confirming it.
Please tell me if you notice anything else
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
11-29-2010 , 04:47 PM
Hi there,
So about 3 weeks ago I made the switch from STT/MTT to cash tables, I like it a lot better but I've lost more than half my bankroll while making the switch.
At first I played 100NL full ring(shortstacked) and played way too much tables at the same time. I also know now that 100NL was nowhere near what my bankroll could safely handle (had 230$, luckily I've never made a deposit in my life so no actual money was lost, started out from a freeroll.)
To make a story short, I ended up with 110$, started playing 2NL and while I feel I do have an edge over the players at these stakes I keep losing. Because I lose alot and I feel I'm running quite bad and easily tilted after a bad beat I've been reading a lot of this forum and've read some books in the meanwhile.However I keep being a losing player and am only sitting at 100$ atm
I play 6max and sit at the table with 100 bbs. Here are my pokertracker stats.

Am I too agressive? Do I underestimate my opponents? too loose?
hopefully I'll get some usefull replies, thanks in advance
and feel free to ask more stats, i wanna fix my flaws!
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
11-30-2010 , 04:40 AM
ChronicLS: Preflop seems to be roughly OK, didn't look in too much detail but no big things there.
Postflop is different. Your WTSD% is huge (31%), with still reasonable W$SD, though that number converges so slowly it's hard to assign it much meaning ever.

Looking at your AggFreq% vs your Agg Factor is revealing: your AF is way too low while you still have a huge AggFreq. That can mean only one thing really: you are calling WAY too often to bets and raises, and definitely not folding enough. At 2NL, people have an aggressive player like you beat when they raise, so just fold, unless you have a monster yourself. When they raise, fold top pair, fold overpairs, and probably fold a fair amount of 2 pair too. Fold sets when the flush draw or straight draw just came in -- they aren't bluffing it.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-01-2010 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by fabadam
ChronicLS: Preflop seems to be roughly OK, didn't look in too much detail but no big things there.
Postflop is different. Your WTSD% is huge (31%), with still reasonable W$SD, though that number converges so slowly it's hard to assign it much meaning ever.

Looking at your AggFreq% vs your Agg Factor is revealing: your AF is way too low while you still have a huge AggFreq. That can mean only one thing really: you are calling WAY too often to bets and raises, and definitely not folding enough. At 2NL, people have an aggressive player like you beat when they raise, so just fold, unless you have a monster yourself. When they raise, fold top pair, fold overpairs, and probably fold a fair amount of 2 pair too. Fold sets when the flush draw or straight draw just came in -- they aren't bluffing it.
Aight, thanks for the advice. will try to fold more often from now on
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-06-2010 , 09:03 AM
Ive been playing on and off for about a year, but in the last month or so ive started playing a bit more seriously and looking at stats, im only goin to post my stats from the past month (10k hands) rather than my overall stats (25k hands) as i think it gives a better indication of my style and current leaks.

** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-06-2010 , 06:22 PM
neupew: You seems a bit of a weak-tight player, with low postflop aggression. It looks like you are only ever betting made hands. This can work at the very low levels, but will not work at higher levels.
You do seem to c-bet a reasonable amount, so perhaps I am mishjudging a bit; but you are definitely too passive.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-06-2010 , 07:10 PM
Hello everyone, I am new here and I just finished reading this thread and MP's "**** Official Stats and Graphs Analysis Thread ****". Great Info!

Anyways I took a look at my numbers and compared them to the MP's stat recomendations from that thread. Here are some of my more important stats (this is all $5nl fullring rush poker btw).

based on 17.5k hands
WTSD%: 28.65
W$WSF: 51
W$atSD: 54.88
Att. to steal: 21.61

So looking at this information it looks like I am playing too tight out of LP and maybe even MP. Here is a closer look at my VPIP from position:
1--13.5 So these numbers seem a bit low. Should I be
2--12 playing alot more hands in these positions? Could it be a
3--10.8 result of tighter ranges due to playing rush poker?

Another obvious problem is that my Att. to steal is low, which is probably related to the above problem..

My W$WSF is much higher than the 35% recomended. Is this a bad thing? I am I betting people off their mediocre hands too much? Whats the deal with this?

I would post screen shots of my stats however I am having issues with the "Insert Image" button lol..

Any advice would be great thanks!
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-06-2010 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by fabadam
neupew: You seems a bit of a weak-tight player, with low postflop aggression. It looks like you are only ever betting made hands. This can work at the very low levels, but will not work at higher levels.
You do seem to c-bet a reasonable amount, so perhaps I am mishjudging a bit; but you are definitely too passive.
Thanks for the response. Yeah i probably would be inclined to give up after one street if my c-bet gets called at this level. I think i do need to work on my river aggression, missing alot of value checking back hands when I could of got good value. Also, looking at that, I really need to work on opening up my 3-bet range, 8% i think would be ideal for me. Still new to poker so weak tight is probably close to the most profitable way to play the micros until i learn a bit more about the game.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-07-2010 , 02:46 AM
The_Riddle: I don't really know of recommended W$WSF, certainly not at Rush FR, but in your case I'd certainly expect it to be above 40$, given your ultra-tight preflop play -- you are simply going to have the best hand a lot with your range.
I wouldn't make too much effort about your 3-bet range at this level. It should mostly get higher because you can 3-bet light stealers a lot out of the blinds.
I think it would be worth while to practice opening/raising a lot more (thus lighter) from late position. It's kind of silly to have a button raising range of less than 20%.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-07-2010 , 05:32 AM
I am new to 2+2 and need some help. I recently signed up for UB along with a rake back site called RakeReduction., through 2+2. I am having some issues with cashing out and cannot reach the site. I have emailed them, started a claim ticket (both through their site), also, I made a post to them in the 2+2 forum... The reason for my post here is simple. I noticed that in the rake back forum on here, this rakereduction people have not responded to any recent (3months) postings and I am concerned.

Has anyone used this site for rake back that can help me figure out how to cash out? OR, does anyone know how to contact them by phone?, since emails dont work.

Thanks for your help.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-07-2010 , 07:27 AM
Hello again, fabadam. I posted my Rush 5NL 15K hands graph a while back, and wondered if you could take a look at my 50K hand graph that I just completed. I followed your previous advice and stopped being such a damn nit in late position and post-flop. I feel I've become a far better player in the last couple months. My stats show that a bit, but sadly my graph doesn't very much. I'm well above EV and am in the black, but then I looked at my BB/100 and Rake paid and died a little inside. Is it normal for Rakeback to be higher than actual profit? And what should a winning player expect to have as far as BB/100?

** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-07-2010 , 09:17 AM
Your preflop stats seem basically OK to me, though your early position play looks a bit too loose to me (in FR I'd play something like 22+,ATs+,AQo+,KQs,JTs -- around 10% -- at most).

Postflop you are clearly calling too much: your AF is low, and your AggFreq is still high. Also (related) your WTSD% is very high. It looks to me like you are hero calling/bluff catching a bit too much. Try to set up some filters to see what your results are when calling postflop and going to showdown -- you might be shocked.
EDIT: Reason being, that when you get raised at 5NL, you're nearly always facing monsters.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-07-2010 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by fabadam
The_Riddle: I don't really know of recommended W$WSF, certainly not at Rush FR, but in your case I'd certainly expect it to be above 40$, given your ultra-tight preflop play -- you are simply going to have the best hand a lot with your range.
I wouldn't make too much effort about your 3-bet range at this level. It should mostly get higher because you can 3-bet light stealers a lot out of the blinds.
I think it would be worth while to practice opening/raising a lot more (thus lighter) from late position. It's kind of silly to have a button raising range of less than 20%.
Alright, thanks for the comments. I think that in Rush Poker playing a tighter range is actually not a bad way to go (not sure on this but a hunch). But I am making an effort to play more hands out of late position. We'll see how it goes.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-08-2010 , 04:03 AM
Greetings 2+2 community, my 1st post here .
Thats my stats for first 20k hands on nl 10, winrate is great, but ev line flows two times below profit line, so i suppose there are some major leaks in my gameplay.



Thanks in advance.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-08-2010 , 07:45 AM
Targatlol: these are reasonable stats, but there are a few remarks.
Preflop you are insuffciently position aware. Your VPIP/PFR in early position is on the loose side, and in cutoff and button you are not opening nearly enough. As a general rule, your button VPIP should be at least twice that of UTG, probably more.
I also think you are folding the blinds too often to steals. Not a major thing but try to find which opponents are stealing a lot and defend more against them.
Postflop your aggression is good. Your flop cbet% seems a bit too high, so try to avoid bad cbets. Also the dropoff in aggression from flop to turn is very large, probably mostly because of the cbet mania.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-09-2010 , 07:25 AM
Can someone take a look at my stats? Thanks!

This stats are for 25nl SH.

** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-09-2010 , 09:36 AM
andrestc: Your stats are those of a weak-tight nit.
Preflop you are VERY tight (16/13) for 6-max. In UTG and hijack, your stats are fairly normal, but you are too tight in late position. Case rule: your button VPIP/PFR should be at least twice that of UTG. You do steal a bit (28%), though that is still under 30% which is about the lowest that is OK. I suspect you should especially iso-raise limpers more, I suspect.
Postflop you are way too passive. You are not betting very much, not even all made hands it seems, while with your tight range, you will have the best hand often on the flop.
Your AggFactor is too low on all streets (should be >= 3), while your AggFreq is still quite high. This also indicates you are probably calling too often (rather than folding or raising).
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-09-2010 , 06:36 PM
I know this is a very small sample size, but I was suggested to go ahead and post some of my early stats in hopes of getting some feed back on anything that I blatantly need to change. The beginning is a bit more erratic when I first started playing because I was playing limits that were far too high for my skill level and bank roll, but I some settled down with .01/.02NL full rings at first but now more recently 6max.

Thanks for any feedback
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-09-2010 , 07:46 PM
Triangle CHoke: Yeah that is a small sample.
A few things stand way out though:
(1) Most important: stop calling preflop. Just don't do it. Either raise or fold. Yes, there are situations where a call is warranted, but you are calling WAY WAY too much. First of all, don't ever, ever open-call. When it's raised in front of you, 3-bet or fold. The only hands that warrant cold-calling are smallish pocket pairs and small suited connectors. So you might consider cold-calling with 22-99 and 54s-JTs. All the rest, either 3-bet or fold.
(2) Postflop, you look crazy aggressive. This may work if you hand-read well, and know when to stop hitting the bet button, but at some point, people are gonna catch on.

It doesn't look from these stats that you are actually thinking about the hands. Just limp preflop and then bet until everyone fold. Unless they don't in which case you lose the showdown.

Start thinking more about things like (1) Do I have the best hand? (2) If I bet will better hands fold (a successful bluff) or will worse hands call (a successful value bet)? (3) What does my opponent have? (4) what does he think I have? (5) etc.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-14-2010 , 10:54 AM
I read your requirements, but I can't fulfill them, because I only play live and don't have hand histories. But if anyone can comment, my question is: What can I yield from these results if anything? At 1/2NLHE, I have logged about 790 hrs, averaging $4.90 an hr., with a standard deviation on return of $250.00 and a standard deviation on win rate of $53.00.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-14-2010 , 08:37 PM
tryin: not much to learn from this, except that poker is a pretty swingy game, and 1/2 live doesn't earn a good living.
2.5 bb/hour seems low to me, but the rake must be killing at that level.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-15-2010 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by fabadam
tryin: not much to learn from this, except that poker is a pretty swingy game, and 1/2 live doesn't earn a good living.
2.5 bb/hour seems low to me, but the rake must be killing at that level.
How many bb/hr would be a decent average?
Thank you for the response. I really appreciate it.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
12-15-2010 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by tryintomakeit
How many bb/hr would be a decent average?
Thank you for the response. I really appreciate it.
There was a famous discussion about live winrates in the HSNL forum. The most believable poster (limon) said about 5 bb/hr was possible at 10/20 at the Commerce in LA.
How this translates to 1/2 at your casino I don't know. Play at 1/2 live is famously very weak. However, the rake is huge in live play, so that takes a big chunk out of your winrate.

Since you seem to be good at record-keeping, I'd advise you to keep track of the rake you are paying (how much is taken out of the pots you won) for a few hours and see how many bb/hr that is.

Let's guess that 10 bb/hr is possible at 1/2, due to the weak players. If the rake counts up to something near that, it becomes very hard to beat the game.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
