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Not sure if this was a +EV shove Not sure if this was a +EV shove

07-26-2017 , 08:30 AM
Villian: older guy who had just sat down. I didn't have much info on him at the time of this hand. He seemed decent from the few hands I observed. Later on, I discovered that he was fishy, prone to making betting mistakes and folding.

1/2 live table, villian has me covered. I raised 5bb pre-flop in MP with a 90bb stack holding AdQc, got called by the guy to my immediate left as well as villian to my immediate right.

Flop: Qs5h4h, pot: 15bb. Villian checks, I bet 10bb, both call.
Turn: Jh, pot: 35bb. Villian bets 35bb. I shove, both fold.

Villian grumbled and took his time about folding.

At the time, I considered my shove a bluff to steal the pot, putting him on flush combos and sets of 5 or 4, plus maybe AhXx. The fact that he check/called pre-flop caused me to rule out QJ, QQ, or JJ. I figured I could knock him off the low flushes (on the 1/2 tables people like to go in pre-flop with terrible flush combos) and his sets.

I had to call 35bb on a pot of 70bb and shoved with 40bb on top (giving him roughly 2.5:1 odds) so I figure I needed him to fold half the time to break even (I used a fold equity calculator giving myself about 10% equity against his bluffing range). So the shove was probably not good against a decent player because when I worked through the hand after, I didn't get anywhere close to reasonably folding half that range.

Later on when I discovered that his betting range was so wide, I started to doubt my decision even more because I was probably already ahead of much of his range and could have simply called. The river would have been uncomfortable if he bet again. Not sure if that should be a factor in the decision to shove, however.

The reason I'm asking is that I've only logged about 100 hours at live 1/2 tables so that's not a big sample size but my win rate is only 2.3 bb / hour. I read somewhere on a sticky thread here that a winning player should be at 4 or 5 bb/hr. I tend to make most of my money on these kinds of hands, especially because players on 1/2 tend to call with weaker ranges than I'm used to online. Last night I walked out with a decent profit after 7 hours of play, but all of it derived from 2 big hands, and this was one of them.
Not sure if this was a +EV shove Quote
07-26-2017 , 08:43 AM
Let's just say that if villain has the slightest clue what he's doing, he's not folding a set or any flush for >3.5:1. There's probably not a single hand in his range that he should pot/fold here.
Not sure if this was a +EV shove Quote
07-26-2017 , 09:15 AM
Agree with the above. OP, your shove here can't be +EV simply because your fold equity is very close to 0.
Not sure if this was a +EV shove Quote
07-26-2017 , 09:20 AM
Shove can still be +ev if you get called enough by worse hands. In general it is not a good idea to bluff with strong hands but beginners do it all the time. Third spade comes and all of the sudden they feel the need to represent spades for some weird reason.
Not sure if this was a +EV shove Quote
07-26-2017 , 11:17 AM
-EV confirmed
Not sure if this was a +EV shove Quote
07-26-2017 , 03:33 PM
Thanks for the replies. Given what I thought at the time, I guess I should have folded.

Looking back, on some level the donk bet on the turn felt wrong. Donking in general is often a sign of weakness. If I had concluded he was likely bluffing, should I have called? Stack sizes make that awkward but maybe best in that situation?
Not sure if this was a +EV shove Quote
