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NLHE cash game, if you know villains raising and 3b range preflop, how do you adjust your range NLHE cash game, if you know villains raising and 3b range preflop, how do you adjust your range

01-10-2015 , 11:59 PM
-This was based on my previous post, sorry if its a double post but this is a diff question

So, say for instance its 6 handed.

Blinds are 1/2 all stacks are at $200

UTG folds

MP - Villain raises to $6
22+, A2s+, KTs+, QTs+, J9s+, T8s+, 97s+, 86s+, 76s, 65s, ATo+, KJo+,

We also know he calls 3b with
JJ-22, AQs-ATs, KQs, AQo, KQo

4b with intention of allin
QQ+, AKs, AKo

CO folds-

SB/BB muck out of turn.

Hero (BU) = What ranges do we call? What ranges do we 3b? and why?
NLHE cash game, if you know villains raising and 3b range preflop, how do you adjust your range Quote
01-11-2015 , 01:18 AM
I might look at this in detail tomorrow (but might not) but here are the combo counts for villain:

Opens: 270 combos.
4b: 34 (no bluffs)
Flat 3b: 100.

Total combos defending vs 3b: 134.
Percentage defended: 134/270 = 49.6%
Fold to 3b: about 50%
NLHE cash game, if you know villains raising and 3b range preflop, how do you adjust your range Quote
