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New player rant. Frustrated about all the conflicting info out there. Any advice ? New player rant. Frustrated about all the conflicting info out there. Any advice ?

11-19-2016 , 09:22 PM
Anyone have articles or videos or advice on what to do specifically bankroll wise for a new micro/low stakes player ? Im gonna have about 100 or 200$ in my account and I want it to last as long as possible while playing a ton of poker and learning. Preferably I would never deposit again but I dont know if thats realistic. Ive heard ignition and ACR are both good for US but that ignition is probably better for beginners? Should I play a mix of cash games and MTTs? My main goal is to get better at poker and go even. If I have to deposit again ok but it should be a long time from now.

Now heres my rant

It seems like everyone has a different opinion on what videos and books are good. How do I know what to trust and what not to trust?
How do I know exactly what style to play and how to learn the game?
Im really frustrated because it feels like everyone has conflicting opinions and I don't know what to trust. Is there any documented players here started where I am (about to deposit I've played freerolls for a couple weeks trying to play solidly with advice I got from Harrington vol1)and got better and their method to do it ? I have a run it once essential subscription and Im reading Harringtons books but some people say that run it once essential sucks only elite is good and the same thing about Harrington and others will recommend them both. Anyone have any advice on cutting through all this information and figuring out what I should put stock in ? I don't even know what to do with my micro stakes bankroll whether I should play sitngos or cash games or mtts or what. Ive heard that new players should play conservatively and others say that conservative play is bad but I really want to get better without picking up bad habits. Can anyone point me in the right direction here ? The good news I really truly enjoy learning playing and watching poker so Im having a blast which I think is probably important.
New player rant. Frustrated about all the conflicting info out there. Any advice ? Quote
11-19-2016 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by LifeIsGood4
Anyone have articles or videos or advice on what to do specifically bankroll wise for a new micro/low stakes player ? Im gonna have about 100 or 200$ in my account and I want it to last as long as possible while playing a ton of poker and learning. Preferably I would never deposit again but I dont know if thats realistic. Ive heard ignition and ACR are both good for US but that ignition is probably better for beginners? Should I play a mix of cash games and MTTs? My main goal is to get better at poker and go even. If I have to deposit again ok but it should be a long time from now.

Now heres my rant

It seems like everyone has a different opinion on what videos and books are good. How do I know what to trust and what not to trust?
How do I know exactly what style to play and how to learn the game?
Im really frustrated because it feels like everyone has conflicting opinions and I don't know what to trust. Is there any documented players here started where I am (about to deposit I've played freerolls for a couple weeks trying to play solidly with advice I got from Harrington vol1)and got better and their method to do it ? I have a run it once essential subscription and Im reading Harringtons books but some people say that run it once essential sucks only elite is good and the same thing about Harrington and others will recommend them both. Anyone have any advice on cutting through all this information and figuring out what I should put stock in ? I don't even know what to do with my micro stakes bankroll whether I should play sitngos or cash games or mtts or what. Ive heard that new players should play conservatively and others say that conservative play is bad but I really want to get better without picking up bad habits. Can anyone point me in the right direction here ? The good news I really truly enjoy learning playing and watching poker so Im having a blast which I think is probably important.
You have great heart for the game! Congrats! I struggle with this too as I am aspiring to do poker full time. That being said, know your own personal game. Examine your own personal strengths and weaknesses. You are uniquely designed to play poker like no one else! So while learning and practicing are essential, always remember what makes you unique. From there, you can branch out to what you naturally like for learning information. Forums are good, free YouTube videos, and books are all great. Also getting online tracking software is pretty much a must at some point. You can use a hand history replayer and go over your sessions. Its amazing at what you can find when you review your hands on your own and talk out with yourself different ways you could have played the hand. So do not be overwhelmed brother!

As far as what to play, tournaments will generally attract the weakest players because its low buy in for a big reward. Cash is more grinding and as you move up in stakes you will face more regulars. Tournament players are usually more recreational and make a ton of more mistakes.

I've read a ton of books as that is my favorite thing to do. Currently, I am incorporating community such as talking to other players, participating in forums, and watching other good players show their sessions on YouTube to get a grasp on what they are doing well. Most of the info is good! I think once you have enough experience, you will be able to discern what info is good for you and what is just blah! Best of luck and will be praying for your success!
New player rant. Frustrated about all the conflicting info out there. Any advice ? Quote
11-19-2016 , 09:46 PM
"Im gonna have about 100 or 200$ in my account and I want it to last as long as possible while playing a ton of poker and learning. "

Play the lowest stakes available. Post here.
New player rant. Frustrated about all the conflicting info out there. Any advice ? Quote
11-19-2016 , 10:19 PM
When you're a beginner the differences between the various sources of information aren't important. Anything will do. Harrington is getting a bit old but there's nothing wrong with it. In general I'd recommend videos over books because they're a bit more "hands on", also posting hands here or in the uNL forum is a good way to improve.

Poker is a bit like learning the road rules where if you take any one "rule" about how to play in isolation it seems arbitrary, but as you learn it all it becomes a cohesive whole that starts to make intuitive sense. It's one thing to read about the power of position and another thing to get a sense for that during play. There's no substitute for learning through playing. One mistake beginners tend to make is that the hands they post here are the ones where they sustained a big loss, like they got it in with an overpair and got drawn out on and are just looking for reassurance. Instead of this, wait until you feel really lost during a hand, like you have no idea what to do, make a note of it and post that here.
New player rant. Frustrated about all the conflicting info out there. Any advice ? Quote
11-20-2016 , 03:16 AM
RIO essential is fine at your level for sure. With $100-$200, play 2nl or 5nl/$1.50 sngs or whatever and post + read a lot on 2p2 in addition to watching RIO vids. Don't worry so much.

Good luck.
New player rant. Frustrated about all the conflicting info out there. Any advice ? Quote
11-20-2016 , 04:47 AM
I'll just tell you what I did after getting frustrated with my game and basically feeling like you. I found Grinderschool. I bought a yr subscription. I picked a game that I wanted to relearn from scratch. I watched the video series on that. Took a lot of notes ( I remember and learn better that way). I was EASILY able to apply what I saw on GS to the micro tables. I scored a $750 trny win during my trny studies. Had I not lost all interest in poker, along with a change in work schedule, I'd probably still be on GS soaking up the info on the vids.

I should say that after not playing one hand of poker for close to 6 months, I did enter a micro trny on a whim and FT (finished 4th out of 200ish players) it using the things I learned on GS.
New player rant. Frustrated about all the conflicting info out there. Any advice ? Quote
11-20-2016 , 09:36 AM
Step #1 is to start by focusing on cash games or tournaments. Different skills are needed to become proficient in each.

After that, you have to decide how you learn best. Some people are visual. Others are better at reading something. That's what you'll choose. As said above, people tend to say what is "best" by meaning which they enjoyed the most (or even they enjoyed enough to not look elsewhere). What works for them may not work for you.

Finally, there is a hint of impatience in your question. Learning to play poker well is a lifetime activity. You're not going to binge watch 30 videos and then become a crusher. You've got plenty of time to look at lots of things. Eventually, you're going to get to the point where 95% of the material in any book or video you either know already or realize it is wrong/doesn't apply to you. You're doing it to capture one or two new concepts.
New player rant. Frustrated about all the conflicting info out there. Any advice ? Quote
11-20-2016 , 11:17 AM
Rio is quite good for the start. The biggest way you will learn is by playing and reviewing your game afterwards - analyzing how you / your opponents played, marking hands that you struggled with and trying to find answers / post on forums.
A really good book about the right learning mindset is mersenneary ebook so you can also check that out
New player rant. Frustrated about all the conflicting info out there. Any advice ? Quote
