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new nl 1/2 cash beginner player new nl 1/2 cash beginner player

06-23-2014 , 12:13 AM
I am new to poker, from time to time i go to the local casino and play 1/2 cash games and i fell in love with it. I often loose but either way i love the game. I want to get good at 1/2 cash games were should i start and how should i go about it? I feel like there is so much to learn such as starting hands, position, what hands to play in what position, calulating pot odds, equity, and the math involved to be a +EV player. I want to be a +EV player were should i start it kinda seems overwelming. I play for free online and started playing tavern poker for live practice. Were do yall recomend i start to get the ball rolling in the right direction? Also when i play a hand should i always raise if i decide to play it? I heard if its good enough to play then its good enough to raise. If i did not raise it that would be concidered limping in right?
Please help

Last edited by waskobrian; 06-23-2014 at 12:18 AM. Reason: Wanted to add more info
new nl 1/2 cash beginner player Quote
06-23-2014 , 02:53 AM
my suggestion would be to read some books, post hands on here and discuss with other players. (you will find some really great info on here if you look) I have only been on here a little over a year and my game has changed drastically for the better. I feel im making much better decisions than I was a year ago. Oh ya and stop wasting money at 1/2 live and play with 30 bucks online somewhere. You will gain much more experience at a faster rate, and it wont cost you $200 a shot. Gl at the tables
new nl 1/2 cash beginner player Quote
06-23-2014 , 03:31 AM
any books you would suggest? thanks for your imput man.
new nl 1/2 cash beginner player Quote
06-23-2014 , 03:40 AM
Use the search function to look for threads on books, or for just about any other beginner question you have. It's hard to pose a question on here that hasn't been ask before unless it's a hand history (HH). I'd start with Harrington on Holdem vol. 1. It's outdated, but a good introduction and it still presents a winning style in almost all 1/2 NL games. Plus it's likely only a couple dollars used if you get it off Amazon.
new nl 1/2 cash beginner player Quote
06-23-2014 , 08:24 AM
Google Fee's 6 max guide, pretty good entry level text imo
new nl 1/2 cash beginner player Quote
06-23-2014 , 08:56 AM
Put a little money on a site like Bovada and play micro cash games 6 or 9 handed. Get Harrington Books on Cash games for starters (Not the Tournament Ones). Lay off the Casino 1-2 for a couple of months , unless you have a lot of extra money you can burn without pain, and improve your game. Basically study and practice on the cheap for a short time and then go back. Also there are scads of other decent beginner books, videos and such. Also this forum and its archives is a goldmine of ideas and advice and it is free. Just don't be turned off by the flame and trolls that sometime pop up (rare but there). Good luck
new nl 1/2 cash beginner player Quote
