Whats up nd welcome to the forums. Don't hesitate to ask any questions and post any hands u have questions on. Hope to be seeing more of you and that your game gets stronger.
Wow I read here like nothing. There was like not even any intro to you either.
Wow..just read all the intros (which I must say seemed at least kinda sexist.)
Consider this the first semi-real answer (given you gave no info and asked no questions which makes your question hard to answr (btw your answers seems very hard to quantify especially given the very many different possible dynamics..... though whatever.)
You know actually after that sentence I planned more...Can't do it though....Please send a PM with specific(s) questions.
Sorry meant to look at specifics and answer...relaized girlfriend was waiting for me at the very latest......GOTTA GO.
Obviously....YOU DID NOT ASK A QUESTION............?