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New guy. a few questions regarding first few sessions. New guy. a few questions regarding first few sessions.

05-08-2017 , 10:21 PM
Hello I'm a new player. Been reading about poker for a while, decided to try my luck in local 1-2NL games. I am no stranger to bankroll management and variance from other pursuits so I feel I have a good head start on that side of the game.

One situation I was dealt low suited connectors (3c,4c,) I limped into the pot from late position. Flop had 2 clubs. A player is betting and I decide to call. I hit a flush on the turn so I'm feeling pretty good. Bets again and i call again, thinking he may be a flush draw too and I can maybe bet later. This player had been playing terrible hands and calling to showdown with bad hands the entire time i was there, me being such a novice noticed all these bad things.) River brings Kc. Four clubs on the board. He bets again but not quite as high. At this any single club 5c+ beats me. I decided to just call thinking he might beat me with a club. Once again He had trash and i took a good pot. Sorry i forget all the details as I'm still new (learning the flow of the live game etc.) Was it wise to be cautious after that 4th club came on the board? I had a very low flush and figured he could have very well had me beat by the river. Some other player commented how he would have been scared of the Ac. I was scared of more clubs than that.

Should i have just called like I did or just bet into him?
New guy. a few questions regarding first few sessions. Quote
05-08-2017 , 10:27 PM
Preflop there's not enough information about whether or not it was a good situation for 43s. At least you played in late position so that sounds good.

You probably should raise the turn to build the pot and make some money from the many hands you can beat.

On the river it's a tough call and not standard. There's a strong argument that folding is best imo...unless you have a read.

Good job.

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New guy. a few questions regarding first few sessions. Quote
05-08-2017 , 10:58 PM
Yeah definitely not a hand I normally had been playing. So far just been playing only playing good hands with some position and folding alot. I noticed from table talk that most of the regulars all know one another and were buying in short and playing lots of hands I personally wouldn't have. Didn't get the impression they were too serious of players but I'm so new I don't know how I really stack up. I got them to fold when I hit two pair of straights and started betting...i wondered if I bet too much since they folded pretty fast. I usually bet half pot or something like that. I guess they believed my bets then not sure. Like I said I'm still very new.
New guy. a few questions regarding first few sessions. Quote
05-09-2017 , 09:45 AM
it could be a little concerning for future hands given your main thought was "he is on a flush draw", then the flush draw hit, and then you were willing to put in more money. the best poker strategies are consistent from beginning to end.

i wouldn't be too concerned though! in the hand itself, you made a hand, and got paid off. that is the primary objective of the game; the secondary being to have fun.
New guy. a few questions regarding first few sessions. Quote
05-09-2017 , 02:43 PM
Yeah like I said I'm still new. I appreciate the advice. I felt good about the flush until the 4th club on board. I knew I could very well be beaten.
New guy. a few questions regarding first few sessions. Quote
