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Net Expected Won BB Net Expected Won BB

03-30-2011 , 04:00 AM
my poker tracker says my excpected win bb is 850 but im only at 225 over 18822 hands played at pokerstars. Is this bad or normal for poker?
Net Expected Won BB Quote
03-30-2011 , 04:37 AM
forget about poker tracker. really it may simply be variance , also poker tracker is just a computer program with some statistic values.
Net Expected Won BB Quote
03-30-2011 , 04:42 AM
It's normal. 18k hands isn't much and you could just as well be in the red or up 1.5k bb. Keep on chugging.
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03-30-2011 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by hungryguy
forget about poker tracker. really it may simply be variance , also poker tracker is just a computer program with some statistic values.
is this real life
Net Expected Won BB Quote
03-30-2011 , 01:43 PM
This is at pokerstars.Iv been running like this since last year when i won and cashed out 7K on a $3 rebuy. I just recently got poker tracker to see if it could help me determine how often i was losing with the best. My name at poker stars is Lazy4u
Net Expected Won BB Quote
03-30-2011 , 10:10 PM
Is this a joke?
You made 25k in tournaments... Your graph looks completely normal.

Its your cash game that needs work. Stop jumping around limits. You spewed 50bi at 10nl in 15k hands. If you wanna learn cash i suggest drop down to 2/5nl and try work on your game. If you wanna stay at 10nl you should have the BR to be able to learn there anyway. Post trouble hands in the micro forums and read the stickes etc.
Net Expected Won BB Quote
03-31-2011 , 11:01 PM
Well i must be experiencing the worst cards iv ever seen or i forgot how to play. Maybe the game has left me behind or i was just lucky.And as far as cash games go the word "spewed" was a little nice. I think i gave it away or torched it away there.Im allways playing weak hands out of poz and never have controll over the pots.Maybe i dont take that level(5&10 cents) serous enough.I seem to be allways making the decision what to do where as in tourneys or sit & go's i almost allways have control of a pot and its the opponent having to make the decisions.
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