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Need Reassurance Need Reassurance

09-16-2007 , 04:22 PM
I need reassurance that it will get better.meaning the beats. Today ive had a few bad ones this week ive lost due to people calling me with rubbish on the flop and spiking 2 outers. A couple of hands i'll admit i could have played differently but for the most part its been pretty disgusting watching the way these people have taken my money from me. Please tell me its going to get better
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09-16-2007 , 04:47 PM
Bad beats never get better. They happen randomly. Sometimes in streaks.

All you can be certain of is that if you consistently make +EV decisions, then you will eventually win money given enough time and a sufficient bankroll to sustain downswings due to variance.
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09-16-2007 , 06:35 PM
haha yeah I guess there isn't much to be said, it is kind of sad how many bad beats you are going to have to deal with at the lower levels becuase of all the donks but as Moulton said if you continue to make the right decisions in the long run you will win more than you lose. This must just be a bad week, I've had an insane number of bad beats in the last two days no matter how I play.
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09-16-2007 , 08:06 PM
I need reassurance that it will get better.meaning the beats.
Depends what you mean. If you mean that they become less frequent, then as Albert mentioned you're out of luck. It's just an aspect of poker that you have to get used to.

On the other hand, I would say that bad beats have gradually affected me less the more I play, so in a sense, they do get better. One thing to keep in mind is that a bad beat typically means you were the one getting money into the pot with the best hand. If you go all-in preflop with AA against KQ, and the flop comes JT9, you have good reason to feel good--you induced your opponent to call your money with by far the worst hand.
Need Reassurance Quote
09-16-2007 , 08:17 PM
I've had an insane number of bad beats in the last two days no matter how I play.
bad beats usually mean you are in a good game because people are playing badly and that, in theory, means you have the best of it. do you really want your opponents to play well?

what you need to do is be careful about blaming all/most of your losses on bad beats. Pride is a dangerous thing in poker as it gets in way of getting better. Maybe this doesnt apply to you but its very probable, esp given you posted about it, that the beats are affecting your play in a negative way. most people underestimate how much of their losses are through bad play...I know i do.
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09-17-2007 , 04:56 AM
The more bad beats you get, the better the player you are. I know its not much of a consolation but its all youve got
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