Originally Posted by lolcashament
What type of SnG's are u talking about? 9-10 man or more? I used to play 10 man on stars and play 1 set of 4 tables for 5-6 hours at work a day. Went to 9+ and dropped in roi quit a bit. I know only 6 table as thats the most I can do without making a lot of mistakes and losing a lot of roi. As long as your making money dont go crazy and start up like 10 of em, i'd suggest adding 2 tables and playing for like 100 games. See how you do and if your kicking ass, add 2 more tables. Keep going till you notice that your game is suffering.
Playing 10/180 at pstars and other. I like to keep things under control so I just fire up 4 tables at once with my laptop. I used to just open 2 tables at once, and I was crashing the limit I was playing so I open up 4 tables now. I am not doing very well in these two months but I really don't know opening more tables is a major reason for my downswing.