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Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Multitabling Variance and Bankroll

08-24-2011 , 11:34 PM
ok i decided im just gonna deposit a small chunk of money i have into online poker and play microstakes. i want to deposit about 400-500 and play .10/.20 starting at one table i suppose. how much does my bankroll need to increase before i can go to 2 tables? i want to eventually play 4, so what would a safe bankroll be to ensure variance cant pound me? i wanna get some graphs n see if im good before i invest any real money.
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-24-2011 , 11:38 PM
You should play as many as you can adjust to and feel the most money can be made. Variance wont pound you IF you are playing more tables as concentrating on one and taking a bad beat can be alot more -EV for you depending how knowledge you are on the game.
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-24-2011 , 11:39 PM
You can start off the bat with 4 if you have confidence in your skills, in fact the variance will decrease because the more volume you put in the less will variance affect you.
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-24-2011 , 11:44 PM
Multi-tabling is not dependent on BR so play as many tables as you are comfortable playing.

I would suggest you play 10NL with that BR, that gives you 40 BI

Most guys don't jump online and start playing 20NL, not saying you can't but try 10NL first since that is what matches your BR best, then take some shots at 20NL and review your results.
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-24-2011 , 11:46 PM
so multitabling wont affect my variance? i know it will slightly decrease my play at each table but i suppose that makes sense im just playing hands faster.
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-24-2011 , 11:47 PM
If you 4 table and have 20% of your balance in play you need to make sure you dont tilt.

It would be better to take a more long term view and never have more than 10% in play when 4 tabling.

Downswings are inevitable.
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-24-2011 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by CremeDeLaKrem
so multitabling wont affect my variance? i know it will slightly decrease my play at each table but i suppose that makes sense im just playing hands faster.
Yeah basically you're playing more hands. Who do you think has more variance, a guy getting it with aces preflop 100 times or one getting it 400 times?

Also I'd start it off with 10nl.
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-24-2011 , 11:47 PM
10NL is what blinds? that seems much safer i was worried about my bankroll management.
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-24-2011 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by CremeDeLaKrem
10NL is what blinds? that seems much safer i was worried about my bankroll management.
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-25-2011 , 02:58 AM
Assuming your game isn't adversely affected by multitabling, your variance will be exactly the same, whether you play one table or twenty four tables.

Think about it - if you ask your tracking software to tell you your standard deviation or the depth of your worst downswing/height of your best upswing, which are the two usual meanings of 'variance', as applied to poker, your tracker will do just that. It's not going to give you a different answer depending on the number of tables you were playing.

What DOES change is the time it takes - measured by the clock - to play through a downswing. And of course, it works the other way too - the upswings don't last as long either.
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-25-2011 , 03:21 AM
Diamond your avatar creeps me out man. Who's that?

Sorry for offtopic OP
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-25-2011 , 03:26 AM
Are you that young Zereketh? That's David Bowie! Pic on his avatar I think is from the album cover from concept album named Diamond Dogs.

Bowie did all sorts of personnas, changed his looks almost every album. An icon from my generation.
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-25-2011 , 03:37 AM
Apologies for the derail, but yes, zereketh, we used to have these round bits of black plastic, called records, that had all these grooves in them, and we'd put them on something called a turntable, with something called a needle, and all this sound would come out, and that was called music ...

Ah, forget it. What PapaPyrite said.

LOL at my avatar freaking you out. I mean, you've looked at yours recently have you?

Good Luck.
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-25-2011 , 11:20 AM
im interested in zereketh's avatar! who is she?
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-25-2011 , 11:34 AM
Um, how did he get that gif of my wife? WTF Zereketh!
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-25-2011 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by DiamondDog
Apologies for the derail, but yes, zereketh, we used to have these round bits of black plastic, called records, that had all these grooves in them, and we'd put them on something called a turntable, with something called a needle, and all this sound would come out, and that was called music ...

Ah, forget it. What PapaPyrite said.

LOL at my avatar freaking you out. I mean, you've looked at yours recently have you?

Good Luck.
The oldies needling the youngins? Thats a change... :P
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
08-25-2011 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by CremeDeLaKrem
im interested in zereketh's avatar! who is she?
Shay Laren
Multitabling Variance and Bankroll Quote
