MTT turbo- short stacked with ATo on Btn
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 427
I have 9bbs left with ATo on the button, facing an Ep open of 2.5x (this guy is playing 11vp 7pr over 49 hands)
I felt we are easily dominated in this spot, but also I felt it was too nitty to fold. Flatting isn't an option so I jam.
When facing a raise from a player with these stats can I justify a fold?
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 13,256
I don't think he's ever calling with anything you crush, but he's also not folding anything better, so a fold looks good to me. The blinds could wake up with better hands too.
I don't think you have to go crazy just because you have <10bb. Sometimes you have to cringe and wait for a better spot to get your chips in even though you have a perilously small stack. (Shoving over a nit's EP open is not a good spot).
I don't grind tourneys so I wouldn't like to guess what should be the bottom of your range for jamming in this spot, but I think it would be a few notches better than ATo. I might be completely wrong though. :/
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 125
I was in the same spot yesterday but I had ajs about the same bbs. Some nitty guy min raises and I shove into him, felts me with a10o. I figured I had him beat pre as he only min raised, probably some half hearted attempt to steal the blinds, honestly thought he would fold.
If you fold in this spot you have to sit another orbit while every player takes forever to make a play hoping to get a decent hand. But we've all seen that guy blind down to 2 bbs and then go on a major comeback and get an average stack within 4 hands though