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Most over looked aspect of the game. Most over looked aspect of the game.

04-02-2008 , 06:26 PM
I know there are countless important elements to the game, but what do you think players in general seem to not consider.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-02-2008 , 06:33 PM
People underestimate the importance of position. However important you think it is, multiply that by 100, and you're close to its actual importance.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-02-2008 , 06:35 PM
After that would be raising.

I don't even care if you minraise... well ok I care. Don't minraise.

But don't effing limp.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-02-2008 , 06:36 PM
That an overpair after the flop is just one pair, which is not necessarily a good hand anymore.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-02-2008 , 06:43 PM
I cant tell you waht the most overlooked aspect of poker is, but I can tell you that one thing people overlook alot in poker is the simple question: What am i representing? Simpler what does my hand look like? Always consider what your hand looks like to your opponent, this will make your decisions regarding bluffing/valuebetting, and even on the opposite end, calling much simpler and more effective. The same goes for your opponent, you need to ask yourself what he is representing, because each action on each street will narrow down that range and ultimatley make your decisions easier.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-02-2008 , 07:07 PM
position and aggression i guess

people tend to think they play position well and are "solid tags" whereas in reality they don't abuse button/cutoff nearly enough & put themselves in tough situations oop, and are generally weak-tight especially post-flop.

perhaps they aren't overlooked, simply underestimated and not really understood.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-02-2008 , 07:12 PM
Position number 1. Another very important aspect I learned and use is from Phil Gordon's "Little Green Book" and i'll paraphase... "after the river card falls, when out of positon, with a weak or medium strength hand and I believe my opponent's is even weaker, check-calling makes me more money." If you bet out usually only a better hand will call and if you check-call it may induce the weaker hand to bluff. take it for wiw.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-02-2008 , 07:57 PM
Table selection.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by taint_bad
Table selection.
I hear this alot. What stats do you look for when selecting a cash table online?
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:43 PM
The most overlooked aspect (imo) is understanding WHY is certain play is correct. It is easy for somebody to say "It is correct to c-bet when heads up almost all the time" but it would be better to understand why. An acceptable response is NOT "to maintain aggression", or "because I was the PF raiser" . A better response would be "for value", "for protection against likely draws" or "to make a better hand fold". Most of the time this is the case, but understanding your own actions is key to improving, and is the most overlooked aspect. Understanding WHY helps identify situations where you are making mistakes.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-02-2008 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Shoot59
The most overlooked aspect (imo) is understanding WHY is certain play is correct. It is easy for somebody to say "It is correct to c-bet when heads up almost all the time" but it would be better to understand why. An acceptable response is NOT "to maintain aggression", or "because I was the PF raiser" . A better response would be "for value", "for protection against likely draws" or "to make a better hand fold". Most of the time this is the case, but understanding your own actions is key to improving, and is the most overlooked aspect. Understanding WHY helps identify situations where you are making mistakes.
I'll second that.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-02-2008 , 11:01 PM
Assigning hand ranges to your opponents is another biggie.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-02-2008 , 11:09 PM
Your opponents cards.

i.e. Stop thinking about what you have so much and try to think of the range of hands your opponent would likely play in the given situation.

(CBorders beat me to it )
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-02-2008 , 11:10 PM
In limit hold'em, it's gotta be cold-calling raises PF. You need to either re-raise or fold.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-03-2008 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by Shoot59
The most overlooked aspect (imo) is understanding WHY is certain play is correct. It is easy for somebody to say "It is correct to c-bet when heads up almost all the time" but it would be better to understand why. An acceptable response is NOT "to maintain aggression", or "because I was the PF raiser" . A better response would be "for value", "for protection against likely draws" or "to make a better hand fold". Most of the time this is the case, but understanding your own actions is key to improving, and is the most overlooked aspect. Understanding WHY helps identify situations where you are making mistakes.
Actually I'm alot more weary about c-betting lik 100% of the time in HU pot now since check-raising seems to be the bomb these days.

I got check-raised on like half my c-bets last night, so I cut down on the c-betting to where I have atleast some decent outs.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-03-2008 , 03:10 AM
moving down a level after a downswing...
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-03-2008 , 04:47 AM
Bankroll management - you can be a super player but if you have poor BR management you will go busto.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-03-2008 , 05:00 AM
I'd say position and bankroll management. Both are super valuable and both get ignored too often.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-03-2008 , 05:04 AM
I'm still a noobie, only played like 6000 hands, but I'm making a 'small' profit...

I overlooked agressiveness mostly, just bet when you have something!

Also I can't seem to find the importance of position, it just doesn't seem to matter that much on a 6-max $0.02 table, I understand how important it can be, but it just doesn't seem to be on most tables I play.

Implied odds are a mess too, I often called too much counting on implied odds, while I should have known the pot wouldn't go that high anyways.

Calling too many 'bluffs' is one of my problems too, when I have a good hand like top pair and a good kicker I often think my opponent is bluffing when he bets a lot, but he often ends up having 3 of a kind or something like that...

I'm also loosing a LOT of money with straights (when I have them), but I think those are just bad beats, or me being unable to see that there is a much better hand on the table.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-03-2008 , 05:05 AM
Unless you are 100% certain why you are doing it, never slow play good hands. If in doubt, bet.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-03-2008 , 05:30 AM
Raising; dont limp unless the odds are good.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-03-2008 , 06:04 AM
Originally Posted by Acemanhattan
I cant tell you waht the most overlooked aspect of poker is, but I can tell you that one thing people overlook alot in poker is the simple question: What am i representing? Simpler what does my hand look like? Always consider what your hand looks like to your opponent, this will make your decisions regarding bluffing/valuebetting, and even on the opposite end, calling much simpler and more effective. The same goes for your opponent, you need to ask yourself what he is representing, because each action on each street will narrow down that range and ultimatley make your decisions easier.
This is the only paragraph worth reading in thread
people saying "i cut down my c-betting to 50% and it worked" or "dont limp only raises" are all dependent on the game you are playing the type of people you are againt, the texture of flop ect.

If you can learn how to approach situation right and know why you are doing certain plays you will be a big winner in no time.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-03-2008 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by ceire
This is the only paragraph worth reading in thread
Would a mod please delete every other posters attempts at helping the OP
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-03-2008 , 06:25 AM
Originally Posted by I vi ii V7
People underestimate the importance of position
Originally Posted by randompokerguy
After that would be raising.
Originally Posted by SellingtheDrama
That an overpair after the flop is just one pair
Originally Posted by Lateksi
position and aggression i guess
Originally Posted by taint_bad
Table selection.
Originally Posted by Shoot59
The most overlooked aspect (imo) is understanding WHY is certain play is correct.
Originally Posted by CBorders
Assigning hand ranges to your opponents is another biggie.
Originally Posted by Shick
Your opponents cards.
Originally Posted by Rek
Bankroll management
Oh wait a minute. Sorry mod please ignore my previous post, there was some other useful information here after all.

Last edited by Rek; 04-03-2008 at 06:33 AM. Reason: No disrespect to any posts I missed out
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
04-03-2008 , 07:08 AM
Opponent stack size. If you are playing at micro limit and there is a player yet to act with only $1 or less, you should consider that you have to play their whole stack. Once a player with that stack size enters a pot, an all in call is not too far behind.
Most over looked aspect of the game. Quote
