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in micro stakes limit poker what types of hands are you turning into bluff catchers as the pfr in micro stakes limit poker what types of hands are you turning into bluff catchers as the pfr

03-13-2012 , 07:47 AM
Personally i don't have much of a bluff catching range due to the fact that well at least at 2c/4c and 5c/10c they don't bluff very much. Would like to add one though and was wondering what types of hands are good to use.
in micro stakes limit poker what types of hands are you turning into bluff catchers as the pfr Quote
03-13-2012 , 08:20 AM
I don't know that your hand strength matters so much. First, if villains aren't bluffing often, you shouldn't be bluff-catching often, since you'll just lose money, and lots of it. Second, provided you have some showdown value, it's not your hand that matters but rather villain's hand. The things I consider when calling light:

* can villain reach the river with a hand that you beat? If there are drawing hands for example that villain would both see a flop with and call or bet to the river, you might be able to bluff-catch with hands as bad as A high or K high. If there are no drawing hands in villain's range, you need a substantially better hand to call with;

* does villain have reason to think you might fold? If you haven't shown any weakness at all during the hand, it's unlikely villain will bluff the river, since he'd have no reason to think a bluff would work. If you've shown weakness, say by checking back the turn, then villain might think a river bluff will work;

* is villain the type to bluff? Some villains bluff any time you show any weakness at all, and you need to call them fairly wide, knowing you'll sometimes be wrong, but in limit your pot odds will be so good you don't need to be right very often. Some villains will just give up if they miss a draw, and you should almost never be calling them if they bet unless you have a strong hand.

So if you button-raise A 8 preflop and get called by the SB, the flop comes Q 10 2, villain checks, you bet, villain calls, the turn comes 4 and it goes check, check, then the river is 7, then if villain is a bit of a drunk gorilla and bets out, you have a decent hand to bluff-catch with, since all kinds of missed draws that continue past the flop are losing to A high (J9, KJ, a lot of spade draws). On the other hand, if you button-raise A 8, a nit in the SB calls, the flop comes Q 7 2, villain checks, you bet, villain calls, the turn comes 4, villain checks, you bet, villain calls, the river comes 10:, villain leads into you... well that's a terrible spot to bluff-catch. You've bet every street so villain never thinks you're folding, villain is a nit so probably isn't bluffing often, and there are no conceivable hands villain calls with preflop and on the flop that you're beating. You're probably losing to QT or a weird slowplay with a set or something.

Bluffing in lo-stakes limit holdem is usually a sign of brain damage, since no one ever folds, so I'd recommend not trying bluff-catching except against the least sober of players. If you fold more often than the rest of the table, you're typically going to turn a nice profit.
in micro stakes limit poker what types of hands are you turning into bluff catchers as the pfr Quote
03-13-2012 , 01:51 PM
It's a fine line between bluff catching and value betting. If they're bluffing less than optimal you should be folding ALL bluffcatchers. If you're getting 9:1 on the river and your opponent only bluffs 8% you should still fold all of your bluffcatchers, even if its a really good bluffcatcher. If they bluff more than optimal then you should be calling ALL of your bluffcatchers. It's identifying the bottom of your profitable bluff catching range that is the challenge. You need to consider what the bottom x% of their range looks like, then determine if you have a profitable call.
in micro stakes limit poker what types of hands are you turning into bluff catchers as the pfr Quote
