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micro 6-max cash profit playing by the book micro 6-max cash profit playing by the book

12-11-2012 , 03:15 PM
i'm playing 6 max nl hold'em cash online almost everyday.
i carefully read dan harrington book and i'm trying to beat micro stakes (i'm on 0,10-0,25€).
i'm asking two things:
1. how much can i earn per 100 hands playing 2 tables by the book with tight opening range?
2. how many hands sould i play before i can say i am a looser, a winner or none: in other terms, after how many hands a trend ca be considered significant?
thank to anybody who can help!
micro 6-max cash profit playing by the book Quote
12-11-2012 , 03:31 PM
Top players at that level can win more but 1.50/100 would be considered a solid win rate.

As far as knowing when you are a winning or losing player at a level, it would be hard to come up with an exact number, but 50,000 hands might possibly give you an idea at least.

Id suggest using your bankroll to determine if you should move up instead. Set a conservative goal like earning 40-50 buyins at the next level to move up. If you follow that strategy, and move down levels if you struggle, you skill level should remain appropriate for the games you are playing.

Good luck.
micro 6-max cash profit playing by the book Quote
12-11-2012 , 04:43 PM
ahahah i love the wire, i feel like mcnulty right now bunk!

ahahaha can't stop watching bunk shaking his head!!!

thank you very much 5thStreetHog!

Sorry: BB is big blinds or big bets? You considered rake?

Last edited by Mike Haven; 12-11-2012 at 05:16 PM. Reason: 3 posts merged
micro 6-max cash profit playing by the book Quote
12-11-2012 , 06:07 PM
If you're playing on a US site, I don't even think abc poker is winning at 25NL.
micro 6-max cash profit playing by the book Quote
12-11-2012 , 06:10 PM
have you beaten 4nl-10nl-16nl ? or straight into 25nl?
micro 6-max cash profit playing by the book Quote
12-11-2012 , 11:16 PM
I'd say 10,000 hands is where you can first observe any trends. This will kind of show how your game is developing. 50,000 hands will show if you're a given winner/loser. 250,000 hands is all the proof you need.
micro 6-max cash profit playing by the book Quote
12-12-2012 , 09:14 AM
to ClickButtonsGud:
i'm italian playing on italian site ( so you think playing exactly how harrington teach how to beat microstakes, using HUD e exploiting weak players around it's not possible to have a profit in US at 10-25cents nl 6-max??? i hope i can do it in italy!

to chad0x001:
i started 10NL, now i'm presumptuously on 25NL with no evidence i can beat 10NL, but i'm studying hard!

to javi:
here my stas till now:
i'm breaking even in 10.000hands but i've no rakeback (i would find a good deal around), i've started playing bad with no book support and tried too soon multitabling (now i just two table on 25NL): should i be confident?
what about that "money won without showdown"? is it normal it's so downtrend?

thank you everybody!
micro 6-max cash profit playing by the book Quote
