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Mass multitabling 2nl Mass multitabling 2nl

10-17-2009 , 01:24 PM
Just curious if theres anyone who does this successfully. Also, if you do do you use pokertracker or hem? How do you see the numbers while having your tables tiled? I've been only 2-4 tabling 2nl FR for awhile and it's taking a stupid long time to get rolled for 5nl
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 01:48 PM
You could easily 16 table them if you have a good auto-pilot play. Now tbh if you're stuck @ 2NL then you should rather focus on your game, because moving up won't bring you any good if you can't beat 2NL.
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 01:52 PM
yeah your probably right i feel like i 2 barrel a lot and thats without a doubt losing me money most of time i probly shouldnt even be cbetting
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 01:55 PM
yeah its pretty hard to make any moves on people at 2NL...they will call you down with bottom pair. Whats your bankroll at?...I started at 2NL with $20, and moved to 5NL with $120, and never looked back. Im at $216 now and gonna take shot at 10NL when I get close to $300. Oh and get rakeback if you will help build your roll faster...especially if you mass multi table.
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 02:01 PM
it was at like 50 and i took a shot at 5nl which was a mistake i got sucked out on 3 times twice to the same guy lost 3 buyins then went back to 2nl lost a little more now im at ~30
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 02:22 PM
remember during this time ur gaining experience which will make u a better player!!
tho it shouldnt take u that long to get up to nl5!
i started at april with $4 and im at $500 now, it was NOT easy, i have suffered a lot of poker rigged periods! but just keep at it and u will get up and out of nl2
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 02:30 PM
I 12-table 2NL on FTP with PT3. I have a 28" monitor at 1920x1200. The numbers are small, but my biggest problem is that HUDs overlapping or getting in the way.

I don't think I use it effectively as I really only look at their VPIP/PFR.
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 02:41 PM
what are your stats vpip/pfr/af? OP
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 02:43 PM
4 table 2NL for <20K hands and take shots at 5NL until it sticks. There's no reason to mass multitable 2NL. It will only stunt your growth.
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by VanIsleRyan
yeah its pretty hard to make any moves on people at 2NL...they will call you down with bottom pair. Whats your bankroll at?...I started at 2NL with $20, and moved to 5NL with $120, and never looked back. Im at $216 now and gonna take shot at 10NL when I get close to $300. Oh and get rakeback if you will help build your roll faster...especially if you mass multi table.
It's mindlessly easy to 'make moves' at 2NL.

Value bet any top pair. Go for thin value with 2nd pair good kicker hands. Value bet Ace hi on the turn.
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 02:53 PM
I was speaking with respect to having air not top pair...its hard to make bluffs. OP said he was two barreling and c betting too much and it was costing him...because guys call with bottom pair all they way to river.
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 02:55 PM
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by kaos_
4 table 2NL for <20K hands and take shots at 5NL until it sticks. There's no reason to mass multitable 2NL. It will only stunt your growth.
This is exactly what I did

20k hands is more than enough to build safe roll for 5nl.
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 03:00 PM
Looks like you are playing mostly good hands, and raising with them, but you have a hard time giving them up post flop when you miss and might be behind. I bet you'd see that your losing alot when you cant let go of your great hole cards. Try to lower your af and youll get to 5NL faster. Try to think of how much you have invested in the post already vs how much more you will have to invest to show down with a hand that might be a loser. You can always fold QQ with flop of A K Rag. After flop you have probably not invested too much compared to what it could cost you.

Last edited by VanIsleRyan; 10-17-2009 at 03:06 PM.
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 07:41 PM
Multitabling 2NL is mind-numbingly dull but it's a good way to grind up a tiny bankroll. You'll need PT3 or HEM, and also something like TableNinja. It is easier to play 16 tables when you cascade them, unless you have a giant monitor and can see the tiny tiled tables. If you don't like cascaded tables just try it for a while; you'll get used to it.

As for playing style, you can play 10/5/3 like a set mining robot. The 2NL fish are so bad they will pay you off almost every time when you value bet TPTK or better. Also, fold more! Weak-tight is bad when you're playing "real poker" but it pays at 2NL. Re-read this thread.
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 07:46 PM
grunch, why would you want to?
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 08:11 PM
i needed 28k hands started at 40$ but i had the free 50 $ from the take 2 promo so i jumped to 150$ ( played 40 to 100 legit though in 28k). I 4-6 tabled it all the way and it took me a month. You should max take 40k hands to be able to move up to 5nl imo. If you arent comfortable with 10+ tables (i am not) just stick to 4-6 pick out the BIG fishies and profit off them.
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 09:11 PM
waste of time. I suggest moving up to a stake worth something before mass multitabling it.
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 09:52 PM
Why would you do this? It would be way more profitable to 4 table 25 nl
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 10:58 PM
I dont think its a good idea, but def possible to 24table 2nl with decent winrate, 10ptbb/100 maybe not sure.
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
10-17-2009 , 11:15 PM
i want to do this bcuz im not rolled for 5nl yet
Mass multitabling 2nl Quote
