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Make quick note about players Make quick note about players

07-22-2017 , 08:01 AM
I'm making note about players and it's mostly a long note and the time is short.

My question is how we make short notes . For example one of my note: He defend on BB with ATs vs my openraise on BU I have 88, bb checkcall flop ATT, turn A Checks, river K he goes all in, I call, showdown BB wins pot with FH Aces Ten.
Make quick note about players Quote
07-22-2017 , 08:48 AM
That's a hand history, not a note - what are the important details from what you've written?
Make quick note about players Quote
07-22-2017 , 08:50 AM
My question is how we make short notes .
Note taking is huge (on sites where villains are not anonymous) so wp for taking them.

Develop your own short hand, eg (mine)

nfs = not full stack

coftmsb3b = cut of fold to my sb 3bet

cocmsb3b//fcbet K84R = cut of call my sb 3bet fold cbet K84 rainbow get the idea (PS, it's all done super quick like, so I get tons of typos and minor variations, but my brain can decode the gist 99% of time)

He defend on BB with ATs vs my openraise on BU I have 88, bb checkcall flop ATT, turn A Checks, river K he goes all in, I call, showdown BB wins pot with FH Aces Ten.
I hope this is a tourney with shallow stacks or sumink like.
Make quick note about players Quote
07-22-2017 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by PokerGnome.
For example one of my note: He defend on BB with ATs vs my openraise on BU I have 88, bb checkcall flop ATT, turn A Checks, river K he goes all in, I call, showdown BB wins pot with FH Aces Ten.
My note for that would be something like "Def ATs v BTN, SLOWPLAY x-calls boat, jams river for value".
With a few more hands (and HUD stats) I might emphasise that he doesn't 3-bet light, and his check-calls are monsters, as are his river jams. For other (bluffier) players, I'm looking for odd stuff like "3-bet J8o", "donks with FD, gives up on turn", or "barrels turn w/ no equity". You want to focus on things that are exploitable or tell you how villain plays his ranges.
FWIW, I think many of my most useful notes are written pre- or post-session, when I'm analysing a few hands all by the same (reg) player. If you can get a good idea of a particular player's tendencies over a bunch of hands, you can crush him. When you only have one note from one hand, it could just be from a single weird hand where villain was tilted, or he misclicked.

Originally Posted by PokerGnome.
He defend on BB with ATs vs my openraise on BU I have 88, bb checkcall flop ATT, turn A Checks, river K he goes all in, I call, showdown BB wins pot with FH Aces Ten.
Make a note on yourself that you're a calling station that pays off shoves when you can't beat the board.

Last edited by ArtyMcFly; 07-22-2017 at 12:55 PM.
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07-23-2017 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by sixfour
That's a hand history, not a note - what are the important details from what you've written?
it's my way of making note. And yes, this seems like a hh note, not really good note.
I know the important details here, but cant make shorter and clearly

Originally Posted by Fatboy54
Note taking is huge (on sites where villains are not anonymous) so wp for taking them.

Develop your own short hand, eg (mine)

nfs = not full stack

coftmsb3b = cut of fold to my sb 3bet

cocmsb3b//fcbet K84R = cut of call my sb 3bet fold cbet K84 rainbow get the idea (PS, it's all done super quick like, so I get tons of typos and minor variations, but my brain can decode the gist 99% of time)

I hope this is a tourney with shallow stacks or sumink like.
Thanks for this idea. This one is only for your brains I think...

Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
My note for that would be something like "Def ATs v BTN, SLOWPLAY x-calls boat, jams river for value".
With a few more hands (and HUD stats) I might emphasise that he doesn't 3-bet light, and his check-calls are monsters, as are his river jams. For other (bluffier) players, I'm looking for odd stuff like "3-bet J8o", "donks with FD, gives up on turn", or "barrels turn w/ no equity". You want to focus on things that are exploitable or tell you how villain plays his ranges.
FWIW, I think many of my most useful notes are written pre- or post-session, when I'm analysing a few hands all by the same (reg) player. If you can get a good idea of a particular player's tendencies over a bunch of hands, you can crush him. When you only have one note from one hand, it could just be from a single weird hand where villain was tilted, or he misclicked.

Make a note on yourself that you're a calling station that pays off shoves when you can't beat the board.
Thanks for the explanation about the players and their action.This level is not where I am, not yet...

one question or few: Does xx VS zz means I have the xx and other player zz? ATs doesnt need a position? BU is the same like BTN
EDIT: Oh I already see, ATs is the bb, the other player is the xx. But how about the position? And Am I always the zz ?

I have now also the idea that making note is different for everyone. I was asking this because I thought there is or everyone has the same quick short note list. But I got it now, thanks.

Oh...about my call with 88 on the river...What was I thinking.....

Last edited by PokerGnome.; 07-23-2017 at 06:41 AM.
Make quick note about players Quote
07-23-2017 , 10:53 AM
I am looking for actionable, atypical leaks that can be exploited. In the hand history you described, villains play was very standard, so there wasn't really anything there that i would take note of.

Some things i will make note of (usually mentally, as I play live): 'Player flats and limps pre too often, will fold to post flop aggression', 'Player plays too few hands, range is very high and unpolarized', 'Player attacks everything'

You notes should be one or two lines long, so you can process them quickly, and should give you a clue on how to play that player in the future.
Make quick note about players Quote
07-23-2017 , 10:58 AM
So, one thing I realized is that there could be a different reason for taking notes then just building a history on a player. If you are taking notes for post session analysis to analyze your play, do it outside of the poker client (I use word), and make sure you document
1. relevant stack sizes
2. position of players
3. any relevant reads
4. Your table image
5. Action
6. Your mindset and thinking behind your decisions

Then you can analyze your thinking, your reads, do your equity analysis, etc. This is not something to do during the session, but you can take a quick note on the hand in short hand.
Make quick note about players Quote
07-24-2017 , 07:09 AM
Originally Posted by SpewingIsMyMove
I am looking for actionable, atypical leaks that can be exploited. In the hand history you described, villains play was very standard, so there wasn't really anything there that i would take note of.

Some things i will make note of (usually mentally, as I play live): 'Player flats and limps pre too often, will fold to post flop aggression', 'Player plays too few hands, range is very high and unpolarized', 'Player attacks everything'

You notes should be one or two lines long, so you can process them quickly, and should give you a clue on how to play that player in the future.
Originally Posted by SpewingIsMyMove
So, one thing I realized is that there could be a different reason for taking notes then just building a history on a player. If you are taking notes for post session analysis to analyze your play, do it outside of the poker client (I use word), and make sure you document
1. relevant stack sizes
2. position of players
3. any relevant reads
4. Your table image
5. Action
6. Your mindset and thinking behind your decisions

Then you can analyze your thinking, your reads, do your equity analysis, etc. This is not something to do during the session, but you can take a quick note on the hand in short hand.
I always thought we make note about a hand when we went to showdown at river (because of the cards and information), or when we're all in pre.. What you just described opens my eyes...

Damnn, thanks for sharing this!
Make quick note about players Quote
07-24-2017 , 08:09 AM
Yes always take notes whenever possible online and if live make a mental note.

The more information you have the better exploits/more EV you will gain with your decisions, why would you not take notes which you obviously should be doing automatically in ur head or written down when you are playing in game.

Also i forgot to mention the more information you have early on pays off later, esp in a spot where you weren't paying attention early on and missed some key information against a certain villain where now you could have made a more +EV decision/not a -EV decision.
Which just means early on in game esp vs volatile players/players who you think will give you tough decisions BE EXTREMELY ALERT and pay very close attention.

Last edited by Evoxgsr96; 07-24-2017 at 08:16 AM.
Make quick note about players Quote
07-24-2017 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Evoxgsr96
Yes always take notes whenever possible online and if live make a mental note.

The more information you have the better exploits/more EV you will gain with your decisions, why would you not take notes which you obviously should be doing automatically in ur head or written down when you are playing in game.

Also i forgot to mention the more information you have early on pays off later, esp in a spot where you weren't paying attention early on and missed some key information against a certain villain where now you could have made a more +EV decision/not a -EV decision.
Which just means early on in game esp vs volatile players/players who you think will give you tough decisions BE EXTREMELY ALERT and pay very close attention.
Thanks, I got it now
Make quick note about players Quote
07-24-2017 , 02:45 PM
for your notes to be of managable length, you need to note ONLY things that are non-standard. In you example, defending bb with ATs is standard, slowplaying this flop is also standard, so you only need to note that he overbet shoved the river with non-nut fh on 2 pairs board

(im assuming his river shove was overbet, otherwise this hand should should have ended with preflop allins)
Make quick note about players Quote
07-24-2017 , 08:46 PM
I tend to note mostly when players have a pattern of open raising and then folding to a 3-bet (indicates they open light a lot and will fold to in-position pressure, and if they push back they have a big hand), and when I have seen the showdown and know that somebody was bluffing or made a semi-bluff during the hand since players who bluff a lot tend to bluff A LOT and I need to remember that for future hands.
Make quick note about players Quote
07-28-2017 , 06:25 AM
Thanks guys I got it.

Tutejszy, yes its overbet and would to say its a microlimit turbo mtt.
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