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Lying Lying

11-30-2008 , 11:00 PM
Do any of you guys 'lie' when you muck a hand?

I've noticed that during live games that when someone is asked 'what did they have' they say 'something crappy' when they gave off tons of tells telling us he had a monster.

I realized that I did it once yesterday when I extracted $0 when I held a monster.

Is this considered bad poker manners?

Another question just to add.

Live game 6-man yesterday.
On the big blind, I re-raised with AQs. Got 1 caller.
On the flop came Ace-Jack-4. I min-raised and he chec/called.
Turn came a Queen. I then raised half-pot and got check/called.
Turn came a ten, and I folded to his 2x pot raise.
(he showed the king)

Obviously slow-playing this hand was a mistake but where should I had made my move?

Last edited by Wrane; 11-30-2008 at 11:09 PM.
Lying Quote
12-01-2008 , 11:04 AM
Not at all. I've mucked a low pocket pair only to say something like "guess my jacks were good". It can be extremely helpful to lay 'traps' like this, so that next time you take a similar betting pattern someone might remember you 'had jacks' last time.
the best is catching people mucking a loser at showdown and having PT tell you exactly what they had.

The situation isn't super clear there in that example, but don't min raise. It's stupid. If you had bet well on the flop, most players fold their king instead of hanging out for a good price. Your min bet does not say 'i have an ace'. In fact it says, "i hate this flop but want to stick around".
Lying Quote
12-01-2008 , 11:43 AM
I'm going to assume this applies to live games.

I think lying like this is obvious to any good players. In fact, if you want to hide your hand, you do better by NOT loudly saying, "oh, I had x". Just give them the impression you want. In any case, I rarely ever need to have an image. I play a SLAG game, but in live it's SO MUCH MORE PROFTIABLE to play tighter, so I really adjust. But generally, I like to seem like a weak tight so I can induce bluff reraises (lololol lagtard bluffing into nuts) but also push them off a hand when I suddenly completely change my betting pattern.

If you really want to lie, try to not suck at acting. If you had a good hand you folded, you'd be embarassed to say it, and that is far more convincing that way. You just need to communicate that this particular line = can be bluffed off.

Honestly, saying you had a hand that you didn't can be so lame, and good players (not saying there will be many) is just going to snort and laugh inside.
Lying Quote
12-01-2008 , 11:59 AM
I sometimes lie, and sometimes I don't.

Example from this weekend - I raise a bunch of limpers with AKs from LP, one caller. Flop is QJ3 with a flush draw. I c-bet and take it down. I claim the set of jacks (which I would have played identically on both streets). The trick is to make sure the lie makes sense for the standard line you took. Otherwise you just won't get believed and its pointless. Also if you take a really bizarre line, don't claim anything - it won't help either way (and lets you use it again if its a +EV but risky move).
Lying Quote
12-01-2008 , 12:42 PM
when i raise preflop and someone came over the top and i fold or call and end up folding, i say something like i prolly had 2nd best when i had nothing. i wanna keep the tight image so people keep folding to my PF raise
Lying Quote
12-01-2008 , 12:59 PM
Chatter over mucked cards usually makes me chuckle a bit.

For the effort required to make it convincing, I don't see the huge benefit.
Lying Quote
12-01-2008 , 02:31 PM
just say nice fold, they cant get anything out of you then, and when i say it they go on tilt, "what do you mean nice fold? did you have it or not, you musta had it, you wouldn't have 3bet if you didn't have it, maybe you were bluffing tho" blah blah blah they all say the same shyt! imo you shouldn't have shoved turn, as long as it wasnt a 10/20 game or above, 5/10 i woulda shoved to, if you didn't want to shove the turn you should have bet 1.5x's the pot or a little over the pot, either way i woulda hammered the turn
Lying Quote
12-01-2008 , 02:36 PM
I either always tell the truth or say nothing. Often I tell the player I never lie about my hand and they still call me, a week or two later they do it again and I show them the nuts again.
Lying Quote
