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<graph photo> red line positive, blue negative, any general advice on things i need to work on? <graph photo> red line positive, blue negative, any general advice on things i need to work on?

10-13-2016 , 10:33 PM
im semi new to using a hud, i play 50nl on acr. somewhat recently i went from an occasional hobby player to putting in 6-10 hours a day playing studying trying to improve my game, if i could get some advice on what i must be doing wrong in my showdown play id appreciate it, willing to give any additional info/stats needed. thanks again

also if a mod reads this, i posted this in the coaching area as well, i was unaware of this area and i couldnt delete that one. if there is a way to get rid of it please let me know

<graph photo> red line positive, blue negative, any general advice on things i need to work on? Quote
10-14-2016 , 02:51 AM
That's a small sample.

Need more information to make any exact suggestions, but looks like you are proly betting to many bad hands. You get some folds, but when you get called you have the worst hand all the time.
<graph photo> red line positive, blue negative, any general advice on things i need to work on? Quote
10-14-2016 , 07:11 AM
Probably bluffing too much? Like above it is a small sample though. Think you should tighten up though.
<graph photo> red line positive, blue negative, any general advice on things i need to work on? Quote
10-14-2016 , 05:05 PM
It's a tiny sample, but your mistake might actually be pre-flop. Loose players tend to see the flop with weak holdings... and get to the river with weak holdings. Many weak players have positive redlines but negative bluelines because they don't fold often enough either pre or post.

What are your VPIP/PFR numbers for this sample?
<graph photo> red line positive, blue negative, any general advice on things i need to work on? Quote
10-14-2016 , 05:07 PM
Need stats by position

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
<graph photo> red line positive, blue negative, any general advice on things i need to work on? Quote
10-14-2016 , 05:19 PM
Sample is too small - it's barely even a sample.

For arguments sake lets assume your graph looks like this after 20k+ hands. It's likely you just don't fold enough. When I first started playing, my graph was like this - positive red line but with a worse green line because I couldnt fold. For instance, I literally almost never folded overpairs or AK on Acehigh boards.Not saying you have that problem but the point still stands.
<graph photo> red line positive, blue negative, any general advice on things i need to work on? Quote
10-15-2016 , 01:19 AM
sorry for the small sample, ive only had the hud a few days. over 4k hands here are some of my stats
vpip 25.2
pfr 15.26
af 4.5
afq 65.8

thanks for the thoughts so far guys, i feel fairly selective in regards to the hands i play, but i have struggled with not folding the hands i do decide to play. ive also thrown away some cash tilting. i lose a decently played hand, get pissed and go to hard the next hand. im playing 1/2k hands per day right now so ill have some better hud stats soon
<graph photo> red line positive, blue negative, any general advice on things i need to work on? Quote
10-15-2016 , 02:51 AM
seems like a big gap in your call/raise ratio.
<graph photo> red line positive, blue negative, any general advice on things i need to work on? Quote
10-15-2016 , 01:49 PM
slightly positive red with big negative blue usually indicates being a calling station on the river (ie, once you get to the river, you refuse to fold any showdown value)
<graph photo> red line positive, blue negative, any general advice on things i need to work on? Quote
10-15-2016 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by wutm8
af 4.5
afq 65.8
These numbers are high. If they are still this high after another 10,000 hands, you're an aggrofish. Stop betting/bluffing so often. Learn how to control the pot so that it's more in keeping with the strength of your hand. ("Pot-control" typically means more checking, calling and folding - especially with one pair - and less betting and raising).
<graph photo> red line positive, blue negative, any general advice on things i need to work on? Quote
10-15-2016 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
These numbers are high. If they are still this high after another 10,000 hands, you're an aggrofish. Stop betting/bluffing so often. Learn how to control the pot so that it's more in keeping with the strength of your hand. ("Pot-control" typically means more checking, calling and folding - especially with one pair - and less betting and raising).
thanks a lot man, I am overly aggressive, ill work on toning it down and see how it effects my game
<graph photo> red line positive, blue negative, any general advice on things i need to work on? Quote
