With loose calling players, how much should you bet if you have QQKKAA or TPTK on a dry board?
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 563
I'm playing 1/2 live and people there call large bet's with nearly anything. I was BB and had pocket queens; there was a straddle and I raised to 15, I had two callers ahead of me.
The flop came 10/9/3 rainbow. I bet 15 and had one caller and another 9 came out. I was fairly short stack and kind of panicked and went all in and he called showing K/9.
I realize I bet too small on the flop, so I'm asking you more experience players how much does one bet when they think they have the best hand? At the 1/2 level I realize there should be no slow playing, but how do we play TPTK or we have a greater pocket pair on the flop. Do we bet the pot or 2/3s or half?
I've been losing too much money betting too small and trying to get a caller here and there to extract more money, i.e. always thin value betting. It's biting me in the ass.
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 244
I would say that is a cooler. Nothing you can do when you're short stacked. Even if you bet 2/3 pot the fish will probably still call you. Remember fishes like to call middle pair or even top pair bad kicker so you are still value betting your strong hands to make the fish pay you off.
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without reading OP. The answer only to titel. You bet all-in. You have best hand, you get called anyway. -> get that chips in the middle.