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Looking for a room Looking for a room

11-26-2007 , 03:39 PM
Hya guys first time poster I was wondering if people could recomend a poker room to play I tend to play MTT Low buy ins have looked at all major sites Pokerstars have massive fields, Full tilt cant stand that lobby UB not a bad site so where do most players play these days Im a UK player also
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11-26-2007 , 04:31 PM
Stars and Full Tilt will have MTT SNG at low stakes at any time. I'd reccomend one of them.
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11-26-2007 , 05:42 PM
Pokerstars has lots of MMT from .10 to 3.00 starting all the time give them a shot and see what you like (thats micro stakes) the same is true at the higher levels as well.

As for stars don't worry too much about the size of fields, most are pretty soft one hour in the field is cut in half and if your can last thru the second hour you are in the money usually.
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