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Looking for help Please Looking for help Please

06-07-2008 , 01:47 AM
Hey yall I didnt see a section to introduce myself if I missed it sorry. I am a 35 yr old newb from AZ looking to absorb all i can to sharpen my game.

I play online for real and play money mostly micro stakes, with some X-Box poker slipped in there.

Well onto my question: I am fairly new to live play and I have registered to play in a NL Hold'em tourney for cancer at a local casino, 100$ buy-in no re-buy's....There is going to be about 120ish people in tourney. Well as i have only limited live game Exp. and no live tourney Exp. i am struggling with a strategy for the tourney. I am usally a tight agressive player, I like to play pre-flop when cards will let me, but I have heard that early in tourney's ya want to steal blinds and build BR so you can get deep before the bubble. HAHA well I guess everyone wants that but anyway I was looking for some more of the exp people in here for some beginning strategy's for live tourney play.

Any advice is welcome thanks for reading later
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06-07-2008 , 02:19 AM
Check out the SNG forums.

You'll find that more useful.
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06-07-2008 , 02:59 AM
I've heard that many of these charity poker tournies are mostly donk fests. Basically, play tight, bluff carefully (and rarely) against what are likely to be a lot of bluff happy call stations. Make a hand and value bet, value bet, value bet.

Good luck and welcome to the forums.
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06-07-2008 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by Shick
I've heard that many of these charity poker tournies are mostly donk fests. Basically, play tight, bluff carefully (and rarely) against what are likely to be a lot of bluff happy call stations. Make a hand and value bet, value bet, value bet.

Good luck and welcome to the forums.
Thankyou for the welcome as was I thinking that the caliber of player is going to be sub par ya never know. I am just new to live play with the exception of your run of the mill home cash game. I planned on going in tight agressive and see how the table plays, but advice from exp live players is always nice thanks.
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06-07-2008 , 05:10 AM
Welcome Highcard, nice to have you on board.

As Shick has said, there will likely be a lot of poor players there. Whilst this is obviously good news it can be very frustrating and in a one off tourney you may well lose to some runner runner. That said, you need to play your normal TAG style early. If you identify some scared players then pick on them otherwise bide your time.

Later in the tourney you will need to loosen up a bit but look for the average stacked players (many of these generally just want to survive) and put these players to hard decisions. Short stacks here are likely to go all in with a wide range so if you pick up a decent hand push it against these.

Whilst you may be one of the better players in the tourney, a one off game is dependent on a good deal of luck.
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06-07-2008 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by Rek
Welcome Highcard, nice to have you on board.

As Shick has said, there will likely be a lot of poor players there. Whilst this is obviously good news it can be very frustrating and in a one off tourney you may well lose to some runner runner. That said, you need to play your normal TAG style early. If you identify some scared players then pick on them otherwise bide your time.

Later in the tourney you will need to loosen up a bit but look for the average stacked players (many of these generally just want to survive) and put these players to hard decisions. Short stacks here are likely to go all in with a wide range so if you pick up a decent hand push it against these.

Whilst you may be one of the better players in the tourney, a one off game is dependent on a good deal of luck.
Thanks for the advice I needed a little confirmation on how to start I like playing TAG style play and I have a pretty good handle on the game, just never played large live games. It's gonna be a blast all places at final table pay, it's at a casino, should be fun.
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06-07-2008 , 06:42 AM
Originally Posted by Highcard
Thanks for the advice I needed a little confirmation on how to start I like playing TAG style play and I have a pretty good handle on the game, just never played large live games. It's gonna be a blast all places at final table pay, it's at a casino, should be fun.
Just enjoy, is the best advice I think. Return to this thread after the tourney and let us know how you got on.
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