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Live player, keep getting bad beat online Live player, keep getting bad beat online

12-21-2013 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by gcoho
what site are you on?

shoving all in with a hand preflop is pretty reasonable especially if he is getting short.
They're not short though.

I know tournament strategy and I know cash strategy. But you don't shove with no action behind when you have 100 big blinds.
12-21-2013 , 03:22 AM
Originally Posted by Aj1225
So how do you deal with the idiots at the micro stakes who always hit?
That's like asking how I deal with unicorns, they don't exist either.
12-21-2013 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by Aj1225
I personally believe something is up, I know that it's a small sample size and trust me I know all about variance, but it just seems odd to me.
No you dont. You just said your sample is 7200 hands. There are people here who put in that many hands in a couple of days. Your entire lifetime online experience is nothing more than a weekend to a professional online grinder. You think online pros win every single day they play? No, they can go for weeks on a downswing, which would be the equivalent of like 2 years of your live play. Can you imagine going on a 2 year live downswing? IT CAN HAPPEN.

He had J-4, got called by AK and AQ. J-4 wins.

He had 6-6. Got called by KK. Flops a set

He has J-10, gets called by KQ. He wins.

I have AA, he shoves with 7-4 off. I call. HE FLOPS 2 PAIR.

How does this happen?!
Ok so this is the part that always irritates me. If you believe the site is rigged to make bad players win, then why dish it out as suckouts to make everyone suspicious? Why dont they just give the fish AA and you KK every time? Or set over set?

Anyway, your logic that fish wont reload and pros will is ridiculous. It's well known fish reload all the time, thats why they're fish, and thats why they're on the site. You think every donk stacking off with J4o made a single $20 deposit and ran it up to $100k? You dont think they have probably reloaded like 50x in the last couple of years? You think pros are the one's busting their bankroll and then reloading from their kid's college funds?

You just want someone to console you. Yes you are running bad. IT DOES HAPPEN. I dont care that it seems like a lot to you, and that this never happens live to you. You're probably just running hot live.
12-21-2013 , 04:14 AM
It happens to me live all the time, I go through downswings, just a few months ago I was on a horrible cooler for 2 and a half weeks. I can accept that because I've been playing live for as long as I have.

Okay, here's a hand for you.

I have 9-3 off in the big blind, I have about 20 BB behind me. limp pot I check. Flop is 9-3-J rainbow. I bet (I dont slowplay anything on here anymore) and get snapped shoved by the chip leader. I call and He has J-5. Turns another J.

How did i misplay this hand? What should I have done differently? Should I have checked the flop even with bottom 2?
12-21-2013 , 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by Aj1225
How do you play these idiots?

They're idiots, remember (you just said so) - of course we want to play them as often as possible.

Or would you rather play at a table where everybody knows what they're doing?

If you want to stop getting sucked out on by a guy who has 5% equity you need to stop getting it in as a 95% fav.

The problem isn't that they suck out on you occasionally (which can seem like every time when you're going through a downswing), the problem is inside your head and how you're choosing to react to those suckouts.

Make sure you're properly 'rolled, accept the beats as the price you pay for taking their money in the long run, and get on with the job of making better decisions than they do.

Good Luck.
12-21-2013 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by Aj1225
It happens to me live all the time, I go through downswings, just a few months ago I was on a horrible cooler for 2 and a half weeks. I can accept that because I've been playing live for as long as I have.
lol you call 2.5 weeks a downswing at live? I know a guy who just finished off a 3 year live downswing in vegas playing 5/10. He's just hit his first million overall, but he actually had a 3 year downswing playing almost every single day, using graphs and everything to prove it. He probably went through like 300k in savings getting out of it. You just have unrealistic expectations is all.

Okay, here's a hand for you.

I have 9-3 off in the big blind, I have about 20 BB behind me. limp pot I check. Flop is 9-3-J rainbow. I bet (I dont slowplay anything on here anymore) and get snapped shoved by the chip leader. I call and He has J-5. Turns another J.

How did i misplay this hand? What should I have done differently? Should I have checked the flop even with bottom 2?
You didnt misplay it. You think you are 100% to win with 2 pair or something? You do realize even AA is going to lose to 72o allin preflop some percentage of the time right? Anyway I ask again, why would the software need to set you up with rags? Why dont they just present something more realistic like you have 33 and he has 99? Both hands could see this flop exactly the same, and they would both result in the same allin. But let me guess, if THIS happened you would be totally ok with it. It's only when you lose vs a bad hand that somehow suddenly the software is working against you.
12-21-2013 , 05:57 AM
Another hand that just happened

AA pre flop. I'm UTG. I raise to 5X BB.

Get re-raised to 15XBB. I re raise to 35X BB. He shoves with K-10. I call

Flop. K-K-10.
12-21-2013 , 06:08 AM
So what are you saying exactly - in the long run you don't think you'll win calling AA v a guy jamming KT?

Just taking a wild stab here but my guess is you don't understand what is meant by 'the long run'.

Good Luck.
12-21-2013 , 06:08 AM
Move to the rigged thread please

Another lol live guy who doesn't understand variance
12-21-2013 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by Aj1225
Another hand that just happened

AA pre flop. I'm UTG. I raise to 5X BB.

Get re-raised to 15XBB. I re raise to 35X BB. He shoves with K-10. I call

Flop. K-K-10.
Everytime you win the pot you get lucky.
Everytime villain loses the pot he gets unlucky.

Do you think it's worth posting in a thread because you lose an all in as 40% favourite? No of course not. How about if you're 60% favourite? nope. 70?, 80? nope.

Lose a hand you're 100% favourite to win and that'd be threadworthy, until then no one gives a damn. Stop moaning about it and learn to deal with it. That's not saying it's easy to deal with, all of us struggle with this. We've all been through what you're doing through and you know how it stopped bothering us as much? We spent time learning to deal with it.

So instead of moaning, go and read up on ways to deal with it.
12-21-2013 , 06:21 AM
First, I understand completely what you are trying to tell. I also see often enough crazy things that happen online. I have the last six tournaments, bubbled for five times, due to loosing alluns in which I was far ahead preflop.

But I'm sure this is about variance and I try to analyze my game and find out how I can improve my game. In the long run, I will certainly make a profit I'm sure. I advise you to play several hands and analyze on this forum. Post include data from the HUD because then we can do more with it and help you with your game.
It helps me a lot.

Good luck.

Last edited by Sp4n1shStyle; 12-21-2013 at 06:33 AM.
12-21-2013 , 06:26 AM
^ losing flips in which you were far ahead?
12-21-2013 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by truefish
^ losing flips in which you were far ahead?
Lol not flips, shoves I mean. *edited
12-21-2013 , 07:36 AM
Lock thread. This is not what beginners need to read.
12-21-2013 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by Rexam01
Lock thread. This is not what beginners need to read.
Of course not, because sharing our opinion on online poker is so wrong..

Anyway, For not understanding variance, I do. Maybe not on this level but I completely understand what variance is. It's just hard for me to get used to this online, when my live stats are proven and I win consistently.

Im not saying my game doesn't need improvement, we all have room to improve.

Hell, playing online for this past month and a half or so I've found some leaks in my live game that have helped improve that.

I just want to become a winning player online, and it sucks that I get my money in ahead so often just to get bad beat.

As for not understanding this, here's a story for you.

About a year ago playing 2-5 at a local casino. I got 7-8 in my small blind, i think we were 8 handed. Folded to the button who limps, i limp. BB checks.

flop is 8-8-7 2 clubs. I check. BB checks, Button bets half the pot. I smooth, BB folds. River is 6 of clubs. I check. Button Bets BIG. I Re raise About 4X what he bet. ( i started the hand with around 1500, he had around 1200.). He shoves. I snap. He's got A-5 of clubs. River is the 6 of clubs. Almost a 3000 dollar pot. I literally went into the bathroom and threw up.

Until you lose 1500 dollars in a single hand, please don't tell me that i dont understand variance and bad beats. He was what? a 1% favorite going into that river?

12-21-2013 , 07:54 AM
LOL. I apologize that's a typo. I'm tired have been up since 20 hours. river was 4 of clubs
12-21-2013 , 08:03 AM
Originally Posted by Aj1225
Anyway, For not understanding variance, I do.
You hide it well.

Seriously, dude, not trying to bash you.
It's great that playing online has helped your live game.
Keep trying to improve. That's what most of us round here are attempting.

Just out of interest (from someone who's never played live) how many live hands do you think you've played, lifetime?

Good Luck.
12-21-2013 , 08:05 AM
That's so tough man. I dont know if i can even give you an accurate number. I play 4-5 nights a week, been playing since i was 16 because the charity rooms don't ID. (thank god i dont play there anymore, lol)

I dont even know
12-21-2013 , 08:38 AM
You mean the turn is 4clubs river is 6clubs?

just because you took a 1 outer doesnt mean you understand variance

Her is my 1.2 graph for the year, im 30bi under ev. It doesnt matter, i dont think online is rigged.

Last edited by Big_Mick00; 12-21-2013 at 08:43 AM.
12-21-2013 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Aj1225
That's so tough man. I dont know if i can even give you an accurate number. I play 4-5 nights a week, been playing since i was 16 because the charity rooms don't ID. (thank god i dont play there anymore, lol)

I dont even know
OK, like I say, I've never played live, so I'm not sure what the numbers would look like but say:

5 years
x 200 nights per year
x 5 hours per night (? too low)
x 20 hands per hour (? too high)

= 100000 hands

Online there are guys who play that many hands in a month.

So the beats just come at you way faster online.
Live, you get time to go to the bathroom and throw up.
Online, you don't.
Psychologically that has to be harder to deal with.

Of course, the online upswings are also more intense.
Which is why there are guys who aren't that good who go on a heater and start thinking they should do this for a living. We hear from them on the way up but on the way down, not so much.

Good Luck.
12-21-2013 , 08:54 AM
It's much higher than 20 hands per hour. I'd say 50-60
12-21-2013 , 08:56 AM
You only get about 80 online at 6max
12-21-2013 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by Aj1225
It's much higher than 20 hands per hour. I'd say 50-60
OK, so lifetime, live, you've played as many hands in 5 years as some online grinders have played in three months.

I believe that my argument still applies.
12-21-2013 , 08:58 AM
It's about 50-60 live, that's what it seems like to me. It's faster than 20 that's for sure. You guys think live poker everyone takes forever and that's not true. I've been at some tables online where people take longer than they do live.
12-21-2013 , 09:03 AM
you might get 35 at a push no chance you get 50.

do you think none of us have ever played live
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