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Live <img /3 - stupid call on turn? Live <img /3 - stupid call on turn?

03-05-2018 , 09:18 AM
Background - table has been going a couple hours, player to my left had been on my right and I've already stacked him a couple times. (Buying in for $100 repeatedly) He's got the air of a completely tilted occasional player who's just trying to win one at this point.

Table is itself extremely loose as the room has filled up with people hoping to catch a piece of the bad beat jackpot which was for $75k at Aces full of Sixes or better beat (scaling promotion).

I honestly don't remember where the button was - but there were several limpers in front of me. I'm approximating the bets here because the middle action is a bit fuzzy in my head)

Live $1/3
Hero - OOP - AA - Covers most of the table
Villain - IP - $155~

Preflop - 2 limpers, pot is $10. I open to $15 (based on limper count not hand strength)
Villain - Call
1 limper calls.

Pot $50~ (rounding a bit)
Flop : K97 rainbow Fairly dry board - pretty sure I bet $25 here (dry boards I bet half pot, wet boards 2/3)
Villain: Call. Other limper folds.

Turn - another 9 and possible runner runner flush draw

Now it's heads up - pot is $100ish, villain only has $100 left and I don't love that 2nd 9 cause it's entirely possible he called with 2nd pair - he's been calling pretty light. Still... maybe it's a king in his hand.

I decide to only bet $50 (still pretty dry board, only half pot) because I figure it's 50/50 villain called with a 9.

He shoves, which is only $50 more and it's $50 to call a pot that's now $250...
I'm now 65/35 that he's got a 9, with less hope that he's on a king but i've seen him stack off with top pair.

So I'm not happy but I call.

Yea or nay?
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03-05-2018 , 09:35 AM
Based on player info and the action this guy can have a 9 here. He can also do this with TPTK and the only set that makes sense is 77s. In any case once you barrel ott your committed to calling the shove. I don't think there's much we can do differently. Maybe check back ott to pot control with intention of snapping off a river lead.
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03-05-2018 , 09:56 AM
because I figure it's 50/50 villain called with a 9.
What is this based on? It looks very random based on the reads you give. Surely on the turn (before the action) villain has got a ton of Kx in his range plus a load of other stuff.

At this stack depth, villain and board, hand plays itself imo.
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03-05-2018 , 09:59 AM
Sharkey: Can't check back since I'm OOP. If I'd been IP I would have done that.
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03-05-2018 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Fatboy54
What is this based on? It looks very random based on the reads you give. Surely on the turn (before the action) villain has got a ton of Kx in his range plus a load of other stuff.

At this stack depth, villain and board, hand plays itself imo.
Main reason I am 50/50 on him having a 9 is *how* he shoved. It was a snap shove with emphasis. If he'd had much more - if it wasn't a min raise - I would have spent some real time thinking and might have found a fold.
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03-05-2018 , 10:22 AM
How does he play top pair? You’ve been at the table a couple hours with him, you should have an idea of this and that should help determine turn action
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03-05-2018 , 10:32 AM
Oh he's perfectly capable of stacking off with top pair.
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03-05-2018 , 10:50 AM
Any information about the third player involved?

If we want to only focus on the tilting guy, I really don’t like to use our “standard” sizing against his tendencies and 50BB stack. I agree with Fatboy54 that the hand basically plays itself anyway against that villain and stack, but you could just make it easier for you by adding a couple bucks preflop OOP and a couple bucks on the flop to set up an easy shove for 1/2 - 2/3 pot on the turn.
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03-05-2018 , 12:29 PM
Main reason I am 50/50 on him having a 9 is *how* he shoved
No you are miss reading it (or you've typed the HH wrong)

You said...

I decide to only bet $50 (still pretty dry board, only half pot) because I figure it's 50/50 villain called with a 9.
This is before he shoved.

After you bet turn and he shoves the whole thing is moot coz nobody ever folds AA on K979 tt board needing only 17% equity to call.
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03-05-2018 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Fatboy54
No you are miss reading it (or you've typed the HH wrong)
HH is correct to the best of my recollection

This is before he shoved.

After you bet turn and he shoves the whole thing is moot coz nobody ever folds AA on K979 tt board needing only 17% equity to call.
So I'm not clear on your question. I was asked what made think it was 50/50 he had a 9, and I said because of how he shoved - ie that he appeared supremely confident as opposed to somewhat uncertain.


OK so here's why I even posed the question - because he did, in fact, have a 9 - and when I called I said something like 'I feel like you have a 9 but I can't fold this'

And he turned over 10,9 and i spiked the A on the river for the boat but he was all "how can you call you only had 2 outs" cry cry and - well - it just got me wondering if I should have given it more thought or not ...

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03-05-2018 , 01:48 PM
Ok. You rushed to give the result but a lot of times, a paired board with a hand like yours, is a good card.
The way you described villain, he's very capable of having a hand like K 7,
Thus the 9 helping you.
Anyways, the way the hand played out, a call is pretty standard.

Last edited by Nepeeme2008; 03-05-2018 at 01:53 PM.
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03-05-2018 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by EvilGreebo
So I'm not clear on your question. I was asked what made think it was 50/50 he had a 9, and I said because of how he shoved - ie that he appeared supremely confident as opposed to somewhat uncertain.
His point is that you are looking at the wrong decision point.

You are going to the turn with one pot sized bet left. There, you bet half the pot. Now your opponent shoves and you are getting 5:1 to call. If you can’t confidently snap call there, something earlier in the hand went wrong.
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03-06-2018 , 09:51 AM
To clarify any confusion - I really didn't think very long about it - max 10 seconds - just weighing up how much the raise was, how big the pot was, and whether there was a fold possible or not, and quickly concluding that no, there wasn't a fold to be found for that min raise amount.

It was just the villian's comment, cause I'd said when I flipped my rivered boat up, that I was afraid he had the 9 and his 'how can you call' comment that made me second guess a little. In retrospect though, its just clear that the guy himself had very little understanding of the other points - pot size, equity, other possible hands, and so forth.

And hey its never bad to check yourself occasionally
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03-06-2018 , 03:29 PM
I mean, you are getting 6:1 from a guy who is tilted and can stack off with worse (your read). Not much to think about, no I don't love his shove but w/e.

I absolutely do love his reaction though, it's always great to win a pot off a donkey who complains that you are being a donkey. Makes it even more satisfying to stack those chips.
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03-06-2018 , 03:37 PM
lol....adding "I'll give you a buck to stack these chips for me" if you truly want a reaction.

Of course if he is the table mark, best to keep silent or maybe say "sorry"
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03-06-2018 , 04:35 PM
Yeah I said something along the lines of - yeah I was pretty sure you were ahead but I thought you might have K or even 2 pair and you just didn't have enough to make me fold. Sorry ...

Sadly he stayed pissed and changed tables. But I still ended the night up 300bb so... yay
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03-06-2018 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
lol....adding "I'll give you a buck to stack these chips for me" if you truly want a reaction.

Of course if he is the table mark, best to keep silent or maybe say "sorry"
I never say sorry when stacking someone because I’ve seen some typical angry degens use that as an excuse to get even more angry. Staying quiet and ignoring them until they calm down is my MO.

Will definitely have to remember ‘I’ll give you a buck to stack these for me’ if I ever want to needle someone.
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03-06-2018 , 06:00 PM
Whenever I bet OOP on a dry board with a hand like TPTK or an overpair and get called on the flop, I am going to check the turn a lot. It gives them a chance to make a huge mistake like betting in to me, and the risk of giving them a free card is small. If I bet the turn, they raise, and I just fold, I could have played a river for the same price as if I had check/called the turn, without the risk of getting bluff raised off my hand on the turn.

The 9 helps your hand a lot because it takes outs away from his Kx and 7x hands, which makes me more confident in checking the turn.

This applies to dry boards. Wet boards we are better off barreling.
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03-06-2018 , 07:31 PM
Haven't read responses ...

It is an easy call.

But: Bet flop a little bigger ($35 seems good) and shove turn.


As played, check/shoving turn maybe looks good if he is bluffy when checked to.
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